Karl Georg Huyn

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General of the cavalry Karl Graf Huyn, photo by Eugen Schöfer († 1912)

Karl Georg Graf Huyn (born November 18, 1857 in Vienna ; † February 2, 1938 in the Rottenbuch residence in Bozen ) was the son of Johannes Carl August Graf Huyn and Natalie born. Countess Sarnthein , Austrian Colonel General and last Austro-Hungarian military governor in Galicia 1917 to 1919.


Like his father, Karl Graf Huyn attended the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt after the military school in St. Pölten and graduated with excellent success as Lieutenant of the Dragoon Regiment No. 2 on April 24, 1879. The following year he was transferred to the Uhlan Regiment No. 11 offset.

In the years 1881 to 1883 he attended the war school in Vienna and completed his training with good success. He was then appointed to the general staff in Marburg and later in Lemberg (Galicia) as first lieutenant (1884).

Promoted to captain in 1887 , he served with a short break in Przemyśl as a member of the II Army Corps in Vienna. In April 1891 he received the Knight's Cross from the Order of the Golden Lion in the Netherlands. After his marriage to Maria Ignatia Countess Lutzow on 16 March 1892, he was a Major for military attaché appointed in Bucharest. In the same year he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Cavalry in Cracow .

In 1896 he received the rank of lieutenant colonel , and in 1899 the command of the Galician Uhlan Regiment "Prince of Schwarzenberg" No. 2 with simultaneous promotion to colonel . Between 1904 and 1905 he commanded the 17th Cavalry Brigade, in 1905 he was appointed commander of the 10th Cavalry Brigade and raised to the rank of major general . From 1907 to 1909 he again commanded the 17th Cavalry Brigade. In April he was given command of the 7th Cavalry Division in Cracow. In 1910 he was promoted to Lieutenant Field Marshal .

After further offices and awards (Commander of the 12th Infantry Division; Prussian Royal Crown Order 1st Class, Great Cross of the Bulgarian Order of Saint Alexander 1st Class, Persian Order of the Sun and the Lion) he became General Cavalry Inspector in 1912 the troops and colonel-owner of Uhlan Regiment No. 12 (1912) and the following year Privy Council.

Promoted to general of the cavalry shortly before the outbreak of World War I , Count Huyn was given command of the newly formed XVII. Corps , which formed part of the 4th Army under General Auffenberg. After several unsuccessful operations in the Komarów area, Count Huyn was relieved of his command at Auffenberg's instigation and relocated to Vienna on the pretext of his health. Only in 1917 was he taken back into service by Emperor Karl, he received the post of Military Governor of Galicia in Lviv , and on March 1, 1917, he was appointed governor of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria with the Grand Duchy of Krakow.


Web links

Commons : Karl von Huyn  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Antonio Schmidt-Brentano: The KK or KuK Generalität 1816–1918 ( Memento of the original from October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Austrian State Archives, Vienna 2007, p. 77 (PDF). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.oesta.gv.at