Johann Christian Buxbaum

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Johann Christian Buxbaum (born October 5, 1693 in Merseburg , † July 7, 1730 in Wermsdorf ) was a German botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ JCBuxb. ".


Buxbaum studied medicine at the universities in Leipzig , Wittenberg , Jena and Leyden . On the recommendation of Friedrich Hoffmann , he was invited by Peter the Great . He hired him as a botanist and set up a pharmacological garden in the medical college in St. Petersburg. From September 1, 1725 to August 11, 1729 he became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and professor at the academic high school .

From 1724 he was a doctor and companion of Alexander Rumjanzew on a diplomatic mission to Constantinople in Turkey . On this occasion he visited Greece , traveled through Asia Minor and through the cities of Baku , Derbent and Astrakhan . Returned to Saint Petersburg in 1727 , he gave botanical lectures as a professor at the academy. During this time he carried out several botanical expeditions in the immediate vicinity of St. Petersburg and set up a herbarium with plants from the area around the then capital . In 1729 his health deteriorated and he left Russia , returned to Saxony , where he died.

Honor taxon

To commemorate his work, a genus of moss ( Buxbaumia Hedw.) Was named after him .



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