List of known stairs

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The list of known stairs contains stairs that are of outstanding importance due to their shape, size or historical significance.

Particularly long: the Montagne de Bueren staircase in Liège
Particularly beautiful: La Scala in Caltagirone
World famous: the Spanish Steps in Rome
"Holy": Scala Santa, the holy staircase
Known from the film Battleship Potemkin : The Potemkin Stairs in Odessa

Special length

World / outside

  • The Niesen staircase , next to the route of the Niesenbahn (longest funicular in Europe), is the longest staircase in the world with 11,674 steps. However, the stairs are not open to the public, except for the annual Niesen staircase run. The difference in altitude is 1,643 m.
  • The stairs on the holy mountain Tai Shan in the Chinese province of Shandong are 1,540 m high and have around 6,000 steps.
  • The stairs in Mihintale in Sri Lanka lead to a mountain top. This monumental staircase has a total of four landings in its course. The 1,840 steps are carved directly out of the granite rock.
  • The Calà del Sasso (in the Asiago plateau , Italy) is the longest flight of stairs in the world with 4,444 steps.

World / inside

  • The longest staircase in the world in a building is the staircase to the 447 m SkyPod viewing platform in the CN Tower in Toronto with 2,570 steps.
  • The longest wooden staircase in the world with 3,975 steps is located in the Mår hydroelectric power station ( Norway ) near the city of Rjukan .
  • The longest cellar staircase in France is in Fort de Souville near Verdun ; it is no longer accessible today.


  • The longest staircase in Germany is at the foot of the Sommerberg in Bad Wildbad . With 1987 steps along the mountain railway , it tops the list in Germany.
  • The longest staircase in Saxony , the Spitzhaus staircase or so-called annual staircase , is located in Radebeul near Dresden. The stairs, built in the baroque style, lead from the Hoflößnitz castle via today's 397 steps to the viewpoint at the Spitzhaus . The Saxon Mt. Everest stair marathon takes place on it every year .
  • The staircase in the right tower of Cologne Cathedral is the longest staircase in North Rhine-Westphalia with 533 steps .
  • The main tower of the Ulm Minster can be climbed via 768 steps up to a height of 143 m.
  • The “ladder to heaven” to the Königstuhl near Heidelberg has around 1,600 steps, from the height of the castle there are more than 1,200 steps.
  • The pedestrian stairs that accompany the Hercules cascade in Kassel on both sides have 539 steps on the right and 535 steps on the left.


  • In Partenen in Montafon , Austria's longest staircase with almost 4,000 steps runs along the Vermuntbahn . It is called " Europatreppe 4000 " and is called "Europe's longest straight staircase". According to the marking at the end of the stairs, the exact number of steps is 3,609.
  • The stairs of death that connected the “Wiener Graben” quarry with the actual Mauthausen concentration camp (in Upper Austria). The stone staircase, which is 31 meters high and has 186 steps, was the site of numerous accidents and murders of prisoners.


  • The longest staircase in Istria is located in the town of Motovun . It leads over 1,052 steps to the top of the Motovun hill.

Particular width

Special shape

  • The Königstreppe at Cape Arkona on the island of Rügen leads down the 42 m high cliff with 230 steps.
  • Monumental staircase "La Scala" in Caltagirone in Sicily . The monumental staircase with 142 steps, richly decorated with colorful majolica , leads to the Cathedral of S. Giuliano.
  • The Montagne de Bueren staircase in Liège in Belgium leads over 373 steps from the historic old town up to the Buerenberg citadel.
  • The imperial staircase in the Munich Residenz , a typical example of a baroque grand staircase, leads to the imperial hall .

Well known

  • Spanish Steps in Rome , actually Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti, is a popular meeting place in Rome and a popular film set. Every year the AltaRoma , the most important fashion show in Italy, takes place here as a major social event. Its highlight and conclusion is the traditional gala Donna sotto le stelle , Woman under the Stars.
  • Cordonata in Rome, a staircase ramp designed by Michelangelo as access to Capitol Square.
  • The Scala Santa ("Holy Staircase") leads inside the Church of Salvatore della Scala Santa, which belongs to the Lateran Complex in Rome, to the Chapel of Sancta Sanctorum. The staircase was brought to Rome from Jerusalem in 326. It is said to be the staircase on which Jesus climbed in the palace of Pontius Pilate for his hearing. It is therefore considered a relic .
  • The Potemkin Stairs (formerly Richelieu Stairs ) in Odessa is famous for a key scene in Sergei Eisenstein's film Battleship Potemkin , in which a baby carriage rolls down these stairs.
  • The open staircase in front of the Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre is one of the main tourist attractions of Paris because of the views it offers. The stairs play an important role in the film The Fabulous World of Amélie .
  • At the open-air plays in Schwäbisch Hall , the staircase in front of the town church, which characterizes the cityscape, is the main venue for theater performances. Even at the DomStufen Festival in Erfurt , theater is played on the 70 cathedral steps .
  • The Strudlhofstiege , an Art Nouveau staircase in Vienna, became known as the namesake of a novel by Heimito von Doderer .
  • The Selarón staircase in Rio de Janeiro connects the districts of Lapa and Santa Teresa and is known for the decoration with colorful ceramic tiles on the steps and walls. The staircase is now one of the city's landmarks and has been imitated in numerous other places.

The oldest staircase in the world

In 2002 a wooden staircase was discovered in the Hallstatt salt mine . It is the oldest surviving wooden staircase in Europe. With the help of dendrochronology, the date of strike of their wood could be exactly to 1344 and 1343 BC. Be determined. The staircase has thus been preserved almost intact for over 3,350 years.

See also

Individual evidence
