Tobias Kruse

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Jakob Karl Tobias Kruse (born June 1, 1898 in Niaqornat ; † unknown ) was a Greenland state councilor .

Tobias Kruse was the son of the hunter Hans Ludvig Salomon Karl Kruse and his wife Anike Louise Bolette Marie Jeremiassen. His brother was the Provincial Councilor Edvard Kruse (1900–1968). Tobias Kruse was a hunter in his hometown of Niaqornat. In 1927 he became a legislative period to 1932 in the North Greenlandic Provincial elected. From 1945 to 1950 he was a member of the regional council again.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Church records Uummannaq 1890-1905 (Born boys p. 17)
  2. Axel Kjær Sørensen: Denmark-Greenland in the Twentieth Century (= Meddelelser om Grønland . Man and Society. 34). Danish Polar Center, Copenhagen 2006, ISBN 87-90369-89-0 , ( digital copy (PDF; 3.35 MB) ).