Lazarus from Mamula

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Lazarus von Mamula, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1853
Knight's Cross of the Military Maria Theresa Order

Baron Lazarus von Mamula ( Serbo-Croatian  барон Лазар Мамула / baron Lazar Mamula ; born May 22, 1795 in Gomirje , Croatia ; † January 12, 1878 in Vienna ) was an Austrian officer .


Mamula was born as the son of a captain of the kk military frontier troops . He received his training in grammar school, at the Imperial and Royal Engineering Academy in Vienna and began his military career in 1815 in the Geniecorps . Here he had a fast career and was significantly involved in various fortress constructions ( Franzensfeste , Lissa , Komorn ). In 1841 he was promoted to major and genius director for Tyrol and Vorarlberg in Innsbruck. In 1848, at the request of the German Reich Administrator Archduke Johann , who was known to Mamula's experience and ability, he was appointed to the War Department in Frankfurt am Main and was appointed Colonel . However, he refused this honorable task and made himself available to Banus Jellacic in Croatia . In 1849 he was assigned as a colonel to the troops at Peterwardein under Nugent . Assigned by him to observe this fortress and to entrench the position, on March 29th he repulsed a failure of the enemy garrison and not only maintained the position of the imperial troops, but also prevented the enemy from advancing further into Syrmia and Slavonia . This act was honored by being awarded the Knight's Cross of the Military Maria Theresa Order and the Military Cross of Merit.

In 1852 he was appointed military and civil governor and commanding general of Dalmatia . Here he developed beneficial humanitarian activities that earned him the name "Father Mamula" among the population. In 1865 he retired with the title of Feldzeugmeister because of an eye disorder (cataract) .

He also received the following honors: real secret advice, lifelong member of the manor house of the Reichsrat, owner of the Imperial and Royal Infantry Regiment No. 25, Grand Cross of the Austrian Leopold Order with the war decoration of the Knight's Cross, Knight of the Austrian Crown Order I Class, Knight of the Military Maria -Theresien-Order, owner of the Military Merit Cross with the war decoration.


Web links

Commons : Lazarus Freiherr von Mamula  - Collection of images, videos and audio files