Joseph Zuckmayer

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Karl (also Carl) Friedrich Joseph Zuckmayer (born February 5, 1861 in Bodenheim ; † August 15, 1919 in Wiesbaden ) was a German politician ( center ) and a member of the 2nd Chamber of the Estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse .


Friedrich Carl Joseph Zuckmayer was the son of the lawyer Justizrat Dr. jur. Jakob Joseph Zuckmayer (born December 8, 1837 in Mainz) and his wife Klara Thekla, born Berninger (born July 29, 1842). His first names were probably chosen with a view to the last Elector of Mainz: Friedrich Carl Joseph, Freiherr von Erthal. All firstborn sons in the Zuckmayer family traditionally had the nickname Joseph . He still had five siblings. This also included the third-born, the entrepreneur Carl Zuckmayer sen. (1864–1947), this father of the musician Eduard Zuckmayer and the playwright Carl Zuckmayer .

Joseph Zuckmayer married Katharina, born Joerg, on May 22, 1886 in Mainz. He was of Roman Catholic faith.

education and profession

Joseph Zuckmayer studied law in Strasbourg, Bonn and Gießen from 1878 and graduated with two state exams and a doctorate in law. jur. from. He was a fraternity student, which was easily recognized by the large "pull" on his left cheek. In 1886 he was admitted to the bar at the Mainz Regional Court and the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court . In 1908 he was appointed to the judiciary.


Joseph Zuckmayer was a member of the Center Party of Hesse and from 1899 a city councilor in Mainz. From December 16, 1908 until its dissolution on November 16, 1919, he was a member of the second chamber of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse. In 1908 he was elected for the constituency Rheinhessen 8 / Ober-Olm and in 1911 for Rheinhessen 9 / Weisenau. Shortly before his death, the Daily Mail published an interview with him on June 19, 1919 on the question: "Is the Treaty of Versailles justified?" .


  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 427.
  • Klaus-Dieter Rack, Bernd Vielsmeier: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the first and second chambers of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 1820–1918 and the state parliament of the People's State of Hesse 1919–1933 (= Political and parliamentary history of the State of Hesse. Vol. 19 = Work of the Hessian Historical Commission. NF Vol. 29) . Hessian Historical Commission, Darmstadt 2008, ISBN 978-3-88443-052-1 , No. 1033.
  • Hans Georg Ruppel, Birgit Groß: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse (2nd Chamber) and the Landtag of the People's State of Hesse (= Darmstädter Archivschriften. Vol. 5). Verlag des Historisches Verein für Hessen, Darmstadt 1980, ISBN 3-922316-14-X , pp. 281–282.

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