Karl Felix (Sardinia-Piedmont)

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King Karl Felix I of Sardinia-Piedmont
King Karl Felix in full regalia
Burial site in Hautecombe

Karl Felix Josef Maria , Italian : Carlo Felice Giuseppe Maria (* April 6, 1765 in Turin ; † April 27, 1831 ibid) was King of Sardinia from 1821 to 1831 and Duke of Savoy from 1824 to 1831 .


20 lire coin from 1823 under Karl Felix

Karl Felix, the fifth son of King Viktor Amadeus III. of Sardinia and his wife Maria Antonia of Spain , was governor of Sardinia from 1799 to 1806 and from 1817 to 1821 . During this time he successfully took action against gangs of robbers, but was also confronted with a famine. On March 21, 1821, his older brother Victor Emanuel I abdicated as King of Sardinia as a result of an uprising by the secret society Carbonari . Because Karl Felix was in Modena at the time, Victor Emanuel I temporarily appointed his nephew Karl Albert as regent . This was ready to make concessions to the rebels and put a liberal constitution into force.

However, the reactionary Karl Felix abolished this after his arrival at court a few days later and ruled strictly absolutist . A small group of armed men fighting for the maintenance of the new constitution was beaten on April 8, 1821 near Novara by an Austrian army that had entered Sardinia with Karl Felix; those involved were brought to justice and convicted.

In 1824, after the death of Victor Emanuel I, Karl Felix also became Duke of Savoy and remained a conservative ruler. In 1825, for example, he issued a royal edict that only those with a fortune of 1500 lire could learn to read and write, and only granted permission to study to those with an income of more than 1500 lire. With great effort he had the abbey of Hautecombe , the traditional burial place of the dynasty in Savoy , which was badly damaged in the turmoil of the revolution , restored.


On April 6, 1807, Karl Felix I married Princess Maria Christina of Naples and Sicily , a daughter of Maria Karolina of Austria and King Ferdinand I of Naples and Sicily . The marriage remained childless. With him the main line of the House of Savoy died out; his successor, Karl Albert, came from the Savoy-Carignano branch .


In 1824 Karl-Felix acquired a large collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts from the consul Bernardino Drovetti , which form the basis of the Museo Egizio in Turin. The Teatro Carlo Felice opera house in Genoa is named after the king and duke.

The Superstrada SS 131 ( Porto Torres , via Sassari , Macomer and Oristano ) and the SS 131dir ( Olbia , San Teodoro , Siniscola and Nuoro to the SS 131 ), which connects the north with the south of Sardinia ( Cagliari ), is also colloquial in Sardinia Called "Carlo Felice" because the main line from Cagliari to Sassari was built on the instructions of Karl Felix.


  • Theodor Bohner : The House of Savoy. Frundsberg-Verlag, Berlin 1941.
  • Günther Heydemann : Constitution against revolution. British policy on Germany and Italy 1815–1848 (= publications of the German Historical Institute, London. Vol. 36). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen u. a. 1995, ISBN 3-525-36321-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Herrmann Julius Meyer: New Konversations-Lexikon - a dictionary of general knowledge. 14th volume. 2nd Edition. Bibliographical Institute, Hildburghausen 1867, p. 64.

Web links

Commons : Karl Felix (Sardinia-Piedmont)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Victor Emmanuel I. King of Sardinia
Karl Albert
Victor Emmanuel I. Duke of Savoy
Karl Albert