Lanzenbach (Speltach)

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Lanzenbach also
used to be: Lindsbach
Water code DE : 2388162
location Swabian-Franconian forest mountains


River system Rhine
Drain over Speltach  → Jagst  → Neckar  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source approx. 1.5 km south of Vellberg- Lorenzenzimmern on the western edge of the forest of a corridor tube on Strüt
49 ° 7 '0 "  N , 9 ° 56" 1 "  E
Source height approx.  457  m above sea level NHN
confluence on the southern edge of Frankenhardt- Oberspeltach from the northeast with its right upper reaches Buchbach to Speltach Coordinates: 49 ° 6 '9 "  N , 9 ° 58' 45"  E 49 ° 6 '9 "  N , 9 ° 58' 45"  E
Mouth height approx.  422  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 35 m
Bottom slope approx. 7.9 ‰
length 4.5 km
Catchment area 6.733 km²

The Lanzenbach is a 4 km long brook in the Burgbergwald forest in the district of Schwäbisch Hall in north-eastern Baden-Württemberg , which, after running east- south- east at Oberspeltach in the municipality of Frankenhardt, flows from the left with the Buchbach to the Speltach coming from the west .



The Lanzenbach arises about 1.5 km south of the Vellberg hamlet Lorenzenzimmern on a platform of the large forest area around the Burgberg above it , which is taken up by a long corridor that is open to the hamlet. It rises at about 457  m above sea level. NHN on the western edge of the forest, crosses the bay as a small gap between a field and a meadow, and then enters into the wooded blade of its upper run, which pulls about östwärts.

A good half a kilometer after the beginning of this railing channel, a short Nebenklingenbach runs to the north, which starts at the edge of the forest in the north to the same terrain platform in the Pfaffenschab Gewann at a drainage pipe that drains it. A total of about one and a half kilometers below the source, the Lanzenbach leaves the forest over the municipality border to Frankenhardt into the open floodplain and shortly afterwards feeds the Pfaffenweiher , an approximately 0.6 ha large, tree-surrounded lake with an irregular contour at about 445  m above sea level. NHN , near the straight right bank of which a run flows past.

After the lake, the flat floodplain, covered by meadows, expands, the stream flows further eastwards between the Muckenwald on the left and the wooded Heiligenberg ridge on the right. Shortly before this right edge mountain runs out next to the valley corridor called Seeleswasen there, the Muckenbach flows from the north- northeast from a also quite wide and flat bay, the first of the two left, both about 1.2 km long large tributaries. Its initially blade-like hollow begins northwest of the Burgberg summit ( 534.1  m above sea level ) on the forest path that surrounds it in a wide arc.

In Seeleswasen the Lanzenbach slowly swings to the southeast. Where it has reached this in the Brückwiesen , the edge of the closed forest recedes significantly to the left. From the west, the inconspicuous Schneiderwasenbach flows out of the flat, mostly meadows occupied Schneiderswasen (!), Which begins its 0.9 km long, partly ruined course in a small valley bay between Heiligenberg in the north and Unterbühle in the south. from the left and northeast, on the other hand, the Lichtmessbach , whose moat runs through it, runs shortly thereafter from the hollow of the light measuring blade southeast of the castle hill .

Further down on its southeastern lower course, the Lanzenbach initially enters a wider, undeveloped meadow between the first houses of the Frankenhardt village of Oberspeltach on the left and right. Here he passes a small damp hollow and a tiny pond on the right bank and only then enters the settlement area of ​​the village. At the small village church it crosses under the main road and then flows less than 200 meters further on the southern outskirts from the left and finally northwest at about 457  m above sea level. NHN merges with the Buchbach to the Speltach , which comes from the west and is almost equally long and rich in catchment area, which then flows away to the east-south- east through its wide floodplain.

The approx. 4.5 km long Lanzenbach flows about 35 meters below its origin and has a mean bed gradient of around 8 ‰.

Catchment area

The Lanzenbach has a catchment area of ​​6.7 km², which naturally belongs to the sub-area Burgberg-Vorhöhen and Speltachbucht of the Swabian-Franconian Forest Mountains . Its contour is roughly in the form of a flat triangle with a nearly 4.5 km long base, which stretches from the small high plateau of the Upper Plain (approx. 476  m above sea level ) a little west of the origin in an east-southeast direction to the mouth. Across from it, it reaches a width of just over 2 km at its widest point, the north-north-eastern point between the two other sides of the catchment area, which is around 3 km long, is located on a high plateau in Hohenschlag (approx. 500  m above sea level ) a little north of the Muckenbach origin .

The hydrologically most important watershed borders the catchment area of ​​the Aalenbach , which drains into the Neckar via Bühler and then Kocher , while the Lanzenbach runoff reaches via Speltach and Jagst . Behind her, the small watercourses of the Brühlbach near Lorenzenzimmern run in the north-northeast and further east of the brook from the Teufelsklinge a little up the hamlet to the upper Aalenbach. Beyond the northeastern watershed from Hohenschlag to the mouth, which, over the highest point, which is also drained to Lanzenbach on Castle Hill Plateau ( 534.1  m above sea level. NHN draws), lead the Herrbach at Roßfeld and then the Aspenbächle at Onolzheim the Jagst tributary to Maulach . The long right watershed in the south-southwest separates one after the other from the catchment area of ​​the right Speltach upper reaches Buchbach , then from its left tributary Seebach , and finally again near the upper level from that of the Steppach , which flows into the middle Aalenbach at Großaltdorf .

The larger part of the area belongs to the municipality of Frankenhardt , a significantly smaller part in the west to the small town of Vellberg , an even smaller border mainly on the northern edge with only forest area to the central town of Crailsheim . The only place on the run is the Frankenhardt village of Oberspeltach at the mouth. A restaurant is attached to the observation tower on the castle hill in a small surrounding meadow clearing, which stands on the watershed. However, this is uninhabited and is only open in summer and on weekends.

Tributaries and lakes

List of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, lake area and catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Source of the Lanzenbach at about 457  m above sea level. NHN approx. 1.5 km south of Vellberg - Lorenzenzimmern on the western edge of the forest of a corridor hose on the Strüt in a ditch between a field and a meadow. In this narrow piece of corridor, the stream initially flows northeast and, after entering the forest, partly meanders to the east.

  • (Waldrinnsal), from the left and north to about 445  m above sea level. NHN opposite the fourteen wood from the Pfaffenschab , at least 0.5 km and about 0.3 km². Flows at about 458  m above sea level. NHN a field drainage on the northern edge of the forest to the corridor portion of the Pfaffenschabs . The main course, which is around 0.7 km long here, has a partial catchment area of ​​around 0.8 km².
  • (Rinnsal), from the right and southwest to about 439  m above sea level. NHN at the beginning of the valley just before the next, approx. 0.2 km and approx. 0.3 km². Arises at about 445  m above sea level. NHN next to the winding Waldwegtalsteige down to the Pfaffenweiher.
  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFeeds at about 445  m above sea level. NHN the Pfaffenweiher , 0.6 hectares, located immediately to the left of the river .
    The path out of the forest, which changes to the left in front of the lake, now follows the creek to the point where it flows into the valley on the left.
  • Muckenbach , from the left and from the north-northeast to about 434  m above sea level. NHN in the Auengewann Seeleswasen from a wide side plain , 1.2 km and approx. 1.0 km². Arises at about 466  m above sea level. NHN northwest of the castle hill at a junction of the forest road that surrounds it in a wide ring.
    A little after this tributary, the Lanzenbach turns to the south-east.
  • Schneiderwasenbach , from the right and west to about 428  m above sea level. NHN from the Schneiderswasen , approx. 0.9 km and approx. 0.6 km². Arises at about 440  m above sea level. NHN in a valley bay with coppice forest between the Heiligenberg in the north and the Anbühl in the south. Initially inconspicuous meadow channel without a recognizable bed.
  • Lichtmessbach , from the left and northeast to 427.2  m above sea level. NHN a little after the previous one to the west of the Mettelbühl- Sporn, 1.0 km and about 0.9 km². Arises at about 448  m above sea level. NHN and runs through the light measuring blade in the open corridor almost from the start .
  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgPasses at heights of 425  m above sea level. At first an almost dried up pool, approx. 0.1 ha, shortly afterwards a small pond, under 0.1 ha, both directly on the right bank in the undeveloped valley floodplain after the first Oberspeltach houses on the hills.

Confluence of the lance Bach in since underflow southeast direction to about 422  m above sea level. NHN with the right Buchbach coming from the west to the Speltach after crossing the village on the southern outskirts of Oberspeltach , municipality of Frankenhardt . The Lanzenbach is about 4.5 km long and has a catchment area of ​​6.7 km².


The gypsum keuper ( grave field formation ) occurs in the deepest areas of the catchment area and the vast majority of its area . In four islands on the highest elevations over which the watershed runs, the reed sandstone ( Stuttgart formation ) lies above it - mostly in the form of small plateaus : in the Hohenschlag (a little over 500  m above sea level ), on the Burgberg plateau ( 534.1  m above sea level ), on a small knoll of the western Heiligenberg (approx. 484.2  m above sea level ) and on the upper level (approx. 476  m above sea level ).

The outstanding height of the Burgberg and its height difference to the Heiligenberg-Kuppe of over 50 meters makes this picture doubtful, because the reed sandstone layer here would have to be extraordinarily thick for the region. Perhaps here the card shows a generalization error and the Castle Hill even still projects over the resting the Schilfsandstein Lower Bunte Mergel ( Steigerwald formation ) into the prone also to Verebnungen pebbly sandstone ( Hassberge lineup ).

Nature, landscape and protected areas

The Lanzenbach, which still has little water there, runs slowly over its narrow, meandering bed of clay or fine pebbles on the ground in its upper course forest blade in the fourteen wood. When you step out into the corridor, it begins its straight course, which is accompanied by a more or less thin gallery of mostly black alder; In the middle of the 19th century, the brook still meandered here. At the beginning, there are wide wet meadows on both sides of the corridor, which narrow sharply with the inflow of the Muckenbachs and repeatedly expire. There are few hedges in the floodplain, the only other large-scale dividing elements are the two rows of trees and bushes on both sides of a forest path that crosses from Seeleswasen to the eastern tip of the Heiligenberg.

A little less than half of the catchment area is forested. The open parts are mainly in the wide valley floor and above all on the flat ridges below the Muckenbach inflow, first on the right and then on the left that are cleared of forests; In addition, there are the plowed areas in the north-northwest on the plateau near Lorenzenzimmern in the Strüt and Pfaffenschab tubs . The corridor on both sides of the middle and lower reaches, on the other hand, is dominated by meadows at the beginning and again by fields at the end.

To the left, noticeably above the broad Lanzenbachaue, the small plateau of the Burgberg and its hilltop slopes belong to the 17 hectare, mostly open Burgberg .

See also

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Lanzenbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b c d e f g Height according to the contour line image on the background layer topographic map .
  2. Length according to the water network layer ( AWGN ) , an additional short upper reaches of the Lanzenbach in the Strüt , which was not taken into account in the polygon, was measured on the background layer topographic map .
  3. a b Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  4. Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  5. Lake area after the layer standing waters .
  6. a b c Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  7. a b c Length measured on the background layer topographic map .
  8. Name of Schneider 's wasen bachs developed. The won through is called Schneiderswasen according to the background layer Topographische Karte , the name mentioned on the layer Gewässernetz (AWGN) without the genitive S is therefore probably a typo.
  9. a b c Height after black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  10. Length according to the waterway network layer (AWGN) . A very short further upper reaches, which is not included in the polygon on this river map, was additionally measured on the background layer topographic map .
  11. Landscape protection area after the layer of the same name.

Other evidence

  1. See the chapter on Ober-Speltach in the description of the Oberamt Crailsheim from 1838.
  2. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  3. Geology according to: Mapserver of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )
  4. See the map sheet Topographischer Atlas des Koenigreichs Württemberg - sheet 12 Ellwangen (PDF, 5.8 MByte) from 1838.


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6825 Ilshofen

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