Karl Liebisch

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Karl Liebisch

Karl Liebisch (born May 24, 1834 in Hoyerswerda ; † February 28, 1901 in Blankenburg (Harz) ) was one of the highest administrative officials in the Prussian Army.


After graduating from the Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium in Görlitz, he studied law at the University of Leipzig from the summer semester of 1854 . He graduated from the Corps Lusatia Leipzig . So that he could switch to the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität for the 2nd semester , he was allowed to leave for further activity in the Corps Marchia Breslau . Received in 1855 , he was consenior there for two semesters and fought 16 courses . He contributed to the conclusion of the Lusatia Leipzig and Marchia Breslau cartel . When Marchia had suspended in 1860 , he rejoined the Lausitzers closely. In 1872 he received her ribbon . After training as an auscultator (1857) and trainee lawyer (1859), Liebisch was a court assessor in Silesia from 1862 . He started the career of the Prussian Army as an auditor . In 1864 he became deputy division auditor of the 5th division in Frankfurt (Oder) and in 1865 garrison auditor in Danzig . After taking part in the German War as a field auditor in 1866, he became a division auditor of the 18th division in Flensburg in 1867 . 1870/71 he was deputy corps auditor of the IX. Army Corps in Altona . Since 1871 division auditor of the 30th Division in Strasbourg , in 1883 he was finally chief and corps auditor of the 1st Army Corps in Königsberg . When Landwehr he was captain of cavalry . During his time in Königsberg, he was a guest of the Corps Masovia and an active member of the old man's senior citizens' convention . Schindelmeiser writes:

“For the 6th Kommers of Corps Students in East Prussia on December 18, 1886, 110 AHSC members from 39 Corps came. There were also four active members each from Masovia, Baltia and Hansea . The government president v. Studt . The imperial speech was given by Upper President von Schlieckmann . The second speaker was Counselor Liebisch. He spoke about the development of the KSCV and the participation of the Corps students in the Franco-German War. "

- Siegfried Schindelmeiser

Liebisch spent his retirement in Blankenburg.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 31/73; 149/406.
  2. ^ Personnel records in the archive of the Corps Lusatia Leipzig
  3. ^ Siegfried Schindelmeiser: The Albertina and its students 1544 to WS 1850/51. and The history of the Corps Baltia II zu Königsberg i. Pr. (1970-1985). New edition Munich 2010. ISBN 978-3-00-028704-6 .