Joachim Holtz

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Joachim Holtz (born December 13, 1943 in Stolp in Pomerania ) is a German journalist and foreign correspondent .

He works for ZDF and is best known for his work as a correspondent in the most important countries in the world, including the GDR , the USA , the USSR and the People's Republic of China .

After studying journalism , sociology and art history in Münster, Holtz began training as a journalist in various broadcasters .

Since 1974 he has worked as a freelancer, from 1976 as a permanent editor at ZDF, first in the ZDF studio in Hanover. He also reported as a correspondent for Die Zeit and the Handelsblatt .

1980 to 1984 he worked as a permanent correspondent in the ZDF studio in East Berlin. He then took over the management of the ZDF studio in Moscow. There he reported on the political, social and economic upheavals in the USSR and the Eastern Bloc , which made him known to a wide audience. He spent six years in the Soviet Union.

From September 1990, Holtz reported from the prestigious ZDF New York office. From March 1993 to 1998 he was in charge of the main foreign policy department at ZDF . In this role, he also moderated the broadcaster's international program, Auslandsjournal , often commented very pointedly in heute journal, and headed international reporting. As early as 1993 he introduced regular key topics on foreign policy, on Southeast Asia, Black Africa, the South Seas, North Africa, India, water and Russia. From October 1998 onwards, Holtz worked as a permanent correspondent in Beijing , from where he was responsible for the areas of China , Hong Kong , Macau , North Korea and Mongolia . Holtz was one of the first Western reporters to report extensively from Mongolia. He prefers long, visually strong, calmly edited films. People are the focus, the landscape can unfold its charm.

For example in the documentaries about the Yangtze flood in 1998, about the Yellow River, about Mongolia. Every year in the Phoenix event channel, Holtz gave a varied impression of developments in China in the My Abroad series . Everyday Heroes was the title of a program, programmatic for the author's objective. In autumn 2005, two of his films entitled Journey through the Middle Kingdom ran with great success on ZDF . A multi-faceted film about Shanghai followed in 2006 in the Megacitys series .

Imaginative texts, critical distance and a preference for calm image sequences characterize Joachim Holtz's films. On December 31, 2006, he finished his job as director of the ZDF studio in Beijing. Since then he has been a freelance writer. At the TU Dresden and at the Zeppelin University he works as a lecturer for television journalism.


  • 1973–: international journal
  • 1979: The Boat People arrive - Vietnamese in the Federal Republic
  • 1981: The Berliner Ring - German-German reality
  • 1981: Residence GDR - workplace Federal Republic. A writer in Germany: Rolf Schneider
  • 1981: The writers and peace (with Ruprecht Eser )
  • 1982: A Saarlander on the Spree : Erich Honecker
  • 1982: Thinking about Germany (with Günter Gaus )
  • 1983: "... but everything is so boring here" - young people in the GDR
  • 1985: Soviet Union : An endless world war
  • 1989: Moscow lets the reins loose
  • 1990: Soviet Union: Winter and the Crisis
  • 1991: Pictures from America: Georgia
  • 1991: Pictures from America: Seattle
  • 2000: When nature strikes
  • 2001: Mongolia: In the Claws of the Cold
  • 2002: Adventure Mongolia - Gold Rush in the Gobi
  • 2002: Adventure Mongolia - The Return of Genghis Khan
  • 2002: My Abroad: China in the Year of the Horse
  • 2003: The school of the cave children
  • 2003: China's Rivers - China's Future, Part 3: The Yellow River
  • 2003: China: Everyday Heroes
  • 2005: Journey through the Middle Kingdom
  • 2006: Shanghai - City of the Planned Future

Individual evidence

  1. Auslandsjournal (D 1973–)., accessed December 10, 2014 .
  2. The "Boat People" are coming - Vietnamese in the Federal Republic. Internet Movie Database , accessed June 10, 2015 .
  3. When nature strikes. Internet Movie Database , accessed June 10, 2015 .
  4. When nature strikes (D 2000)., accessed December 10, 2014 .
  5. China's currents - China's future (D 2002/2003)., accessed December 10, 2014 .
  6. China - ?? Journey through the Middle Kingdom / ZDF correspondent Joachim Holtz on the way through a land of contrasts., September 23, 2005, accessed December 10, 2014 .

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