Karl-Georg Faber

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Karl-Georg Faber (born July 21, 1925 in Kirn ; † September 15, 1982 in Münster ) was a German historian .


Karl-Georg Faber received his doctorate in history from the University of Mainz under Leo Just in 1952 . He then worked at the Federal Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Research . He completed his habilitation in 1965 with the Venia legendi for modern and contemporary history and became a private lecturer in Mainz . His first appointment was in 1967 at the University of Saarbrücken , followed in 1976 by an appointment at the University of Münster . Faber was also visiting professor at Kent State University in Ohio .

Faber was a member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz , humanities and social science class and since 1977 a full member of the Historical Commission for Westphalia . He was married to Marlies Faber (1930–2018) and has four children.

Scientific work

Karl-Georg Faber's scientific focus was on the history of the country and the theory of history . His work on the theory of historical science , published in the 5th edition of Beck's series, is of particular importance . It is divided into five sections:

  1. Presentation of the problems of a theory of historical science and discussion of the question: What is history .
  2. Facets of a theory of history: the individual and the general; Causality and chance ; Type and structure in history .
  3. Understanding in the science of history touches on two aspects: the criticism of a normative hermeneutics and the main features of a historical hermeneutics .
  4. The language of history ; The historical judgment: standards and values ; Historia contemplativa - Historia activa. Knowledge and interest .
  5. Finally, two borderline questions of historical science are discussed.

Fonts (selection)

  • German history in the 19th century. Volume 3, Part 2: Restoration and Revolution. From 1815–1851 , Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, Wiesbaden 1979.
  • Andreas van Recum 1765–1828, a Rhenish cosmopolitan (= Paris historical studies, Volume 8). Röhrscheid, Bonn 1969 ( digitized version )
  • The Rhineland between restoration and revolution. Problems of Rhenish history from 1814–1848 as reflected in contemporary journalism , Steiner, Wiesbaden 1966.
  • The national political journalism of Germany from 1866 to 1871. A critical bibliography , 2 vol., Droste, Düsseldorf 1963.
  • Christian von Stramberg's "Rheinischer Antiquarius" in the context of the Rhenish intellectual life of the restoration period , phil. Diss., Mainz 1952.


Web links


  1. Critical to local sagas on the Rhine and Lahn ( Memento from January 10, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Heinrich Heine Institute Düsseldorf (PDF; 615 kB)
  3. ^ Institute for History at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz
  4. ^ German art publisher