State election in Schleswig-Holstein 2005

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2000State election 20052009
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 2000
 % p
± 0.0
± 0.0
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
e excluded from the threshold clause
A total of 69 seats

The election for the 16th Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament took place on February 20, 2005 .

Top candidates of the state parliament parties

For the CDU , Peter Harry Carstensen ran as the top candidate , the SPD was headed by the previous Prime Minister Heide Simonis . The top candidate of the FDP Schleswig-Holstein was Wolfgang Kubicki . The Greens campaigned with Anne Lütkes . The SSW's top candidate was Anke Spoorendonk .

Parties eligible for election

The following parties were allowed to vote:

initial situation

Heide Simonis had been Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein since May 1993. Most recently she was re-elected as head of government after the state elections in 2000, in which the SPD was again the strongest force with 43.1%, and since 1996 she has governed in a coalition with Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen.

In 2003 it was decided that the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein should only be held every five years, after which the state returning officer scheduled the new elections for February 20, 2005.

Electoral system

In Schleswig-Holstein there is a personalized proportional representation . Of the 69 seats, 40 are assigned as direct mandates . In addition, there may be overhang and compensation mandates . The exact number of compensation mandates is controversial because of an ambiguous formulation in the electoral law.


First majority in the constituencies
  • Eligible voters: 2,186,620
  • Voters: 1,455,094 (turnout: 66.55%)
  • valid first votes: 1,413,461
  • valid second votes: 1,434,805
CDU 614.028 43.4 25th 576.095 40.2 30th
SPD 581,242 41.1 15th 554.879 38.7 29
FDP 87,922 6.2 - 94,935 6.6 4th
GREEN 76,831 5.4 - 89,387 6.2 4th
SSW 37,246 2.6 - 51,920 3.6 2
NPD 4,486 0.3 - 27,676 1.9 -
FAMILY - - - 11.802 0.8 -
PDS 6,826 0.5 - 11,392 0.8 -
Gray ones - - - 7,536 0.5 -
DSP 2,777 0.2 - 3,485 0.2 -
PBC - - - 2,930 0.2 -
Offensive D - - - 1,489 0.1 -
DKP - - - 1,279 0.1 -
7 individual applicants 2,103 0.3 - - - -
total 1,413,461 40 1,434,805 69

Government formation

After the state elections on February 20, 2005, the CDU received 30, the SPD 29, the FDP 4, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen also 4 and the Südschleswigsche Voters' Association (SSW) 2 seats in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament , so the CDU and FDP had 34 votes and thus one vote less than the absolute majority. While the CDU called on the SPD to enter into negotiations on a grand coalition , the Social Democrats began coalition talks with the Greens. The coalition agreement between the SPD and the Greens was confirmed on March 15, 2005 at special party conferences of the two parties. The SSW agreed to tolerate this red-green coalition. The vote in the SPD was unanimous, in the Greens there were two abstentions.

Heide Simonis and the chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Peter Harry Carstensen, ran for the election of the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein on March 17, 2005. Neither candidate received a majority in four ballots. The state parliament had to adjourn without electing a prime minister. Six weeks later, on April 27, 2005, Carstensen was finally elected Prime Minister of a grand coalition . Negotiations on the grand coalition lasted from April 4 to 16, and on April 23, both parties' congresses voted in favor of the coalition agreement.

See also

Commons : Schleswig-Holstein state election 2005  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c State election in Schleswig-Holstein on February 20, 2005. Final result. Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (PDF file; 1.6 MB).
  2. SSW press release of August 15, 2009  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  

Web links