Little Heuberg

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View from Plettenberg over the Kleine Heuberg to the northwestern edge ( Dotternhausen in the foreground )

The Kleine Heuberg is a region on the edge of the Swabian Alb in Baden-Württemberg and forms the southernmost part of the Swabian Keuper-Lias Land .


The Kleine Heuberg is largely located in the Zollernalb district . On the most prominent part in the northwest is the city of Rosenfeld with five of its districts (only the district of Heiligenzimmer is not on the Kleiner Heuberg, but in the Stunzach valley ). Other places are the city of Geislingen with the districts of Binsdorf and Erlaheim , the community of Dormettingen and the Balingen districts of Ostdorf and Engstlatt . As the border to the south adjoining Prim-Albvorland is the Schwarzenbach near rooms under the castle . Both to the south in the direction of Wellendingen and to the east in the direction of Grosselfingen , the plate becomes increasingly narrow again; it is again approaching the Albtrauf in the southeast of the Kleiner Heuberg . A clear demarcation becomes much more difficult here.


The generally very narrow strata of the Black Jura in the south-west German step country reaches a width of several kilometers in the area of ​​the Kleiner Heuberg and thus forms a plate that protrudes far into the northwest and is 700 m above sea level, divided by several river valleys. NN. At its western edge, this plateau can be seen most clearly from the Neckar-Gäuplatte , which is up to 100 m lower, thanks to the steeply sloping, wooded slope .

To the north of the Kleiner Heuberg, a wooded hilly landscape continues, which reaches a similar height as the areas of the Kleiner Heuberg, but forms a significantly more wavy hilly landscape due to the less resistant Keuper . The Kirchberg monastery is located on one of these Keuper hills .


The name Kleiner Heuberg was used in particular to distinguish it from the Großer Heuberg on the Swabian Alb, which adjoins it directly in the southeast . As in the case of the Großer Heuberg, the word “Heuberg” is sometimes used only for the “Kleiner Heuberg”.


With the Eyach and the Schischem , two tributaries of the Neckar cut through the plains of the Kleiner Heuberg. In addition, with Steinach, Stunzach and Geislinger Riedbach, three tributaries of the Eyach have their origin on the edge of the Kleiner Heuberg. The district town of Balingen and some of its districts are located in the valleys of Eyach and Steinach. These valleys can be seen as the southeastern border of the Kleiner Heuberg. The Schlichen runs from Schömberg via Dautmergen to Rotenzimmern in a westerly direction across the Kleiner Heuberg.


  • State statistical office of Baden-Württemberg in connection with the district of Balingen (ed.): The district of Balingen - Official district description . In: The urban and rural districts in Baden-Württemberg . Volume 1, 1960.
  • Monika Spicker-Beck (ed.): History of the city of Rosenfeld . City of Rosenfeld, 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-028859-3 .