Captain Stepanovich Pavlov

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“Carpenter” by Kapiton Pavlov in 1838; Russian Museum , Saint Petersburg

Kapiton Stepanovich Pavlov ( Russian Капитон Степанович Павлов , Ukrainian Капітон Степанович Павлов Kapiton Stepanowytsch Pavlov * 1792 in Tallinn , Governorate of Estonia , Russian Empire ; † December 20, 1851 . Jul / 1. January  1852 greg. In Kiev , Kiev Governorate , Russian Empire ) was a Russian- Ukrainian portrait , landscape and genre painter and university professor .


Kapiton Pavlov was born in Reval, now Tallinn in Estonia, as the son of a civil servant port officer. At the age of eight he was accepted as a student at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg , where he studied from 1800 to 1815 and was finally awarded the title of freelance artist.

In 1820 Pavlov went to Ukraine and taught there until 1839 at the grammar school in Nischyn , where he, among others, Nikolai Gogol , the brothers Mykola ( Микола Павлович Гребінка ) and Jewhen Hrebinka , Apollon Mokrizki and Oleksandr Afanassjew-Tschuschbete .

From 1839 to 1846 he was a professor at the St. Vladimir University in Kiev . He used his time in Kiev to expand and improve the university collection. He bought paintings from local philanthropists , which he restored himself, and also suggested buying famous paintings by foreign artists. In 1843 Pavlov was a member of the commission that studied the monograph of the Church of the Assumption of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . During his stay in Kiev he married Kateryna Jarowoj and subsequently became the father of six children. In October 1846 Pavlov applied for exemption from teaching. Among the candidates for the now vacant post were the artist Paul Grinder , Napoleon Bujalskyj ( Наполеон Миколайович Буяльський ) Iossif Gaber list ( Иосиф Иванович Габерцеттель ) and Taras Shevchenko , who was in 1846 in Kiev. After his retirement, Pavlov moved back to Nizhyn. He died in Kiev on January 1, 1852.

Pavlov was a personal acquaintance of the famous Ukrainian poet and painter Taras Shevchenko, who described Pavlov in the story "Twins" (Russian: Близнецы Blisnezy ), which he wrote in Russian in the summer of 1855 , as "a good artist and a friendly person" . He was also a friend of the historian Dmitro Bantisch-Kamensky ( Дмитро Миколайович Бантиш-Каменський ), the composer M. Ju. Wijelhorsky ( М. Ю. Вієльгорськи ) and many other cultural personalities.


Kapiton Pavlov was one of the first artists in Ukraine to depict the lives of ordinary people in their paintings. His paintings testify to the artist's attraction to reproducing real scenes from the lives of ordinary people. The poetry of the environment of human existence is characteristic of his portraits. A special place in his work belonged to the portraits of children, which, according to the critics, reflect the sentimental and poetic temperament of the Ukrainian soul.


Genre images


  • “Church of the Holy Savior in Poltava ”, 1830s


Web links

Commons : Kapiton Pavlov  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Entry on Kapiton Pavlov in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia ; Retrieved April 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  2. a b c d e f Entry on Kapiton Pavlov on ; Retrieved April 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  3. Text of Blisnezy in Taras Shevchenko - Collected Works on ; Retrieved April 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  4. The development of painting in the first half of the nineteenth century on ; Retrieved April 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  5. Music, Art and Architecture in Search of Ukrainian Art Style on ; Retrieved April 26, 2018 (Ukrainian).
  6. Національний художній музей України (National Art Museum of Ukraine) . 2003, p. 211 , No. 116: The artist's children 1830s (Ukrainian, English, text archive - Internet Archive - National Museum of Ukraine).