Karl Hohenlohe

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Karl Hohenlohe (2015)

Karl Albrecht Hubertus Maria "Kari" Hohenlohe (born  August 27, 1960 in Vienna ) is an Austrian journalist , columnist , moderator , screenwriter and publisher of Gault Millau Austria.



Hohenlohe, born in Vienna, is a member of the Austrian line of the Hohenlohe family . His father was the banker Tassilo (née Prinz zu) Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1918–1979), his mother is Antoinette, née Seilern and Aspang (* 1925). Together with his two brothers and three sisters, he grew up in the town house in Vienna and in Baumgarten Castle in the Wachau . He lives in Guntersdorf in the Weinviertel.


After graduating from high school , Karl Hohenlohe began his journalistic career in 1978 with a traineeship at the Vienna daily Kurier . He began to study journalism, law and biology and went on a one-year study trip. During this time he wrote travel reports for various Austrian newspapers. After years of apprenticeship with the courier and weekly press , he was brought to ORF in 1986 to help develop the new society format Seitenblicke together with Thaddäus Podgorski . When it started broadcasting in September 1987, he became its first editor and chief of service. Later he agreed a new format with the then Kurier editor-in-chief, Peter Rabl , the daily society column Gesellschaft mbH

In addition to the program Seitenblicke , for which he still pays contributions, Hohenlohe is also the presenter of the special edition Seitenblicke Gourmet . He designed and moderated the ORF program Achtung Camera and is the scriptwriter of various cabaret programs, such as for Die kranken Schwestern . He also made a name for himself as a director with the award-winning episode Vom Werden des Weines in the ORF series Universum .

Together with Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz , he has been commenting (as of 2019) on the Vienna Opera Ball and other major social and royal events for ORF since 2001 .

Since May 2005, Karl Hohenlohe and his wife have been the editor-in-chief of the Austrian edition of Gault Millau . In 2011 he was named Austrian Journalist of the Year 2011 in the entertainment category . He runs the film production company Hohenlohe Film .


Karl Hohenlohe has been married to the editor-in-chief of the jointly published Gault-Millau Martina, geb. Malle (born April 30, 1972 in Spittal an der Drau ), married and has a daughter (* 2007) and a son (* 2008) with her. His two older daughters (* 1990, * 1999) come from their first marriage to Teresa Hohenlohe . Karl's older brother is Constantin Hohenlohe (born April 19, 1949), engineer and former electronics entrepreneur in Vienna. Since his uncle's death in 2005, the unmarried Constantin Hohenlohe has been known as Prince zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst and runs agriculture and forestry at Schillingsfürst Castle .


“For me, nobility is not an obligation at all: I am myself. I admire my ancestors who did great things, but I think it would be absurd that I should look better now or prove myself more. If I manage my life as well as possible, whether my name is Hohenlohe or something else, there is no difference. I find this thinking rather outdated. "

- Karl Hohenlohe, November 28, 2005


Web links

Commons : Karl Hohenlohe  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hohenlohe calls himself Karl in the short form and as Karl Albrecht in the long form, see Hohenlohe Film: About Us (accessed on June 5, 2011). The name of the Austrian family is Hohenlohe (without the addition of Schillingsfürst).
  2. Paul Theroff's Online Gotha: Hohenlohe, Section 4, 6f , lists Karl Hohenlohe as Karl-Albrecht Hubertus Maria and the son of Tassilo Erwin Benediktus Eustatius Maria Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst and Antoinette Countess von Seilern and Aspang .
  3. Sometimes also called Karl Albrecht Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst , see z. B. "Seilern Family": Karl Albrecht "Kari" Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst. ( Memento from January 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Peter Melichar : Reorganization in the banking sector. The Nazi measures and the problem of restitution. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-486-56773-X , p. 233: “In 1964, Tassilo Hohenlohe took part as a personally liable partner. [The bank] Breisach thus became a subsidiary of the Schoeller Group. "
  5. a b c Seilern Family: Family group Tassilo Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst and Antoinette “Nettie” Seilern. ( Memento from July 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  6. a b Franken Magazin, May / June 2008 (see web links).
  7. ^ Nobility obliged: Karl Hohenlohe in Guntersdorf in the NÖN week 26/2011
  8. a b c orf.at
  9. Austria's journalist of the year chosen. ORF.at, December 14, 2010. Accessed February 23, 2011.
  10. www.hohenlohe.at
  11. ↑ Roast pork. Portrait of Martina Hohenlohe in the ORF Lower Austria magazine Kulinarium, May 2005.
  12. Portrait in the ORF magazine meal on November 28, 2005 (see web links).