Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin

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Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin (2017)

Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin (born November 26, 1980 ; resident in Menzingen and Zurich ) is a journalist and a former Swiss politician . From 2014 to 2016 she was Cantonal Councilor of the Canton of Zug . Since then she has been active as an activist in particular for women's rights and against hate speech on the World Wide Web .


Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin worked from 2003 to 2009 for the central Swiss private television broadcaster TeleTell as a video journalist and producer. From 2009 to 2010 she was a reporter, news anchor and canton council correspondent for Radio Sunshine .

Spiess-Hegglin has been married since summer 2006 and has three children.

Political career

In 2010 Spiess-Hegglin ran for the alternative - the Greens for the Cantonal Council , with the best result of the non-elected. In 2011 she ran on the list of Young Greens for the National Council as a support candidate for Jo Lang . In 2013 she was elected to the Co-Presidium of “Alternatives - the Green Train”, to which she was a member until 2015.

In the summer of 2013, Spiess-Hegglin and a committee she founded collected signatures for the referendum against the decision of the Grand City Council not to give the school children of the city of Zug discounted bus tickets. The referendum accepted the referendum on November 24, 2013 with 60.5%.

Spiess-Hegglin is a critic of the raw materials company Glencore . On December 23, 2013, she asked in a single initiative that the city of Zug should join the Zurich municipalities in the so-called "Säuliämter donation movement" by donating part of the Glencore tax money back to the mining countries. As a symbolic amount, 100,000 francs were to flow back to aid organizations. The idea was rejected by the city council of Zug. Because of this request, Spiess-Hegglin was invited to a discussion by Ivan Glasenberg , CEO of Glencore.

In 2014, Spiess-Hegglin achieved seventh place in the Zug city council elections, which were held for the first time in a majority procedure, and missed the opportunity to join the five-member city council. She was elected to the Zug Cantonal Council in autumn 2014 with 2,873 votes.

In November 2015, she resigned from the ALG cantonal parliamentary group. On December 31, 2015, he left the Green Party and on January 1, 2016, joined the Pirate Party of Central Switzerland.

At the end of 2016, she resigned from the Cantonal Council.

Incidents at the Zug Landammannfeier 2014


On December 20, 2014 the Landammannfeier took place in Zug , a celebration of the Zug government with invited guests and the Zug celebrities. After the celebration, around fifty guests went to a bar, including Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin and Markus Hürlimann, President of the SVP of the Canton of Zug. Spiess-Hegglin states that he woke up the following day with abdominal pain, without a hangover , but with a tear in the film .

She went to Zug Cantonal Hospital, where blood and urine tests were carried out. She also addressed the possibility of intoxication with knockout drops . Spiess-Hegglin was only taken from Spiess-Hegglin that evening in the hospital, although she asked for them in the morning. Neither the blood nor the urine tests gave any evidence of narcotic substances. Since GHB can only be detected in the body for eight hours, a hair sample was also examined in the course of the procedure , which also turned out negative. However, a negative hair sample cannot rule out the one-time intake of GHB ("Liquid Ectasy"). Well over 100 different active ingredients can be misused as “knockout agents”.

Since a sexual offense was suspected, the hospital notified the law enforcement authorities. The DNA of an SVP politician was found in Spiess-Hegglin's abdomen and another, unknown male DNA was found in her underwear. In her blog, Spiess-Hegglin suspects that not only she, but also Markus Hürlimann, was a victim of administered substances .

Legal dispute between those involved

Markus Hürlimann was temporarily arrested on the basis of an urgent suspicion and proceedings were opened against him on suspicion of desecration . In August 2015, the proceedings against Hürlimann were discontinued because there were "no indications of inability to resist ... due to knockout drops or other substances" and "the behavior of Spiess-Hegglin 'does not match the typical profile' of K. o.-drops ".

Hürlimann then reported Spiess-Hegglin several times, including for defamation and slander . A complaint against Spiess-Hegglin for false accusations was initially not accepted by the Zug public prosecutor. In November 2017, following a complaint from Hürlimann, the public prosecutor's office was forced to file charges for multiple defamation, multiple defamation and false accusations. She announced that she would face a sentence of more than two years.

In an out-of-court settlement in March 2018, Markus Hürlimann withdrew his complaints for defamation. The proceedings initiated by Hürlimann against Spiess-Hegglin for false accusations (official offense) went back to the public prosecutor. This investigated and refuted the allegations, the proceedings were discontinued. In the discontinuation order of May 7, 2018, the public prosecutor's office stated that Spiess-Hegglin was allowed to assume that he had been the victim of a sexual offense - even if no perpetrator could be identified. You have not accused anyone wrongly and did not proceed according to plan.

Media reaction

Many media published their own speculations and theses about the incident. Radio Pilatus and the online magazine Vice claim to have used the complete investigation files for their reporting and drew a differentiated picture. Vice's article was taken offline again shortly after publication, as Markus Hürlimann's legal representatives threatened legal action. Two bloggers published the text, which mainly criticized the investigation by the Zug public prosecutor's office, on their servers anyway. Hürlimann's lawyer published a reply to the Vice article. The report is about Spiess-Hegglin's own statements, not a medical statement.

Against the identified reporting the tabloid look strained Press Council complaint by Jolanda Pikes Hegglin was approved in June 2016 in all respects. With its first article Sex scandal about SVP politicians on December 24, 2014, with the publication of the names and portraits of those involved, the newspaper not only violated the journalists' code in several points, but also disregarded victim protection by identifying the alleged victim.

Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin filed a complaint against the deputy editor-in-chief of Weltwoche , Philipp Gut . The District Court of Zurich convicted him on May 15, 2017 of defamation. Philipp Gut accused Spiess-Hegglin of lying in an article in autumn 2015; she just made up the desecration. At the same time as Gut's article was published in “Weltwoche”, Markus Hürlimann had reported Spiess-Hegglin for false accusations. In some cases, identical wording was used in the criminal complaint and the «Weltwoche» article. Files from the criminal investigation presented to journalists (CH Media) show that “Weltwoche” and the SVP politician from Zug most likely acted in close consultation. The judgment was challenged by Philipp Gut, but confirmed by the Zurich Higher Court on June 18, 2019. After this conviction, the Luzerner Zeitung, to which the Zuger Zeitung belongs, apologized for errors in past reporting to the detriment of Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin.

Although Philipp Gut was finally convicted, “Weltwoche” initially failed to apologize to Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. She filed a civil lawsuit. In mid-2020, an agreement was finally reached before the Justice of the Peace of the City of Zurich. "Weltwoche" admitted to having violated Spiess-Hegglin's privacy and published a summary of the judgment on July 2, 2020. “Weltwoche” has admitted that the article by the former deputy editor-in-chief Philipp Gut from 2015 violated Spiess-Hegglin's personal rights. The "Weltwoche" signaled that there should be no place for defamation and personal injury, said Spiess-Hegglin to the online communication magazine Klein Report. Journalism is not a license to lie. Spiess-Hegglin continues: “For me that also means that it was important and good to keep going. There were times when I had almost no strength left to come to terms with things. But moments like these just show how important it is to hold media professionals accountable and to insist on correct reporting. "

At the beginning of July, Hansi Voigt , founder of the online portal Watson , interviewed the husband Reto Spiess for the first time. The procedures of Blick / Ringier and Michèle Binswanger from the Tages-Anzeiger were described as particularly reprehensible. According to Hanspeter Spörri, former editor-in-chief of the federal government, the events after the Landammann celebration and their media processing should not be described as a sex affair, but as a media affair.

In April 2018, the Süddeutsche Zeitung published a multi-page portrait of Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin in SZ magazine under the title As if nothing had happened . The conclusion of the article was that it appears as if Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin has overridden a known pattern, namely the pattern according to which a rape allegation can only end in two ways: Either he is convicted or she is convicted - and that usually happens outside the courtroom. Spiess-Hegglin found a third way: a role in which she accepts what has happened as part of her life.

In June 2018, three and a half years after the unresolved incidents in Zug, NZZ am Sonntag published an article with No journalist was a witness that night that summarizes Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin's experience in narrative form.

In October 2018, Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin was invited by the Swiss Reporter Forum for the opening Lightning Talk. In the 20-minute speech, today's network activist spoke in detail about her view of things and what happened to her in the "media hunt". She said there were almost 2,000 articles published about her. Of all the articles in 2015, there was only one that was based on careful research. Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin is currently giving interviews mainly in Germany.

On May 10, 2019, the Zug cantonal court ruled: The Zurich-based Ringier publishing house has committed a "serious personal injury" against Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. The reporting on Christmas Eve 2014, when Blick first mentioned her name, was "a blatant invasion of privacy". Ringier has to pay Spiess-Hegglin a satisfaction of 20,000 francs. In addition, the court ordered Ringier to pay the court costs of 6,000 francs. In addition, Ringier Spiess-Hegglin also has to transfer party compensation in the amount of a good 20,000 francs. Both parties appealed. On August 24, 2020, the Zug Higher Court published the judgment in the Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin appeal against Ringier AG. The court confirmed the violation of personality by the "Blick" reporting on the occasion of the Landamman celebration in December 2014 to the then Zug politician. Ringier CEO Marc Walder apologizes to Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin in a message on Walder writes in the report he authorized: “Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin's demand for a court-ordered publication of an apology has now also been rejected by the higher court after the cantonal court. We still want to apologize to Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. " It is still unclear whether Spiess-Hegglin will contest the judgment. If Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin wins in the further proceedings, it would be open to sue for further satisfaction and the distribution of profits in the millions.

In May 2020, the Zug cantonal court forbade the Tages-Anzeiger -Journalistin Michèle Binswanger by ex parte available personality hurtful remarks about Jolanda Pikes Hegglin spread. The background is Binswanger's book project about the Zug Landamman celebration. Tamedia, Binswanger's employer, announced its intention to challenge the super-provisional injunction. Spiess-Hegglin reported Binswanger on the basis of a tweet for defamation.


Spiess-Hegglin has been committed to combating gender-related injustices under the hashtag #nichtschweigen since 2016 .

Together with Irina Studhalter, Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin founded the #NetzCourage association in October 2016 , with which she offers help as a volunteer to those affected by internet networks . According to her own information, Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin, as managing director of the #NetzCourage association, has so far written around 200 advertisements, most of which would result in a penalty order or a settlement. To do this, Spiess-Hegglin also uses a fake account on Facebook, with which she reads in closed groups under a false name. #NetzCourage expanded its activities by offering lectures or workshops for companies or NGOs and teaching at schools.

In November 2019 Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin was nominated for the #DigitalFemaleLeaderAward and was one of the three women in the #SocialHero category in Bonn.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. MM: Frauen * kampftag 2019. Retrieved on March 14, 2019 .
  2. Be free on the net! Retrieved March 14, 2019 .
  3. Alternative - the Green Train, Green Train: Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin in the city council. Archived from the original on September 27, 2016 ; accessed on September 27, 2016 .
  4. Archive 2010 - Canton of Zug. In: Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  5. ^ Elections to the National Council - Canton of Zug. In: Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  6. Bus pass: Referendum submitted. In: Neue Zuger Zeitung . August 3, 2013, accessed September 18, 2016 .
  7. Furthermore, discounted bus passes for schoolchildren. In: Neue Zuger Zeitung. Retrieved September 14, 2016 .
  8. ↑ The city ​​of Zug is to donate 100,000 francs to aid organizations. In: Neue Zuger Zeitung. Retrieved September 14, 2016 .
  9. In conversation: Critic meets Glencore boss. In: Blick am Abend. February 18, 2014, accessed September 14, 2016 .
  10. Glencore boss Ivan Glasenberg receives left-wing politician from Zug. In: Neue Zuger Zeitung. Retrieved September 14, 2016 .
  11. Glasenberg meets critics for coffee. In: Neue Zuger Zeitung. Retrieved September 14, 2016 .
  12. Zug Online: Elections: Elections 2014: City Council; Results. In: Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  13. ^ Elections to the Cantonal Council - Canton of Zug. In: Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  14. Zug Online: Elections: Elections 2014: Cantonal Council, Representation of the City of Zug; Results. In: Retrieved September 27, 2016 .
  15. Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin new to the pirates. January 8, 2016, accessed September 27, 2016 .
  16. Vanessa Nikisch: Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin puts an end to politics. SRF, accessed on November 24, 2016 .
  17. Zug sex scandal: got out of hand. Die Weltwoche , archived from the original on September 27, 2016 ; accessed on September 27, 2016 .
  18. No knockout drops in hair sample from Spiess-Hegglin , Neue Zürcher Zeitung , March 2, 2015, accessed on September 22, 2016.
  19. ↑ Interesting facts about hair analysis for drugs. February 7, 2014, accessed on January 6, 2020 (German).
  20. KO funds. In: FTC Austria. Accessed January 6, 2020 (German).
  21. No evidence does not mean "no knockout drops". May 31, 2016, accessed January 6, 2020 .
  22. ^ Adrian Schulthess: "She woke up with pain in her lower abdomen" , Sunday newspaper , December 28, 2016, accessed on September 22, 2016;
    Michèle Binswanger : "They kiss, what do we do?" , Tages-Anzeiger , April 7, 2015, accessed on September 22, 2016.
  23. ^ "Blatant intrusion into privacy": Swiss "Blick" condemned . In: Der Standard , May 10, 2019, accessed on May 18, 2019.
  24. Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin: There is no right to personal injury. In: . May 5, 2020, accessed May 11, 2020 .
  25. a b Criminal proceedings against Hürlimann discontinued , Neue Zürcher Zeitung , August 28, 2016, accessed on September 22, 2016.
  26. Hürlimann reports Spiess-Hegglin . In: Tages-Anzeiger , April 12, 2015, accessed on May 18, 2019
  27. ^ Public prosecutor's office charges Spiess-Hegglin. Luzerner Zeitung , accessed on March 29, 2018 .
  28. Public prosecutor's office indicts Spiess-Hegglin ( memento from November 18, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) In: Luzerner Zeitung November 16, 2017
  29. Isabel Pfaff: My name is mine. Retrieved June 23, 2020 .
  30. Pascal Hollenstein: Spiess-Hegglin case: “Weltwoche” editor has to go to court for defamation. Retrieved January 6, 2020 .
  31. The files on the Zug sex affair. Radio Pilatus , May 29, 2016, accessed on September 27, 2016 .
  32. Questions that we still have to ask about the “Zug sex affair”. Vice , September 23, 2015, accessed September 27, 2016 .
  33. redder: Zuger Sexaffaire: Vice-Text online again despite threats. In: fadegrad. September 24, 2015, archived from the original on September 26, 2015 ; accessed on September 28, 2016 .
  34. Stefan Thöni: Questions that we still have to ask about the “Zug sex affair”. In: Archived from the original on December 29, 2017 ; accessed on September 28, 2016 .
  35. Hacker claims to have found video of the incident. 20min , September 22, 2015, accessed May 25, 2019 .
  36. Zug sex affair: press council reprimands «Blick». In: Tages-Anzeiger . Retrieved September 14, 2016 .
  37. Rainer Stadler: "Zuger Sex Affair": Press Council criticizes the "Blick" heavily. NZZ , June 28, 2016, accessed on September 20, 2016 .
  38. a b Pascal Hollenstein: "Weltwoche" - Vice under indictment. Luzerner Zeitung , accessed on June 14, 2017 .
  39. He wrote about Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin: Weltwoche vice convicted of defamation. Luzerner Zeitung , accessed on June 14, 2017 .
  40. Pascal Hollenstein: Spiess-Hegglin case: “Weltwoche” editor has to go to court for defamation. Retrieved January 6, 2020 .
  41. «Weltwoche» - Vice-Vice President guilty of defamation - Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin: «Important Sign». Retrieved January 6, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  42. ^ Weltwoche: Judgment published in favor of Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. World Week, July 2, 2020, accessed on July 3, 2020 .
  43. ^ "Weltwoche" publishes judgment against Philipp Gut. In: Klein Report. Klein Report, July 3, 2020, accessed July 3, 2020 .
  44. Reto Spiess: "My love for Jolanda has actually become even stronger". Watson , July 7, 2017, accessed July 8, 2017 .
  45. Not a sex affair, but a media affair., accessed on September 10, 2017 .
  46. Charlotte Theile: As if nothing had happened. In: SZ-Magazin. Süddeutsche Zeitung , April 17, 2018, accessed on April 19, 2018 .
  47. Katharina Bracher: Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin: "No journalist was a witness that night". In: NZZ am Sonntag . Retrieved August 21, 2018 (recorded).
  48. Reporter Forum with opening speech by Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin, October 22, 2018.
  49. Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin: Lightning Talk on October 19, 2018 in the Volkshaus Zurich, text documented at, video at
  50. "I wanted to talk about the hatred I had experienced". Deutschlandfunk Nova, November 21, 2018, accessed November 30, 2018 .
  51. Ringier boss apologizes to Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin. Tagesanzeiger, accessed on August 25, 2020 .
  52. "Sorry, Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin". Retrieved August 25, 2020 .
  53. ^ "Blatant intrusion into privacy": Swiss "Blick" condemned. The Standard , accessed May 15, 2019 .
  54. Pascal Hollenstein: "Crass intrusion into the intimate sphere": Spiess-Hegglin wins against the "Blick". Luzerner Zeitung , accessed on May 15, 2019 .
  55. Martin Steiger: “Judgment: Ringier injured personality of Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin with an article about Zug's Landammannfeier” (decision A1 2017 55 of May 8, 2019 of the Cantonal Court of Zug in full text). Steiger Legal, accessed July 5, 2019 .
  56. Raphael Waldvogel: Michèle Binswanger is not allowed to write about Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin in a "personal way". In: May 7, 2020, accessed May 11, 2020 .
  57. Pascal Hollenstein: Spiess-Hegglin case: Now the public prosecutor's office has to deal with a “Tagesanzeiger” journalist. In: May 11, 2020, accessed May 11, 2020 .
  58. Jolanda Spiess-Hegglin (35), Zug politician: "Then suddenly they get very small". August 10, 2016, accessed September 14, 2016 .
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  61. Spiess-Hegglin uses fake profiles for advertisements . In: 20 minutes . ( Online [accessed September 10, 2017]).
  62. www 20minuten ch, 20 minutes, 20 min. Spiess-Hegglin nominated for an award in Germany. Retrieved January 6, 2020 .