Justus Kipius

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Justus Kipius (also Kiepe , Kipp , von Kipe ; * 1588 in Hameln , † 1664 in Hanover ) was a German lawyer , diplomat and chancellor of the Principality of Calenberg .

Live and act

Justus Kipius studied law in Helmstedt from 1612. In 1616 he obtained his doctorate in law in Marburg.

In 1614 he was offered a chair for Roman private law at the University of Stadthagen . After only four years of teaching, he gave up his university teaching career and in 1618 became municipal syndic in Stadthagen. From 1627 he worked as court and consistorial advisor for Duke Friedrich Ulrich zu Braunschweig in Wolfenbüttel. In this function, he took on various important assignments, for example litigation against the Duke's unfaithful, escaped wife. Justus Kipius was friends with the theology professor Georg Calixt from Helmstedt . In 1629 he went to represent the ducal interests in the Thirty Years' War as envoy extraordinary to Vienna and in 1633 as envoy to the Frankfurt convent.

After Duke Friedrich Ulrich's death in 1634, he served Duke Georg of Braunschweig and Lüneburg (Calenberg), among other things, as an envoy to the electoral collegiate conference in Regensburg. 1638 he was by Emperor Ferdinand III. raised to the imperial nobility.

Duke Christian Ludwig of Braunschweig and Lüneburg (Calenberg) , the successor of Duke George, appointed him Chancellor of the Principality of Calenberg after his death in 1641 . In 1661 Kipius resigned from office. He died in 1664.

In Hameln in 1646 he acquired the so-called Kipehof , which he had rebuilt in stone. The Ki (e) pehof remained in the family for over 150 years until after 1825. Although still intact, it was demolished in 1971 by decision of the city council.

Marriage and offspring

He married Anna Beate von Kampe (Campe) from the Kirchberg family.

Her descendants , the Barons von Kipe , who are variously wealthy in southern Lower Saxony , are:

  • Daniel Jobst
  • Johann Friedrich
  • Bodo Wilhelm Freiherr von Kipe (born March 6, 1644; March 27, 1700 in Hasperde) was raised to the status of imperial baron by Emperor Leopold I ; On February 5, 1675 he bought the Hasperde and Flegessen estates ⚭ Agnes Dorothee von Knigge from the Bredenbeck house
    • Agnes († March 4, 1696 in Hasperde)
    • Anna Osterheld (born August 16, 1671 in Hameln, † June 27, 1713 in Hasperde, burial in Flegessen) ⚭ Rittmeister Claus Johann von Reden
    • Jobst Wilhelm (* 1674 in Hasperde; † August 30, 1732 in Hameln); 1688 baron; Captain of Bissendorf ; Heir to Hasperde, Flegessen, Imbshausen , Sack and Hameln ⚭ Gertrud Elisabeth Magdalena von Steinberg (* 1680 in Wispenstein ; February 26, 1749 in Flegessen), heiress of the Imbshausen manor. She kept the goods until her death.
      • Friedrich Wilhelm (born June 18, 1708 in Hasperde; † April 22, 1751 in Hanover, burial in the minster in Hameln)
        • ⚭ 1.) Anna Dorothee Freiin von Hake from the house of Ohr († May 7, 1749 in Hasperde, beerd. In the minster in Hameln)
          • Magdalena Sophie Friederike (born August 19, 1740 in Hameln; † 1801)
          • Sophie (born August 8, 1742 in Hasperde), ⚭ November 15, 1758 the court advisor Ernst Wilhelm von Reden
          • Wilhelmine (born June 18, 1746 in Hasperde), heiress of Imbshausen, ⚭ February 22, 1775 (in Regensburg?) Chief Forester Freiherr von Stralenheim . Since then, the Stralenheim have been sitting at Imbshausen Castle to this day .
        • ⚭ 2.) Friederike Wilhelmine von Zastrow (ad. Von Hodenhagen) († October 14, 1764) administered Flegessen and Hasperde 1751–1764
          • Amalie Ernestine (born April 8, 1748 in Hasperde; † April 15, 1825), heiress of Hasperde, ⚭ February 22, 1775 Baron Adolf Christoph von Hake ; Owner of Diedersen , later General of the Infantry. The Hake owned Hasperde until the end of the 20th century, their heirs to this day.
          • Sophie (* July 13, 1751) ⚭ February 12, 1770 Councilor of Ompteda (Dietrich Heinrich Ludwig?)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. demolition of Kiepehofs 1971