L'odore del sangue

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Original title L'odore del sangue
Country of production Italy , France
original language Italian
Publishing year 2004
length 100 minutes
Director Mario Martone
script Mario Martone
production Donatella Botti
camera Cesare Accetta
cut Jacopo Quadri

L'odore del sangue (German: "The Smell of Blood") is an Italian - French film drama with Fanny Ardant and Michele Placido from 2004. The novel of the same name by Goffredo Parise served as a literary model .


The writer Carlo and the archaeologist Silvia have been married for 20 years. You live in a luxury apartment in Rome and over time you have agreed to have an open marriage. While Silvia mostly gets involved in short affairs, Carlo has a long-term lover, the horse trainer Lù, whom he meets regularly in his summer residence by the sea. On the outside, Silvia is calm, but on the inside she suffers from the situation. She feels abandoned by Carlo, who in turn cannot understand her allegations.

When Silvia tells him that she has started a relationship with a young, well-built man, Carlo suddenly becomes jealous. He gets into a frenzy that even his beloved Lù finds ridiculous. The couple eventually take a trip to Sicily , where Silvia reveals further details about their affair to her husband, which increases Carlos' obsession. After their return, Carlo forcibly takes out his suppressed frustration on Lù.

Carlo then travels to Venice , where Silvia has fled from her lover and where she is now waiting for her husband. When he realizes how much his jealousy has turned him into a violent man, he leaves Silvia, who tries in vain to change his mind at the train station. Carlo, in turn, is left by Lù and finds accommodation with his friend Sergio. Meanwhile, Silvia is increasingly losing control of her relationship with her potent lover, who turns out to be a brutal fascist . Through him her sexual desire takes on fatal and self-destructive traits. One night Carlo watches her looking for suitors on the street. Although it depresses him, he is unable to protect her from himself. He finally receives a call from Sergio, who tells him that Silvia has been found dead with numerous cuts. Full of guilt, he says goodbye to his wife in the morgue when she lies in front of him.


L'odore del sangue is based on the novel of the same name by the Italian author Goffredo Parise . The controversial short story was written by Parise as early as 1979, but was not published until after his death in 1997. In an interview, actress Fanny Ardant confessed that the title of the book and a photo of the author on an edition made her buy the book. She was so fascinated by the story that she decided to acquire the film rights. However, other projects prevented her from initiating a film adaptation, which is why she initially abandoned her project. Only when the Italian director and screenwriter Mario Martone wanted to adapt the novel for the screen and heard that Ardant was also interested in a film did the project get started. The shooting took place in Rome and Venice as well as in Gibellina in Sicily .

The film drama premiered in Italy on April 2, 2004 and was also presented at the Cannes International Film Festival on May 15, 2004 . The film was not released in Germany.


Variety's Deborah Young described L'odore del sangue as a "lustful story of marital infidelity." The “concept of an open marriage as practiced by a middle-class couple”, which is the subject of the film, seems “outdated”, and the “associated torments” such as jealousy, madness and murder are “foreseeable”. The director interpreted the novel “as a verbose provocation”, “without really adapting it, which is probably the main problem with the film”. The “glamorous” Fanny Ardant, who plays her role in a very controlled manner, is “touching” in the course of her slow decline. Michele Placido, who was “unusually” cast as an intellectual, was “surprisingly effective in his role, which combines physicality with blind, loud sexism”. The camera work in the style of the 1970s is reminiscent of Antonioni and Visconti .


Cesare Accetta was nominated for the Nastro d'Argento in the category Best Cinematography in 2005.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Deborah Young: The Smell of Blood . In: Variety , March 31, 2004.
  2. See interview with Fanny Ardant ( memento of November 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) on wretch.cc, May 27, 2008.
  3. The Smell of Blood is a lusty tale of marital infidelity […]. Concept of open marriage as practiced by a bourgeois couple feels outdated, and their related torments (jealousy, madness, murder) foretold. [...] Martone tackles the novel as a verbose challenge, without trying to adapt it much; this may be the pic's main problem. [...] The glamorous Ardant, very much in control of her character, is touching as she descends into hell [...], and Placido, an odd casting choice to play an intellectual, is surprisingly effective in a role that pairs physicality with blind, ranting sexism. " Deborah Young: The Smell of Blood . In: Variety , March 31, 2004.