Joaquim Arenas i Sampera

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Joaquim Arenas i Sampera (* 1938 in Mataró ) is a teacher and educator and one of the most important figures in the process of introducing Catalan as a language in school lessons.

Joaquim Arenas receives the Saint George Cross from the hands of the Catalan President Jordi Pujol (2003).


Since 1960 Arenas has been a teacher at various schools in Catalonia, including Montessori schools in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (1960), Cabrera de Mar (1961–68), Barcelona (1969–75) and Sabadell . At the same time he began to teach Catalan in secret at the Piarist School in Mataró, among others . After the transition from Franquism to democracy, the so-called Transition , in the second half of the 1970s, he was the coordinator and head of the educational team in the Catalan teaching department of the Kulturmnium Cultural organization . As a specialist advisor to the Catalan Ministry of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1978), he was chairman of the Catalan Education Service SEDEC from 1983 to 2003.

In 1990 he founded the Center for Columbus Studies ( Center d'Estudis Colombins ), which, among other things, supports the hypothesis that Christopher Columbus was a Catalan. Arenas is president of the center (as of 2019).

Through his work in the Department of Catalan Teaching at the Òmnium Cultural , he saw the spread and gradual introduction of Catalan and Catalan in schools from the very beginning. He also worked to make this an official part of the Generalitat's educational policy. During his time in the Catalan Education Service, he promoted the model of school in Catalan and language acquisition through immersion . He himself has supported, edited and written numerous works on language and school. He is also chairman of the Friends of the City of Barcelona and the Enllaç de Germanor amb l ' Alguer .

In 1995 he was rector of the Catalan Summer University. As an expert in this field, he also advised the governments of Bolivia (1991) and Guatemala (2000) on the introduction of the indigenous languages ​​of these countries into the school system. He is a member of the Catalan Pedagogical Society ( Societat Catalana de Pedagogia ), the Society for Language and Literature ( Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura ), the Institut d'Estudis Catalans , the Institute of Breton and the Mesa pola Normalización Linguística de Galicia.

In 2003 he was awarded the Cross of St. George for his work to promote the Catalan language in schools and to Catalanize the educational system in recognition of his cultural merits. From a nationalist-Catalan point of view, his great influence on the language of the Països Catalans (Catalan-speaking areas) was recognized in 1991 with the Pentecosta Award of the Valencian Community , in 2004 with the Medal of the Montpellier Academy and in 2005 with the 6th November Prize for Linguistic Normalization of the Franja de Ponent honored. In 2011 he received the Lluís Carulla Foundation's Civic Achievement Award .

In 2016 he was a co-signer of the manifesto of the Grup Koiné (Manifiesto Koiné), which among other things demands that Catalan should be the only official language of Catalonia.

He was critical of the Generalitat's plans for the use of Catalan and Spanish in schools, published in 2018 , as, in his opinion, they did not sufficiently emphasize the primacy of Catalan.

Arenas, and in particular the policy he advocates for the primacy of Catalan in schools, is sometimes heavily criticized by supporters of the bilingualism and equality of Castilian as a disadvantage for Spanish speakers.

He has lived in Premià de Mar for several years .


Articles in magazines

  • La llengua i l'ensenyament Secundari. Butlletí, No. 63. Col·legi oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats de Catalunya. Barcelona, ​​1988
  • Una ciudad como pretexto . Revista Catalònia Cultura, no.15 , Barcelona, ​​1989
  • Deu anys, una escola que anem fent nostra . In collaboration with Margarida Muset. Serra d'Or , no.350.Barcelona, ​​1989
  • La catalanització del sistema educatiu . Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Pedagogia, 1998
  • Interculturalitat o la pedagogia de la immigració . Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, Barcelona, ​​2002

In collaboration with other groups

  • Concepte i aplicació de l'escola catalana . Seminar Lenguas y Educación . University of Barcelona, ​​1979
  • Por una acción lingüística al servicio de los intereses nacionales. Seminar Lenguas y Educación. University of Barcelona, ​​1980
  • La situación de la enseñanza del catalán y en catalán . Seminar Lenguas y Educación . University of Barcelona, ​​1984
  • Bilingualism i Educació a Catalunya . In collaboration with Margarida Muset. Seminari Lenguas y Educación . University of Barcelona, ​​1986
  • Lengua y escuela més allá del aprendizaje . Seminar Lenguas y Educación . University of Barcelona, ​​1987


  • Primer cuboids de Lectura i Exercicis. In collaboration with M. Lluïsa Corominas. Edicions El Mall. Sant Boi del Llobregat, 1975
  • Treballem la geografia de Catalunya. Edicions del Mall. Sant Boi del Llobregat, 1976
  • La tècnica audiovisual i l'ensenyament de la llengua catalana. Edicions del Mall. Sant Boi del Llobregat, 1979
  • Del català a l'escola a l'escola catalana. In collaboration with Ernest Sabater. Edicions La Magrana. Barcelona, ​​1982
  • Andana. Segon cuboids de Lectura i Exercicis. In collaboration with Margarida Muset. Group promoter. Barcelona, ​​1983

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Manuel Cuyàs i Gibert: Som escola. In: El Punt Avui . June 17, 2014, accessed November 22, 2019 (Catalan).
  2. Composició de la Junta Directiva. (pdf; 124kB) Center d'Estudis Colombins, accessed on November 23, 2019 (Catalan).
  3. Manifest del Grup Koiné a favor del català com a única llengua oficial. In: April 1, 2016, accessed November 23, 2019 (Catalan).
  4. Pepa Masó: El padre de la inmersión rechaza el nuevo modelo lingüístico: "El catalán pierde fuerza". In: October 24, 2018 (Spanish).;
  5. Antonio Robles: Racismo cultural encubierto. In: El Mundo . June 6, 2016, Retrieved November 22, 2019 (Spanish).