Leo Elders

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Leo J. Elders, SVD

Leo J. Elders SVD (born August 7, 1926 in Enkhuizen , Netherlands , † October 14, 2019 in Teteringen ) was a Dutch theologian . He was known worldwide as a renowned Thomist .


After the end of the Second World War, Leo Elders studied philosophy and Catholic theology from 1945 to 1952 with the Steyler missionaries in Helvoirt and Teteringen in the Netherlands and in Sankt Augustin in Germany . From 1952 he studied philosophy, Spanish and Italian at the University of Utrecht and graduated in philosophy in 1954. On February 28, 1953, he was ordained a priest for the Steyler missionaries.

From 1954 to 1959 he taught Greek and Latin at the Mont-Saint-Jean-Baptiste Seminary in Granby , Québec , and at Harvard University in Cambridge , Massachusetts , he taught philosophy. In 1959 he was named after a master's degree in philosophy at the University of Montreal in Vianney Décarie with a thesis on the first philosophy of Aristotle doctorate .

From 1959 he taught at the Nanzan University in Nagoya , Japan , from 1966 as a full professor for the philosophy of the Middle Ages . In 1967 he became a member of the Appointments Commission and the Senate of the university. In 1969 he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and appointed Rector of the Nagoya Seminary.

In 1971 he was appointed by Pope Paul VI. appointed as undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. In 1972 he became a professor at the Pontifical Lateran University and directed the courses in metaphysics and the history of Greek philosophy; he also taught at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum . In 1973 he became a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission .

Since 1976 he has been a professor at the Rolduc seminary in Kerkrade , the Netherlands , since 1981 at the Faculté libre de philosophie comparée in Paris, since 1988 at the private Gustav Siewerth Academy , since 1989 at the University of Navarra , since 1993 at the Notre- Dame de Vie and since 1998 at the Willibrordhuis seminary in Vogelenzang; He was visiting professor at the Philosophical-Theological College of the SVD in St. Augustin (1977–1978) and at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of Texas in Houston (1981–1987).

He has published numerous works on Thomas Aquinas and was among other things editor of Quaestiones thomisticae .

Awards and honors


  • Leo Elders: The metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas in a historical perspective, part 2 "The philosophical theology" , Anton Pustet 1987, ISBN 3702502513
  • Leo Elders: The metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas in historical perspective, part 1 "Das ens commune" , 1989, ISBN 3702502254
  • Leo Elders (author), Matthias Caspers (translator): The natural philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: General natural philosophy - cosmology - philosophy of living beings - philosophical anthropology , Gustav Siewerth Academy 2005, ISBN 3928273175
  • Leo Elders (Author), David Berger (Editor), Jörgen Vijgen (Editor): Conversations with Thomas Aquinas , Respublica 2005, ISBN 3877102832
  • Leo Elders (author), Detlev Rohling (translator): The Ethics of Thomas Aquinas , Gustav Siewerth Academy 2009, ISBN 3928273183

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