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Kleinherbede is the name of an agricultural area in the west of Witten . It originally consisted of several farms .


Kleinherbede is located on the Oelbach west of Heven , north of Herbede on the right side of the Ruhr and southeast of the Bochum district of Querenburg . The Hemkebach (also called Hemeckebach) is one of the other waters .


13th and 14th centuries

The first farms in what is now the Kleinherbede area can be documented with certainty for the year 1220. The courtyards were based on the course of the Hemkebach, also called Hemeke, and on the course of the Oelbach. The farmers avoided its damp lowlands and banks. At least three of the farms that settled in the area belonged to the so-called Villication Herbede , the landlord was the Kaufungen Monastery .

From the 14th century, these farms were directly under the jurisdiction of the Lords of Elverfeldt , who resided in the Herbede house . In 1347 a document noted a Schulte von Cleynherbede, with which the name was also mentioned for the first time. Presumably the name goes back to the fact that the farms at that time belonged to the Herbede farm association, but were outside the Herbeder borders.

15th to 17th centuries

In the treasury of Grafschaft Mark from 1486, a Schult von Kleynherbede together with the farmers Thoen , Derick to Vrylinhusen , Coirt , Wennemar and Evertz Sohn are assigned to the farms of Vrylinhusen, later Frielinghausen . In a tax list from 1542, Frielinghausen is again referred to for the first time as part of Querenburg . Some farms belonged to the sphere of influence of Herbede and the nearby, growing village of Heven , while others belonged to Querenburg. The dividing lines were sometimes quite arbitrary; the different spheres of influence can also be demonstrated on the basis of the affiliation of the courtyards to the different parishes . Some farms belonged to the parish in Ümmingen , others to Herbede. Meanwhile, Schulte von Kleinherbede managed parcels in Hevener, Querenburger and beyond Langendreerer area.

19th and 20th centuries

In the original cadastre from 1823, part of the Kleinherbedes Heven farmers is assigned, but not the Schulte von Kleinherbede farm, which is on this map in the Querenburg area. The division of Kleinherbedes was manifested in 1921: In that year Heven, to which the southern part of Kleinherbedes still belongs, left the Herbede office - and joined the city of Witten . Since then, Heven has had the status of a Witten district . With the municipal reform of 1929, Querenburg finally became a district of Bochum.


In 1970, on the Bochum side of Kleinherbedes, massive changes were made to the landscape . Buildings were demolished and new roads built. The reason for this massive intervention in the grown landscape was the construction of the Ruhr University Bochum in Querenburg a few years earlier. The massive influx of residents to Querenburg resulted in new roads, the Oelbachtal sewage treatment plant was built on the nearby Oelbach , and direct access was provided to the Federal Motorway 43 , which was built a few years earlier and also runs through Kleinherbede.

District status

In 1925, the homeland book author Günther Höfken named Kleinherbede a district of Querenburg. In fact, Kleinherbede never had such a status and still does not have it today. On Witten city ​​maps , Kleinherbede is treated as an area like a district of Heven, but Kleinherbede does not have its own district number and is therefore not listed as a district. Although Kleinherbede settlement association can be traced back to the 13th century and is therefore even older, a village center has never emerged in Kleinherbede.

Due to its central location between Heven, Querenburg and Langendreer - and also between Bochum and Witten - Kleinherbede would actually have been predestined to prosper . The sometimes arbitrarily set tax and jurisdiction limits are likely to have significantly prevented the farmers' association from prospering.

At the latest with the construction work in Querenburg in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which affected Kleinherbede massively, Kleinherbede no longer existed on the Querenburg side as a house or settlement association; on the Witten side, a few buildings have survived the times, the "Kleinherbeder Straße ” , which today connects Heven and Querenburg with each other parallel to the course of the A 43 , is ultimately still a reminder of the former existence of this farmers' association.


  • Curt HF Gaertner: Querenburg, as it was, as it is. Brockmeyer 1976; ISBN 3-921543-53-3
  • Günther Höfken: Bochumer Heimatbuch. Part 1; 1925
  • Jürgen Därmann: The Schultenhof in Kleinberbede. In: Bürger- und Heimatverein Heven: Heven once and now, issue 5 ; 1994

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Coordinates: 51 ° 27 '  N , 7 ° 17'  E