
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ribbon model of the lactoperoxidase of the domestic goat ( Capra hircus ). The protein is shown in rainbow colors ( N-terminus = blue, C-terminus = red) while the heme is shown with spheres (carbon atoms = white, oxygen atoms = red, nitrogen atoms = blue, iron atom = orange).
Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 612 aa
Cofactor Ca 2+ , heme  b
Precursor (712 aa)
Gene name LPO
External IDs
Enzyme classification
EC, category oxidoreductase
Response type Redox reaction
Substrate Iodide, bromide, thiocyanate + H 2 O 2
Products Hypoiodite, hypobromite, hypothiocyanite + H 2 O
Parent taxon Animals
human House mouse
Entrez 4025 76113
Ensemble ENSG00000167419 ENSMUSG00000009356
UniProt P22079 Q5SW46
Refseq (mRNA) NM_001160102 NM_080420
Refseq (protein) NP_001153574 NP_536345
Gene locus Chr 17: 58.24 - 58.27 Mb Chr 11: 87.81 - 87.83 Mb
PubMed search 4025 76113

The enzyme lactoperoxidase (LPO) is found in most animals and is excreted in humans by the mammary glands , salivary glands and mucous glands of the bronchi . It catalyzes the oxidation of phenols and various anions by hydrogen peroxide . The reaction products are highly reactive molecules that have a toxic effect on microorganisms that have penetrated the body . LPO is therefore part of the innate (unspecific) immune system and enables bacteria in milk and other mucous membrane secretions to be neutralized .

The lactoperoxidase system is a combination of lactoperoxidase and its ionic substrates, hydrogen peroxide and the oxidation products. Well-known substrates are bromide and iodide ions, but also the thiocyanate ion. The products of the enzyme-catalyzed oxidation have a strong antibacterial effect, presumably by inhibiting glucose uptake.


The structure of lactoperoxidase consists mainly of α-helices . There are also two short anti-parallel β-sheets . A heme cofactor is located near the center of the apoprotein .


Lactoperoxidase catalyzes the oxidation of various oxygen acceptors by hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ):

  • reduced acceptor + H 2 O 2 → oxidized acceptor + H 2 O

Examples of such oxidation reactions are:

The source of hydrogen peroxide is often the reaction of glucose with oxygen in the presence of the enzyme glucose oxidase ( EC ), which also takes place in saliva . The glucose in turn can arise from starch in the presence of the salivary enzyme amyloglucosidase (γ- amylase ( EC )) . Such oxidation products are highly reactive and have a strong antibacterial effect. The lactoperoxidase system is capable of a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including microaerophilic Helicobacter pylori . The effect of the lactoperoxidase system depends on certain experimental conditions. If bacteria are to be cultured on nutrient agar under aerobic conditions after exposure to the lactoperoxidase system, they will not grow. However, they do grow on blood agar under anaerobic conditions. The lactoperoxidase system appears to act synergistically with lactoferrin and lysozyme . If hydrogen peroxide is present in excess of the thiocyanate, the lactoperoxidase system can also have a cytotoxic effect.


Due to the antibacterial effectiveness of the lactoperoxidase system, it is used to preserve food and cosmetics as well as in ophthalmology. Further applications can be found in the fields of dentistry and wound treatment. The lactoperoxidase system may also be used to fight tumors and viruses.

milk and milkproducts

The lactoperoxidase system inhibits the growth of bacterial flora in milk and dairy products. The addition of hydrogen peroxide and a thiocyanate extends the shelf life of chilled raw milk. The lactoperoxidase system is comparatively thermally stable and is used as an indicator of overpasteurization of milk.


The lactoperoxidase system also appears to be suitable for the treatment of tooth decay , gingivitis and periodontitis and is therefore used as a component in toothpastes and mouthwash solutions. Because it inhibits bacterial growth in the oral cavity, it also inhibits the acid production of these bacteria.

Clinical significance of the lactoperoxidase system

Dental and oral health

In the last few decades a number of clinical studies on the effectiveness of the lactoperoxidase system in various oral hygiene products (toothpastes, mouthwashes) have been published. After it had been shown indirectly via the measurement of experimental gingivitis and caries parameters that mouth rinsing solutions containing amyloglucosidase (γ- amylase ) and glucose oxidase activate the lactoperoxidase system, studies have recently become known that investigate the mechanism of the protective function of enzymes in oral hygiene products. Enzymes such as lysozyme , lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase are transferred from the toothpaste to the pellicle . As part of the pellicle, these enzymes are highly catalytically active. As a component of toothpaste, the lactoperoxidase system also has a beneficial effect on preventing early childhood caries by reducing the number of colonies of cariogenic microflora that have formed, while at the same time increasing the thiocyanate concentration. Toothpastes with the lactoperoxidase system proved in xerostomia -Patients compared to fluoridated toothpastes terms plaque formation and gingivitis as superior. Further studies of this kind should follow, not least to shed light on the mechanism of the protective effect, which has not yet been fully elucidated. The use of lactoperoxidase is not limited to tooth decay, gingivitis and periodontitis . A combination of lysozyme and lactoperoxidase can also be used to support the treatment of Burning Mouth Syndrome ( glossodynia ). In combination with lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase is effective against bad breath ; in combination with lactoferrin and lysozyme, lactoperoxidase helps relieve symptoms of dry mouth (xerostomia). Likewise, gels with lactoperoxidase can help relieve symptoms in oral cancer patients whose saliva flow is restricted as a result of radiation (xerostomia) and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the bacterial flora .

Cystic fibrosis

Less thiocyanate is found in the saliva of patients with cystic fibrosis than in healthy patients. Because hypothiocyanite with less antibacterial activity can be formed in this way, this could be one reason why these patients suffer more often from respiratory diseases.


Antibody conjugates with lactoperoxidase kill tumor cells. Macrophages that have been exposed to lactoperoxidase can neutralize tumor cells to a greater extent. The oxidation of estradiol by lactoperoxidase is believed to be a potential source of oxidative stress in breast cancer . Also, estrogen is oxidized in the presence of lactoperoxidase. This creates a reactive phenoxy radical on the phenolic A ring of the estrogen. The action of lactoperoxidase could activate carcinogenic amines in such a way that they react more intensively with DNA and thus contribute to the formation of breast cancer.

Individual evidence

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