Karl Gerold Goetz

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Karl Gerold Goetz (born October 11, 1865 in Basel ; † May 19, 1944 there ) was a Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor .


Karl Gerold Goetz was the son of the Basel merchant and city ​​councilor Rudolf Heinrich Goetz.

He enrolled in 1884 at the University of Basel and began studying theology, he at the University of Göttingen , the University of Berlin and at the University of Marburg continued, there doctorate he with his dissertation Ges chichte the Cyprian literature up to the time of the first Manuscripts received in 1891 from Adolf von Harnack as Lic. Theol.

From 1888 to 1892 he was the successor of Philipp Meyer , pastor of the German-Protestant community in Smyrna .

He began to teach as a private lecturer at the University of Basel from 1897 to 1915 , during which time he was a parish assistant in Binningen from 1898 to 1903 .

In 1915 he was appointed associate professor and in 1917 full professor for the New Testament at the University of Basel; In 1921, 1925 and 1930 he was dean of the theological faculty . In 1935 he retired .

From 1918 to 1942 he was a member of the Church Synod .

Karl Gerold Goetz was unmarried.

Theological work

Karl Gerold Goetz worked critically and historically on Cyprian of Carthage , the life of Jesus and the Lord's Supper . In his opinion, the historical Jesus was considered sufficient for piety . He doubted that he had called himself the Messiah , and interpreted the Lord's Supper symbolically; he understood Jesus as spiritual nourishment.

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • History of Cyprian literature up to the time of the first surviving manuscripts . Basel, Verlag von R. Reich vorm. C. Detloff's bookstore, 1891.
  • Cyprian's doctrine of the busines: a study of the history of busacrament . Königsberg: brown; Weber, 1895.
  • The old beginning and the original form of Cyprian's writing Ad Donatum . Leipzig Hinrichs 1899.
  • The historical development of today's sacrament question: an attempt to solve it . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1907.
  • Is the historical Jesus sufficient for practical theology and piety or not? Frankfurt a. M .: Diesterweg, 1914.
  • Lord's Supper and Sacrifice . Zurich 1918.
  • Peter as the founder and head of the church and a shower of visions according to the early Christian reports and legends, an exegetical-historical investigation . Leipzig: JC Hinrichs, 1927.
  • The origin of the church supper, mere meal fellowship of Jesus and his disciples or a special act and words of Jesus? Basel: Print by F. Reinhardt, 1929.
  • Did Jesus think of himself as the Messiah and pass himself off? Gotha: Klotz, 1933.
  • The antichristian and the Christian historical image of Jesus today . Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1944.


  • Oskar Moppert: Karl Gerold Goetz: born October 11, 1865, died May 19, 1944 . Basel 1944.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stefan Rebenich: Theodor Mommsen and Adolf Harnack: Science and politics in Berlin at the end of the 19th century. With an appendix: edition and commentary on the correspondence . Walter de Gruyter, 2012, ISBN 978-3-11-081255-8 ( google.de [accessed on January 7, 2020]).
  2. Malte Fuhrmann: The dream of the German Orient: two German colonies in the Ottoman Empire 1851-1918 . Campus Verlag, 2006, ISBN 978-3-593-38005-6 ( google.de [accessed January 7, 2020]).