Karl Kaufmann (District Administrator)

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Karl Leopold Kaufmann (born November 15, 1863 in Bonn ; † November 28, 1944 there ) was a German administrative officer and writer.


Karl Kaufmann was born the son of the mayor of Bonn, Leopold Kaufmann . After high school he studied at the University of Bonn law . In 1886 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Bonn . After completing his studies and doctorate as Dr. jur. he entered the Prussian civil service and became a councilor in the Trier government . In 1899 he was appointed district administrator of the Malmedy district. In 1907 he moved to the Euskirchen district as district administrator . He held the office until 1929. During the occupation of the Ruhr in February 1923, he was expelled as the first civil servant of the administrative district of Cologne on charges of passive resistance with his family and was not allowed to work again until October 1924.

Karl Kaufmann was chairman of the Eifelverein from 1904 to 1938 . He wrote some books related to the Eifel. Since 1894 he was married to Susanne Sophia Rautenstrauch. Kaufmann died in an air raid on Bonn.

In 2019, the Karl-Kaufmann-Weg was renamed Ville-Eifel-Weg because of Kaufmann's Nazi past. Before that, numerous Nazi sayings by Karl Leopold Kaufmann had become publicly known through the Eifelgold hiking group.


  • Honorary doctorate from a Dr. phil. hc
  • Appointment to the secret government council
  • Namesake for the Karl-Kaufmann-Weg between Brühl and Trier, a main hiking trail through the Eifel


  • Eifelführer , 28th edition 1932 (editor)
  • History and culture of the Eifel , 3rd edition 1932
  • Great Sons of Eifel , 1933
  • The Malmedy border district in the first five decades of Prussian administration , 1941
  • The Malmedy district - history of an Eifel district from 1865 to 1920 , 1961

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 27 , 339
  2. District Malmedy administrative history and district administrators on the website territorial.de (Rolf Jehke)
  3. ^ District of Euskirchen administrative history and district administrators on the website territorial.de (Rolf Jehke)
  4. Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, August 14, 2019: Due to possible Nazi past: Karl-Kaufmann-Weg is renamed
  5. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 16 , 340