Johann Andreas von Sprecher

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Johann Andreas von Sprecher.

Johann Andreas von spokesman , also Johann Andreas spokesman von Bernegg (born October 31, 1819 in Chur ; † January 8, 1882 ibid), was a Swiss historian who wrote a history of Graubünden and historical novels, among other things . At a young age he was also an officer in the Hungarian volunteer army. Speaker is considered to be the first to publish in Walser German dialect.


Speaker came from the Davos line of speakers from Bernegg . He was a grandson of Commissioner Anton Herkules von spokesman and a son of the federal state administrator Johann Andreas von spokesman. After the trading company of Sprecher and Rofler collapsed as a result of speculation in 1820, the father escaped legal prosecution and the family settled in Neuwied in the Rhineland in 1824 . There the young speaker attended the Moravian Knabenanstalt and then the grammar school in Wetzlar . In Bonn and Heidelberg he studied theology according to his parents' wishes , but mainly philosophy and philology out of personal inclination . After the death of his father, he broke off his studies for financial reasons and worked as a tutor in Neuchâtel , Geneva , Chur and Basel , then tried his hand at working as a freelance writer in Vienna and then worked again as a tutor in Transylvania .

In 1848 he took part in the Hungarian Revolution as an officer in the local volunteer organizations, was taken prisoner in Austria and was deported to Switzerland. After a stay as a language teacher in London , he lived with his sister in the parsonage of Thalheim in Aargau , where he produced a new edition of the geographic-statistical dictionary of Switzerland (printed in 1856) on behalf of the Sauerlander publishing house . Finally he moved to Chur, where he worked from 1854 as an actuary of the Graubünden Education Council and the cantonal poor commission. Administrative reorganization and a hearing disorder prompted him to work as a journalist and editor of the liberal Neue Bündner Zeitung in 1864 , and most recently he worked in the antiquarian book business.


Spokesman's most successful works were the history of the Republic of the III Leagues in the 18th century (the first volume dealt with the political, the second with the cultural history), the four novellas Aus Heimat und Fremde (two with memories from Hungary and two about Graubünden conditions) and the 17th century historical novels Donna Ottavia and Die Familie de Sass (he could no longer complete the third part of the trilogy). All of these works were reprinted in the 20th century.

The vernacular tale Das alt Mändli am Flüela is probably the first story ever written in Walser German that ever came out in print. A first time in 1858 she appeared in the feature section of the Berner Zeitung The federal government , for a second time in the collection Schwizer-Dütsch of Otto Suter champion . Later it was shortened somewhat by Hans Valär and converted into a more correct Davoser German and thus appeared in the book Schwizer Schnabelweid published by Traugott Vogel in 1939 .

Works (selection)

  • The old Mändli am Flüela (1858; again 1882/84 and, linguistically revised by Hans Valär, 1939)
  • History of the republic of the three leagues in the 18th century, for the first time according to the official and other handwritten sources (1872-75; the second volume in 1951 by Rudolf Jenny under the title Cultural History of the Three Leagues in the 18th Century, re-edited, 4 . Edition 1976).
  • From Home and Foreign (three novellas, 1859; 2nd edition 1931 or 1932)
  • Donna Ottavia (historical novel, 1878; new edition 1969)
  • The de Sass family (historical novel, 1881; 4th edition 1978)


  • Franz Brümmer:  Spokesman for Bernegg, Johann Andreas . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 35, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, p. 284 f.
  • Adolf Collenberg: Speaker, Johann Andreas von. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Hans Grass: Johann Andreas von spokesman. Live and act. Diss. Phil. I, Bern 1945. Spokesman, Chur 1945.
  • B. Hartmann: Johann Andreas von spokesman. In: Important Grisons from five centuries. Graubündner Kantonalbank's centenary on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its founding in 1870. Volume 2. Calven, Chur 1970, pp. 73–86.
  • Marietta Kobald-Walli (project manager): Läsiblüescht. Prättigau and Davos dialect texts from 159 years. Edited by the Walser Vereinigung Graubünden. o. O. 2017, p. 18 (on p. 19-25 also an excerpt from the altä Mändli am Flüela ).
  • Margrit Lang: Speaker, Johann Andreas von. In: German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical manual. 3rd, completely revised edition. Volume 19: Spohn - Sternaux. Edited by Hubert Herkommer and Carl Ludwig Lang. Saur, Bern / Munich 1984, column 22 f.

Web links


  1. Marietta Kobald-Walli (project manager): Läsiblüescht. Prättigau and Davos dialect texts from 159 years. Edited by the Walser Vereinigung Graubünden. o. O. 2017, p. 18.