Karmapa Rölpe Dorje

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The 4th Karmapa
Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
རོལ་ པའི་ རྡོ་ རྗེ་
Wylie transliteration :
rol pa'i rdo rje
Chinese name
Simplified :
噶玛巴 • 若 必 多吉

Rölpe Dorje ( Tib .: rol pa'i rdo rje ; born 1340 in Kongpo ; died 1383 ) was the 4th Karmapa of the Karma Kagyü School of Tibetan Buddhism .


Rölpe Dorje declared at the age of three that he was the "Karmapa". As a youth he received the formal transmissions of the Kagyu from Yungtön Dorje Pelba (Tib .: g.yung ston rdo rje dpal ba ; 1284–1365) - the spiritual heir of the 3rd Karmapa . He was also instructed in the teachings of the Nyingmapa by Sanggye Lingpa (Tib .: sangs rgyas gling pa ; 1340–1396) . At the age of nineteen he was invited to China by Toghan Timur , where he taught for three years and built temples and monasteries. During his return from China to Tibet, he gave lay ordination for a child named "Künga Nyingpo", who later became known as Tsongkhapa . He declined another invitation to Yongle to travel to China and instead sent another lama . Rölpe Dorje was a lover of Indian poetry and the author of many "Dohas" (songs of realization). After a student's vision of a Buddha who is said to have been over 300 feet tall, Rölpe Dorje designed a huge thangka with the hooves of a horse that he was riding . Five hundred people are said to have worked on the woven thangka of this Buddha and the founding fathers of Mahayana for over a year .

Rölpe Dorje died at the age of 43. The main lineage holder was his student Khacho Wangpo, the second Shamarpa .

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Individual evidence

  1. rol pa'i rdo rje