Johann von Löwenthal

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Johann von Löwenthal (around 1880), lithograph by Ignaz Eigner
Traunkirchen , grave of Löwenthal's son Arthur and his wife Anka (née Freiin von Maroicic ).

Johann Freiherr von Löwenthal (born July 4, 1803 in Vienna , † February 14, 1891 in Paris ) was an Imperial Austrian officer, most recently a Lieutenant Field Marshal , and attaché .


Johann Freiherr von Löwenthal came from the originally Baden family Löwenthal and was the son of Jacob von Löwenthal, wholesaler, large landowner, national bank director and board member of Austria's first savings bank. Jacob von Löwenthal was raised to the Austrian nobility in 1823 as a nobleman , received the Austrian knighthood in 1830 and in the same year the Lower Austrian Landmannschaft in the knighthood and in 1833 the Bohemian Landmannschaft in the knighthood. Johann's cousin Maximilian von Löwenthal (* 1799; † 1872) was a well-known writer, he wrote under the pseudonym Leo Walthen ( anagram of "Löwenthal").

Johann initially studied philosophy in Vienna and joined the Uhlan Regiment No. 4 as a cadet in 1824 . Just one year later he was promoted to lieutenant , in 1827 to first lieutenant in Dragoon Regiment No. 2 and in 1832 to Rittmeister in Hussar Regiment No. 2 . In 1836 Löwenthal became adjutant to Archduke and Palatine Joseph Anton Johann of Austria .

In 1848 he took part as a major in the campaign in northern Italy and in 1849 in the campaign against the rebellious Hungarians . During the fighting in Hungary he was subordinate to the Russian Support Corps as a column leader.

In 1852 he was posted to Minister of War Anton Csorich von Monte Creto and in 1854 to Major General Bamberg, chief of III. and IV. Section in the Army High Command. Promoted to colonel in 1855 , he initially remained with the Army High Command. In April 1857 Löwenthal was assigned to the international office in Constantinople and in 1858 he was appointed first attaché to the Austrian embassy in Paris. After a short stay in Brussels during the Northern Italian War , he remained as major general from 1861 until his dismissal in 1868 as an attaché in Paris.

For his services he was raised to the status of Austrian baron in 1871 and promoted to field marshal lieutenant on November 1, 1876. Johann Freiherr von Löwenthal died on February 14, 1891, at the age of 87 in Paris.
