Canton of Rougemont-le-Château

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canton of Rougemont-le-Château
region Franche-Comté
Department Territoire de Belfort
Arrondissement Belfort
main place Rougemont-le-Château
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 5,748 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 85 inhabitants / km²
surface 68 km²
Communities 11
INSEE code 9005

The Canton of Rougemont-le-Château was 2015 a French constituency in the Arrondissement Belfort , in the department Territoire de Belfort and the region Franche-Comté . Its main town was Rougemont-le-Château .

The canton of Rougemont-le-Château was created in 1871 by separating the four francophone communities Rougemont, Romagny, Leval and Petitefontaine from the canton of Masevaux , which came to the German Empire after the Franco-German War with Alsace . In contrast, the canton of Rougemont-le-Château remained with France. The territory of this small canton was enlarged in 1984 when the municipalities of Felon, Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont and Saint-Germain-le-Châtelet from the canton of Fontaine and Anjoutey, Bourg-sous-Châtelet, Étueffont and Lamadeleine-Val-des-Anges from the canton Giromagny moved to the canton of Rougemont-le-Château.


The canton consisted of eleven municipalities:

 local community   Residents   Code postal   Code Insee 
Anjoutey 595 90170 90003
Bourg-sous-Châtelet 128 90110 90016
Étueffont 1433 90170 90041
Felon 223 90110 90044
Lachapelle-sous-Rougemont 466 90360 90058
Lamadeleine-Val-des-Anges 34 90170 90061
Leval 196 90110 90066
Petitefontaine 174 90360 90078
Romagny-sous-Rougemont 202 90110 90086
Rougemont-le-Château 1252 90110 90089
Saint-Germain-le-Châtelet 536 90110 90091

Population development

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999
4222 4046 4008 4314 4867 5041