Johann Heinrich von Herrmann

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Johann Heinrich Herrmann , von Herrmann since 1798 , (* 1766 in Prussia; † February 4, 1849 in Glogau ) was a Prussian major general .


Military career

Herrmann joined the "von Berrenhauer" garrison regiment of the Prussian army on March 11, 1782 . When the garrison regiments were disbanded, he came on May 1, 1788 to the depot battalion of the infantry regiment "von Owstien" . At the beginning of November 1793, Herrmann was promoted to second lieutenant there . Because of his special skills, he was transferred as adjutant to the infantry battalion “von Weyher” in January 1795 , from which the newly formed infantry regiment “von Graevenitz” was formed in the middle of the year . Here Herrmann rose to Prime Lieutenant on October 6, 1795 and on July 6, 1798 he was appointed by King Friedrich Wilhelm III. the hereditary Prussian nobility raised . Since the end of August 1802 staff captain , Herrmann took part in the Fourth Coalition War in 1806/07 .

After the Peace of Tilsit he was aggregated on May 27, 1809 with half pay with the 1st West Prussian Infantry Regiment . At the end of October 1809 he received 50 thalers as a gift. On February 27, 1810, Herrmann was promoted to captain and on July 18, 1810, at Scharnhorst's company , he was transferred to Berlin as a second member of the management of the war school with a salary of 360 thalers. On November 6, 1812, he left the regiment. On February 6, 1813 he came to the 2nd Reserve Battalion of the 2nd West Prussian Infantry Regiment and was aggregated to the regiment on February 15, 1813. With the regiment he took part in the wars of liberation . On May 20, 1813, he was transferred to the 4th Reserve Battalion of the 8th Leib Infantry Regiment . There Herrmann was promoted to major and battalion commander on July 3, 1813 . For his behavior in the battle near Luckau he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class on July 11, 1813 . Due to health reasons, however, Herrmann could no longer be used in the field. Because of his gout he was transferred to a replacement unit in Berlin.

In mid-November 1814, Herrmann was transferred back to the war school. For a short time, from June 20 to October 2, 1815, he was assigned to serve at the General Command in Silesia . Then promoted to lieutenant colonel, Herrmann returned to the war school. On March 30, 1823 he was promoted to colonel and received the Order of the Red Eagle III on March 11, 1832 on the occasion of his 50th anniversary of service . Class. Under awarding of the character as a major general Herrmann received on 12 February 1833 his farewell to the statutory pension . He died on February 4, 1849 in Glogau.


Herrmann married Dorothea Luise Elisabeth Havenstein (1771-1837) in Kolberg on October 31, 1793 , the daughter of a major and head of the garrison artillery company in Kolberg. The later Prussian infantry general Karl Friedrich Ludwig (1794–1876) emerged from the marriage.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kurt von Priesdorff: Soldatisches Führertum. Volume 6, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, o. O. [Hamburg], o. J. [1938], DNB 367632810 , pp. 200-201, no. 1826.