Julius Dörfel

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Julius Dörfel

Julius Dörfel (born February 16, 1834 in Warnsdorf , Bohemia ; † September 18, 1901 in Vienna ) was an Austrian architect .


Julius Dörfel was the son of the manufacturer Franz Dörfel. He attended the citizens' school in Warnsdorf from 1844 to 1848 . Then he came to Vienna, where he learned "free hand drawing" from 1850 to 1851 at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna . This was followed by a visit to the Polytechnic Institute in Vienna between 1852 and 1854 and then to the Bauakademie in Berlin . Dörfel went on a study trip through Germany , Belgium , Holland , England , France and Italy .

Dörfel began his professional activity in the 1850s for the Austrian State Railways. In the 1860s he went into business for himself. In 1863 he became a civil engineer and a member of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects , and in 1868 of the Lower Austrian Chamber of Engineers. There he was president and very committed to professional politics. In addition, Dörfel was a member of the cooperative of visual artists of Vienna from 1863 to 1865 and again from 1872 to 1898.

Julius Dörfel was buried in the Dornbacher Friedhof . He was unmarried and left his considerable fortune to charities, as well as to his niece, who ran his household, and other relatives.


Dörfel was a typical representative of the historicist style. He only used forms of the Neo-Renaissance . At the same time as the Vienna Ringstrasse and the associated city expansion, Dörfel built numerous rental houses there. His buildings usually have business premises on the ground floor, offices and warehouses in the mezzanine and apartments above, and meet the representative requirements of his clients.

Mahlerstrasse 14 (1868–1869)
Stock exchange 4 (1871–1873)
  • Participation in the construction of the railway bridge over the River Tisza near Szeged (1854)
  • Heinrich Villa , Hochstraße 24, Bad Vöslau (1864)
  • Rental house , Johannesgasse 16, Vienna 1 (1867–1869)
  • Rental house , Mahlerstraße 14 / Schwarzenbergstraße 10, Vienna 1 (1868–1869)
  • Rental house , Werdertorgasse 9, Vienna 1 (1869)
  • Rental and commercial building group , Gonzagagasse 17, 19 / Esslinggasse 11, Vienna 1 (1869–1870)
  • Rental and commercial building , Gonzagagasse 15 / Eßlinggasse 12, Vienna 1 (1869–1870)
  • Rental house , Eßlinggasse 7, Vienna 1 (1869–1870)
  • Rental house , Neutorgasse 12 / Eßlinggasse 6, Vienna 1 (1870)
  • Rental and commercial building group , Eßlinggasse 2, 4 / Börseplatz 4 / Börsegasse 10 / Werdertorgasse 1, 3 / Neutorgasse 9, 11, Vienna 1 (1871–1873), also client
  • Rental house , Maria Theresien-Straße 30, Vienna 1 (1874)
  • Rental house , Schottenring 31–33, Vienna 1 (1874)
  • Rental house , Schwindgasse 11, Vienna 4 (1874)
  • Rental house of the Allgemeine Wiener Baugesellschaft , Maria Theresien-Straße 28 / Deutschmeisterplatz 3, Vienna 1 (1875)
  • Rental house , Schwindgasse 17, Vienna 4 (1875)
  • Gerstner House , Kärntner Strasse 12, Vienna 1 (1876)
  • Rental house , Argentinierstraße 19, Vienna 4 (1877)
  • Rental house , Maria Theresien-Straße 36, Vienna 1 (1880)
  • Rental house , Franz-Josefs-Kai 65, Vienna 1 (1880)


Web links

Commons : Julius Dörfel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files