List of cinemas in Berlin-Hansaviertel

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The list of cinemas in Berlin-Hansaviertel describes the cinema that existed in today's Berlin district of Hansaviertel . The list was built according to information from research in the Kino-Wiki and linked to connections with Berlin's cinema history from further historical and current references. It reflects the status of the film screening facilities that have ever existed in Berlin as well as the situation in January 2020. According to this, there are 92 venues in Berlin, which means first place in Germany, followed by Munich (38), Hamburg (28), Dresden (18) as well as Cologne and Stuttgart (17 each). At the same time, this compilation is part of the lists of all Berlin cinemas .

Name / location address Duration description image

( Location )

Altonaer Strasse 22 1957-1974 The building was built in 1957 according to plans by Ernst Zinsser and Hansrudi Plarre as part of the international building exhibition " Interbau "; it housed the “Bellevue” cinema until 1974. The nightly performances on Saturday “Jazz and Slapsticks”, where a jazz band played to slapstick films from the silent film era , were well known.

After negotiations by the Senator for Science and Art and the Tiergarten District Office, the Grips children's theater moved into the closed cinema on Hansaplatz in the center of the southern Hansaviertel in 1974 . It still exists there today. The building is a listed building .

Berlin-Hansaviertel Hansaplatz Grips-Theater

Berlin-Hansaviertel Hansaplatz Entrance to the Grips-Theater


  • Sylvaine Hänsel, Angelika Schmitt (eds.): Cinema architecture in Berlin 1895–1995 . Reimer, Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-496-01129-7 .

Web links

The Kino Wiki is currently hosted on . The data was compiled from the special address books Reichskino Adressbuch (Verlag Lichtbühne) and Kinoadressbuch (Verlag Max Mattisson) as well as the cinema list (1907–1910) of the first specialist journal for all of the art of photography, Der Kinematograph . The project of the Berlin cinemas is based on this data and supplements regional references.

Individual evidence

  1. Kino-Wiki main page, accessed on January 18, 2020. Kinowiki deals with the history of movie theaters in Germany and tries to collect all information about movie theaters and movie theaters in Germany. It is sorted according to federal states and cities. Everyone is called upon to supplement the data or correct errors.
  2. The breakdown by districts and districts is based on the district reform of 2001.
  3. ^ Stefan Strauss: Film? Running. Publication in the Berliner Zeitung , March 27, 2017, p. 13.
  4. LDL Berlin: Buildings of "Interbau 57" & Hansaviertel