Jere Burns

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Jerald Eugene "Jere" Burns II (born October 15, 1954 in Cambridge , Massachusetts ) is an American actor .


Burns began his acting career in 1984 with a guest role on Young Fates and two appearances as James Fitzsimmons at Hill Street Police Station . In the following years he appeared in a number of other successful series formats, including a recurring role as Breughel in Max Headroom . He had appearances on the big screen in My Giant (1998) and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles (2001), among others . He also appeared on Broadway in the mid-2000s .

He gained a certain fame among US television audiences from 2010 through his portrayal of Anson Fullerton , the nemesis of the main actor in the series Burn Notice and Wynn Duffy , a seedy businessman in the series Justified .

Filmography (selection)

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  • 2005: After the Night and the Music
  • 2007: Hairspray

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Individual evidence

  1. (English)