Karin Rosenbaum

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Karin Rosenbaum (* 1954 in Porto Alegre , Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil ) is a Brazilian-German sculptor and graphic artist .


Karin Rosenbaum was born as the daughter of the German-Brazilian Lutheran Theodor Fritz Kleine († 1999, known as Theo Kleine) in southern Brazil. Rosenbaum studied art in Novo Hamburgo from 1972 to 1976 . From 1974 to 1980 she did an apprenticeship and worked in a sculpture workshop. From 1977 she was a freelance sculptor and graphic artist in southern Brazil with numerous exhibitions and commissioned works a. a. for the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (EKLBB / IECLB). In 1985 the company moved to São Paulo . In 1986 she married Walter Rosenbaum, pastor of the IECLB from Germany. From 1987 she worked as an art teacher in the social project Reconciliação do Menor . In 1995 she was co-founder and head of the social project Sal da Terra and the parament workshop Oficina de Paramentos Campo Grande . In 1998 the company moved to Germany, to Bassum - Nordwohlde in the Lower Saxony district of Diepholz . She has been living and working in Bruchhausen-Vilsen since 2015 .



Karin Rosenbaum uses Rochlitzer porphyry , Obernkirchen sandstone , Indian soapstone , alabaster , Spanish white soapstone and Brazilian soapstone as material for her sculptures .

Sculptures from 1976, created in São Leopoldo (Brazil)

  • libertação (1976)
  • sonhos (1976)
  • obstáculo (1976)
  • desenvolvimento (1980)
  • Pietàt (1981)
  • Findero (1983)
  • culpa (1983)
  • ambivalência (1983)
  • decadência e regeneração da cultura (1984)
  • o flautist (1984)
  • em direção a Deus (1984)
  • paixão e compaixão (1985)
  • origem (1985)
  • ponte (1987)
  • mão (1987)
  • nascimento (1988)
  • a pérola (1991)
  • mãe natureza (1991)
  • equilíbrio (1992)
  • Isaiah (1993)
  • Laocoon (1993)
  • parafuso (1994)
  • passo (1995)
  • oração (1995)
  • Stay human (1996)

Sculptures from 1999, created in Nordwohlde

  • Waiting for the new millennium (1999)
  • Angel (2000)
  • Vida (2000)
  • You put my feet in a wide space (2001)
  • The couple (2001)
  • Angel (2001)
  • Mandala (2001)
  • Vision (white head) (2001)
  • Spiral of Love (2002)
  • Water of Life (2002)
  • The Made Man (2002)
  • With Empty Hands (2002)
  • The Wave (2003)
  • Learning to Fly (2003)
  • Molting (2004)
  • Fear (2005)
  • Mourning Spiral (2006)
  • Double column (2007)
  • Moment (2008)
  • Jesus on the cross (2008)
  • The Woman Without a Name (2008)
  • Metamorphosis (2010)
  • The Risen One (2012)
  • Power (2014)
  • Power and Powerlessness (2016)
  • Last Supper (2016)

Works in public space

These works can be found in public spaces - in churches and cemeteries:

Stained glass window

  • for the Evangelical Lutheran parish in Sorocaba (Brazil) "Capela da Esperança" (1988)


  • Angels for the Church in Nordwohlde (2000)
  • Stele for the Nordwohlder Friedhof (2004)
  • Sculpture group Mourning spiral for the memorial garden in the children's hospice Löwenherz, Syke (2006)
  • Double stele for a private person (2006; cemetery in Oldenburg )
  • Stele for the parish of Heiligenloh (2007; cemetery)
  • Relief Jesus on the cross for the Nordwohlder Church (2008)
  • Stele for the parish of Heidenau (2010; cemetery)
  • Sculpture The Risen One for the east wall of the altar in the Nordwohlder Church (2014)

Graphic work

  • Sgraffito on the outside wall of the kindergarten of the House of Youth in Gramado (Brazil)
  • three murals (sgraffitos) several meters in size in different buildings in Novo Hamburgo:
    • in the entrance area of ​​a glass bottle factory
    • in a pastry shop / restaurant
    • on a wall in the art university
  • Six graphics for the Beatitudes , created for the parament workshop Oficina de Paramentos Campo Grande . According to these drafts, which interpret the Beatitudes of Jesus in and for Brazilian reality and society from the perspective of the losers, the paraments, stoles and tapestries are still made today .
  • 12 graphics for the liturgical annual cycle , also created for the parament workshop Oficina de Paramentos Campo Grande . The graphics are the basis for the production of antependia in the workshop to this day.
  • Graphics for the annual solutions for the years 2005 to 2018 for the parish Eisleben , the parish Bassum u. a.
  • Christmas card for the Mission One World in Neuendettelsau , Bavaria (2009)
  • Logos for the Ev. Kindergarten Nordwohlde (2010), for the daycare association Syke-Hoya and Grafschaft Diepholz (2012) and for three parishes (Syke, Barrien, Heiligenfelde; 2013)
  • Posters and flyers for the women’s working group in the Syke-Hoya church district (2011) and for the Bassum parish (2016/17)


Collective exhibitions

From 1977 to 1996 Karin Rosenbaum took part in a total of 13 collective exhibitions in Brazil - in Gramado , São Leopoldo and São Paulo .

Solo exhibitions

From 2000 to 2017, Karin Rosenbaum's works were shown in numerous solo exhibitions in Germany. These were mainly exhibitions of the sculptures she created in Bassum , Colnrade , Cuxhaven , Eisleben , Heidenau , Nienburg / Weser , Sulingen , Syke and Varrel , including

  • "Pictures for the Bible" (2003: Varrel, 2004: Sulingen)
  • Traveling exhibition "Through-Life" with 10 sculptures (2005: St. Martinskirche Nienburg / Weser; 2006: St. Andreas Church Eisleben and Christ Church Heidenau; 2007: Martinskirche Cuxhaven; 2008: Stiftskirche Bassum)


  • Karin Rosenbaum. In: artist profiles. Editor: Art in the Province eV, p. 180
  • Karin Rosenbaum. In: Weltbewegt - magazine of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church, June – July 2009, pp. 15–17
  • Illustrations for: Milton Schwantes: In the beginning there was hope.
  • Cover for: Mandrágora - revista do NETMAL / IEPG
  • Illustration of the sculpture "ponte" for the cover to: Wolfgang Gern: Touched by the pain of others. Diaconal impulses. With an afterword by Nikolaus Schneider. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016, ISBN 978-3-374-04275-3
  • Cover for the online magazine RE-UNIR “Estudos literários” and “Estudos linguísticos” of the Centro de Estudos da Linguagem da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, vol. 4, nº 1 e 2, 2017, ISSN 2594-4916.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dieter Kleine: Kulturgesellschaft Gramado. In: akademie-brasil-europa.org. www.revista.akademie-brasil-europa.org, accessed on November 27, 2017 .
  2. ^ Website of the Parament Workshop Campo Grande
  3. Karin Rosenbaum is a sculptor and will produce the sculpture “Der Auferstandene” until Easter / Financed only through donations. A stone Jesus for the Nordwohlder Church on October 5, 2013 on weser-kurier.de
  4. ^ [1] on kirchengemeinde-nordwohlde