Karl-Friedrich Gerster

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Karl-Friedrich Gerster (born November 25, 1932 in Düsseldorf ; † April 24, 2013 ) was a German actor and radio play speaker .

life and work

Karl-Friedrich Gerster learned the acting profession at the seminar of the Hamburger Kammerspiele and at the young talent studio of the Bochumer Schauspielhaus , of which he was a member from 1960 to 1965. In the 1965/66 season Gerster was engaged at the Stadttheater Trier, where he played SIMON in productions by Hans Neuenfels, in Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, ARTHUR, in Mrozek's TANGO, Schiller's KARL MOOR and also the MARAT ("in his tub") - numerous great roles for a season! In 1966 he went to Krefeld , where he was seen, among other things, in public abuse by Peter Handke in a production by Hans Neuenfels . The following year he took up a permanent engagement at the Staatstheater Kassel , which he ended in 1973 when he moved to the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus , where he worked until 1976. Other stages in his stage career were, among others, the Hanover State Theater , the Berlin Renaissance Theater , the Hamburger Kammerspiele and the Lüneburg Theater .

Karl-Friedrich Gerster was first seen in front of the camera in 1968 in the film Ich . Since then he has had mostly smaller roles in various films and series, such as B. The country doctor , Immenhof or big city district . He was also seen in the literary adaptation Die Geschwister Oppermann based on the novel by Lion Feuchtwanger and the political thriller Barschel - Murder in Geneva? .

Gerster also worked as a radio play speaker. In the dubbing studio, he lent his American colleague Michael Bell in an episode of the series Dallas his voice.

Furthermore, Karl-Friedrich Gerster organized readings with texts by Heinrich von Kleist , Christoph Martin Wieland and Johannes Bobrowski .

Filmography (selection)

Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the entry at steffi-line.de
  2. a b c Die Geschwister Oppermann on Steffi-Line.de , accessed on April 5, 2015
  3. Hans-Dieter Peschken: Krefelds Revolutionär , Rheinische Post of March 9, 2010 , accessed on April 5, 2015