Karl Olsvig

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Karl Emil Kasper Olsvig (born June 15, 1879 in Qasigiannguit ; † December 11, 1957 there ) was a Greenland state councilor .

Karl Olsvig was the son of the sailor Frederik Ferdinand Olsvig (1848-1900) and his wife Johanne Kristine Marie Dorthea Kaspersen (1855-1933). He married on April 27, 1902 in Qasigiannguit Marie Katrine Antonette Petersen (1882-1959), daughter of Pavia Pele Jakob Mikkel Petersen and his wife Augusta Frogsine Mariane. This made him a brother-in-law of the Regional Councilor Julius Petersen .

He was the head of labor in Qasigiannguit. At the meetings in 1930 and 1932 he represented Pavia Jensen in the North Greenland State Council . He died in his hometown in 1957 at the age of 78.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Niels H. Frandsen: Nogle grønlandske slægter . Forlaget Atuagkat, Nuuk 2011, ISBN 978-87-92554-22-2 , pp. 224 .
  2. Axel Kjær Sørensen: Denmark-Greenland in the Twentieth Century (= Meddelelser om Grønland . Man and Society. 34). Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen 2006, ISBN 87-90369-89-0 , ( digital copy (PDF; 3.35 MB) ).