Johann Heinrich Zang

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Johann Heinrich Zang (born April 15, 1733 in Zella St. Blasii ; † August 18, 1811 in Würzburg ) was cantor in Mainstockheim near Kitzingen for over 50 years .

During this time he composed two complete years of church cantatas. Seven of these cantatas are still preserved and are now owned by the Bavarian State Library . He published a calligraphy , several handicraft books ( The Perfect Organ Maker and The Perfect Büttner or Küfer ) and left behind some music paintings.


As the son of the white tanner master Joh. Georg Zang in Zella-St. Born in Blasii , Zang learned Latin and Greek at home. His artistic talent was already evident during his school days, and so, at the age of 15, he immigrated to Leipzig for two years , where he was in contact with the Thomas Cantor Johann Sebastian Bach in 1748 and 1749 . He then went to Coburg , where he was a student of J. K. Heller, later chancellor at Banz Monastery and organist at Hohenstein Castle near Coburg.

In 1751 and 1752 he worked as a cantor in Walsdorf near Bamberg and from November 7, 1752 as a cantor and teacher in Mainstockheim .

For almost 50 years from 1752 to 1801 Johann Heinrich Zang shaped the musical life in Mainstockheim . He built up a musical choir, wrote numerous musical works and through his publications and works worked well beyond the small village as a scribe , artist and organ expert.

Johann Heinrich Zang died on August 18, 1811 in the Juliusspital in Würzburg.


As works by Johann Heinrich Zang are known to us today as preserved:

  • Calligraphia or self-teaching fine writing , probably self-published in 1762.
  • Complete Büttner or Küfer apprenticeship , Mainstockheim 1790, self-published, Schweinfurt 2/1794, JS Fr. Riedel, m. the title Des Kunst- u. Handwerksbuchs first part as 2nd edition Nuremberg 1804, AG Schneider u. Weigel.
  • The art u. Handwerks Buchs second part ... The perfect organ maker or teaching v. the organ u. Wind test , Nuremberg 1804, Schneider u. Weigel, 2/1810, 3/1829.
  • Seven church cantatas are dedicated to the Sundays 1st Advent, 1st Christmas Day, Easter Festival, 3rd Sunday after Easter, 2nd Pentecost day, Trinity Festival, 3rd Sunday after Trinity.
The month of October (1799) and the month of December (1807) in the possession of the Mainfränkisches Museum , Würzburg.
The Month of Maÿ (1807) in the Pelham Galleries, Paris & London.
The story of the prophet Elijah, / From the widow to Zarpath , (1805) privately owned.
  • The reworking of a copper engraving of the town of Kitzingen from 1770 (original by Johann Valentin Schmid, 1705).
No longer detectable
  • Singing Muse am Mayn , Nuremberg a. Wurzburg 1776.
  • 2 years of church cantatas.
  • 6 piano sonatas.
  • 12 trios for organ with 2 pianos and an obligatory pedal.


This article is a summary of the collected results of the research of the Johann Heinrich Zang Society e. V. as published on the website (see link below). The company was dissolved in 2009. The author of this Wikipedia article has placed the research results under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Meusel: Teutsches Künstlerlexikon. Vol. 3, Lemgo 1808-1814, pp. 575f.