Konseilu Revolusionariu Maetze

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The Konseilu Revolusionariu Mauchte KRM ( Portuguese Conselho da Revolução Maupe CRM, also Conselho da Revolução do Povo Maupe, German  Revolutionary Council (of the people of the) Marine ) is a paramilitary organization in East Timor . Since March 2014, the KRM has been de facto illegal. Since March 2015, the government, with hundreds of police officers and soldiers, tried to capture Hanita Mauk Moruk , the leader of the group, and his supporters in his home region in southern Baucau . There were repeated exchanges of fire. In August Mauk Moruk was killed fighting with soldiers.

History and ideology

The KRM was founded by Mauk Moruk shortly after his return to East Timor in October 2013. Mauk Moruk had attempted a coup in 1984 against Xanana Gusmão , the then guerrilla leader of the FALINTIL and later Prime Minister of East Timor . After his failure, Mauk Moruk surrendered to the Indonesians and lived most of the time in the Netherlands . That same month, Mauk Moruk gave a speech at the national university in which he called on the country's intellectuals to join his anti-poverty revolution and overthrow the Gusmão government. Another demand was the return to the constitution of 1975. The intellectuals should also join the Sagrada Família of Mauk Moruk's brother Cornélio da Conceição Gama ( L7 ).

In November 2013, members of the KRM violated the general ban on civilians from wearing military uniforms during a march on the Laga football field . An announced demonstration for early elections in the Dili on November 28, Independence Day, took place, as did the requested talks with Prime Minister Gusmão. Demonstrations against Australia and the controversial CMATS treaty did not receive police approval.

In February 2014 there was an exchange of fire with KRM members during a police operation in Lalulai ( Laga administrative office ). A policeman was injured by a Molotov cocktail. On March 3, 2014, the national parliament declared the KRM, together with the CPD-RDTL , with resolution number 04/2014 as a threat to the constitutional order, criticized above all the prohibited wearing of military uniforms and called on the police and other government organs and institutions to take action against the two organizations. General irritation was caused by a visit by Mauk Moruk to the office of Attorney General José da Costa Ximenes , during which Mauk Moruk tried to obtain an official registration of the KRM as a legal organization. Mauk Moruk was driven to the office by staff of the East Timorese Defense Forces (F-FDTL) in an F-FDTL vehicle. According to the newspaper Suara Timor Lorosae , the F-FDTL Commander in Chief Lere Anan Timor was not informed of this circumstance, which he described as unfortunate. However, the non-governmental organization Fundasaun Mahein criticized the fact that no consequences for the soldiers were publicly known. They raised the question of the loyalty of the armed forces, especially since Lere Anan Timor was a member of L7's Sagrada Família during the struggle for independence.

On March 10, KRM members set up a blockade on the road to Baucau in the Laga administrative office . One person was injured by an explosive device that was thrown.

After consultations with the top management at the KRM headquarters in the state capital Dili , L7 declared on March 14th that the KRM was ready to cooperate with the authorities, even if “the whole of Dili would be on fire” if it so wished. Mauk Moruk and co-boss José Santos Lemos ( Labarik Maia ) were arrested on charges of destabilizing the country, L7 came under house arrest. In the absence of evidence, Mauk Moruk and Labarik Maia were released on December 13, 2014.

In January 2015, the KRM took two police officers hostage in Laga and wounded two others. Prime Minister Gusmão personally drove to Laga in a convoy and negotiated the release of the hostages. Mauk Moruk fled with his people into the jungle.

On March 8, just under a month after the government reshuffle and the new Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo was sworn in , a group attacked the local police station in Baguia with firearms and homemade explosives at 2 a.m. Three police officers who stayed in the building as the bodyguard of President Vicente da Silva Guterres were injured. The Speaker of Parliament was in town for the funeral of a relative and was in a nearby building, which was probably not the target of the attack and was unharmed. In addition to the police station, the local Liurai's house and at least two other houses also burned. Vehicles were also damaged. According to police sources, the attackers belonged to the KRM. Mauk Moruk denied any involvement of his group. A few days later, special forces captured eleven people believed to be connected to the attack. On June 28, a soldier in Atelari was shot by KRM members. Since the start of Operation Hanita against the KRM on March 11, 468 people had been arrested by the security forces. Human rights organizations criticized the security forces' rude treatment of the civilian population and their property.

On August 6, there was a firefight in Osso-Uaque ( Venilale administrative office ). One KRM member was killed, a police officer and a soldier were seriously injured. Finally, the KRM group was captured by the police and army on August 8th. According to the government, the KRM responded to an offer to negotiate with rifle volleys, which is why the security forces returned fire. Mauk Moruk, his right hand man José Sunardy (whose brother was the victim of August 6th) and another KRM commander were killed. There were also several injured, including a police officer. Several KRM members surrendered to the security forces. In an initial statement, the government regretted the death of Mauk Moruk. On August 19, the government officially declared the end of Operation Hanita .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Sara Niner: The new reaction: Xanana and Paulino 'Mauk Moruk' Gama , December 16, 2013 , accessed March 8, 2015.
  2. International Crises Group: Resolving Timor-Leste's Crisis . Crisis Group Asia Report N ° 120, October 10, 2006 ( memento of September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), p. 3, accessed on March 8, 2015.
  3. a b c Anna Powles: Xanana Gusmao-Mauk Moruk: Timor struggles with its past and future , The interpreter, December 5, 2013 , accessed March 8, 2015.
  4. a b c d Ex-Guerrillas Threaten Political Stability in East Timor , April 1, 2014 , accessed March 8, 2015.
  5. Jornal da República : Resolução do Parlamento Nacional n.º 4/2014 de 4 de Março: De repúdio a tentativas de instabilidade e ameaças ao Estado de Direito , Série I, n ° 9 of March 4, 2014 ( Memento of 5. June 2014 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on March 10, 2015.
  6. ^ A b East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Breach in East Timor Defense Force (F-FDTL) Chain of Command Exposes Military Vulnerability, says Fundasaun Mahein , March 14, 2014 , accessed March 8, 2015.
  7. ANGOP: Timor Leste: Tribunal de Díli determina libertação imediata de Mauk Moruk e comandante Labarik , December 15, 2014 , accessed on March 8, 2015.
  8. Janina Pawelz: The withdrawal of Prime Minister Gusmão: Setting the political course in Timor-Leste , GIGA Focus Number 2, 2015 , ISSN  1862-359X , accessed on March 8, 2015.
  9. SAPO Notícias: Governo a tomar medidas para controlar situação em Baguia , March 8, 2015 , accessed on March 8, 2015.
  10. SAPO Notícias: Mauk Moruk nega envolvimento no ataque à esquadra da vila timorense de Baguia , March 10, 2015 , accessed on March 11, 2015.
  11. Opini: Kazu Baguia Subdistrict, KOK Kaptura Ema Nain 11 ,. 13 March 2015 ( Memento from March 15, 2015 in the web archive archive.today ), accessed on March 13, 2015.
  12. SAPO Notícias: Soldado ferido em tiroteio com elementos de grupo ilegal , June 29, 2015 , accessed on June 30, 2015.
  13. Lusa : Um morto e dois feridos em confrontos entre forças de segurança timorenses e um grupo ilegal , August 7, 2015 , accessed on August 8, 2015.
  14. RTP : Corpo de Mauk Moruk chega a Díli, segurança reforçada , August 8, 2015 , accessed on August 8, 2015.
  15. ^ Government of Timor-Leste: Regrettably, Mauk Morocco killed in the Joint Operation , August 8, 2015 , accessed on August 8, 2015.
  16. ABC News: Former East Timor guerrilla leader and opposition figure Mauk Moruk killed in security operation, government says , August 9, 2015 , accessed August 9, 2015.
  17. SAPO Notícias: Governo timorense dá por terminada operação Hanita, que decorria desde março , August 19, 2015 , accessed on August 19, 2015.