Karl Neupert

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Karl Neupert around 1959

Karl Neupert (born October 1, 1910 in Tanna ; † December 29, 1991 in Schnaittach ) was a German architect and spatial planner .

Training and first job

After elementary school, Neupert first completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter and from 1928 attended the Saxon State School for Building Construction in Dresden . He then studied architecture with Paul Schultze-Naumburg at the Staatliche Hochschule für Baukunst in Weimar between 1931 and 1935 in favor of professional activity, and obtained his diploma there at the end of April 1935.

In the following 20 months he changed jobs several times: from the beginning of May to mid-June 1935 with the calculation of the determination of peace rents at the city of Weimar, then until the end of March 1936 in the new construction management as a design architect in Naumburg or Weimar for the Naumburg Army Building Office / Saale. From April 1, 1936, he worked for half a year as a design architect for the construction management in Kiel of the Kiel Marine Site Construction Office, in order to work as a design architect in the Air District Command VII Braunschweig for the remainder of 1936 .

Activity as spatial planner and settlement designer

At the beginning of 1937 he became an employee in the research center for settlement design of the Reichsheimstättenamt in Gau Sachsen in Dresden. There he developed a spatial planning approach based on Theodor Fischer and in particular Heinz Wetzel . In 1939 he took over the management of the urban planning department of the Reichsheimstättenamt in Berlin from Georg Laub (a Wetzel student) . After the beginning of the Second World War , Neupert and his planning department presented plans for the settlement of the German eastern areas and thus competed with the planning staff of the Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Volkstum , in which the General Plan East was drawn up under the direction of Konrad Meyer .

In 1941 Neupert and his employees were called up for military service. After being seriously wounded, he returned to Berlin in February 1944 and was given extensive tasks by Robert Ley as the new "Special Representative for Settlements of the Reich Housing Commissioner" :

  • Head of the settlement design department at the German Academy for Housing eV (research task),
  • Head of the settlement planning department at the Reich Housing Commissioner (constitutional competences),
  • Head of the research center for settlement design in the Reichsheimstättenamt (political and building law competencies)
  • Taking over the planning for the "City of the KdF-Wagons" in place of the missing Peter Koller , who was taken prisoner by the Soviets
  • as well as from May 1944 assumption of planning for the "City of KdF Tractor Works" (also in place of Peter Koller)

After the end of the war he took over his parents' construction company in Tanna , Thuringia , was arrested three times for political reasons in the Soviet Zone / GDR between 1945 and 1960, each time imprisoned for a long time (most recently in the Waldheim prison ) and fled to the Federal Republic in 1960. From 1961 until his retirement in 1975 he was head of the research center for settlement design in the Schleswig-Holstein housing loan construction agency in Kiel .

Publications (selection)

  • Cityscape and landscape (with Max Reilinger, Hubert Grenzer, Helmut Wächter), Berlin: Verlag der Deutschen Arbeitsfront GmbH, 1939
  • Settlement design from people, space and landscape , 9 planning booklets, published by the Reichsheimstättenamt der DAF, Berlin 1940/42
  • Life and shape in personality and community, building and space , Kiel: Research Center for Settlement Design, 1963
  • State building regulations and building design , Kiel: Research Center for Settlement Design , 1964
  • The theory of central locations and their significance for decentralization and the redesign of the settlement landscape , Kiel: Forschungsstelle für Siedlungsgestaltung, 1967
  • Save Friedrichstadt, now! , Kiel: Research Center for Settlement Design, 1972


  • Werner Durth : City and Landscape - War Destruction and Future Drafts (1995) . In: Gerd de Bruyn (Ed.): "Architektur_theorie.doc - Texts since 1960". Birkhäuser, Basel 2003, ISBN 3-7643-6973-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. neupertbau.de