Johann Heinrich Meibom

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Johann Heinrich Meibom (born August 27, 1590 in Helmstedt ; † May 16, 1655 in Lübeck ) was a German doctor and professor of medicine at the University of Helmstedt ; He practiced for many years as the first city ​​doctor in Lübeck and wrote numerous medical and historical-philological works.


Johann Heinrich Meibom's father was the German historian and poet Heinrich Meibom the Elder from the old Lower Saxon family Meibom .

Meibom studied medicine in Helmstedt, Wittenberg and Leipzig. He had also enrolled in Padua on May 20, 1617 . 1619 he was in Basel for MD PhD . In 1620 he received a professorship at the University of Helmstedt, left Helmstedt in 1625 because of the Thirty Years War and settled as a doctor in Lübeck . In 1629 he gave up his professorship and became the first city doctor as well as personal doctor of the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck Johann X. , where he practiced as a medicus until his death in 1655 . His colleague from Mecklenburg, Paul Neucrantz, was appointed by the council as his successor as Stadtmedicus .


Title page of the 1718 edition

Meibom wrote numerous works, including a medical appraisal of the flagellation under the title De Flagrorum usu in re Veneria, & lumborum renumque officio, Epistola (Leiden 1639; German title translation: "Epistle about the usefulness of the scourge in love play"), which he dedicated to the prince-bishop's council Christian Cassius (1609–1676) and to whom he added a supplement that deals exclusively with the English flagellant literature. This typeface developed into a " bestseller "; it was translated into several languages ​​and reissued into the 19th century.

His son Heinrich Meibom also became an important physician.

There is a portrait of Johann Heinrich Meibom in the St. Anne's Museum of Art and Cultural History in Lübeck .

Works (selection)


Web links

Commons : Johann Heinrich Meibom  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. See in Jacob Friedrich Reimmann (1648–1743) , footnote 247, p. 58 , written by Theodor Günter; Reprint of the Cologne 1974 edition, pp. 71–79; on ( PDF file; 91 kB)
  2. a b c Lübeck doctor portraits  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - Article by Helmut von der Lippe in the Lübecker Nachrichten of July 6, 1997@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /