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Point high-rise buildings in the Hansaviertel
The Walter-Gropius-Haus is a curved building pane and is characterized by a special arrangement of the balconies.  It creates a lively facade pattern that is reminiscent of a chessboard.
The Walter-Gropius-Haus in the Hansaviertel

The Interbau (now also abbreviated to IBA 57 hereinafter) was an international building exhibition in Berlin in 1957. Through the work of 53 architects from 13 countries of the was in 1956 with the redesign of the Second World War destroyed Hansa district in the style of post-war modernism started. Otto Bartning was in charge of the overall planning ; the urban development competition was won by Gerhard Jobst and Willy Kreuer , whose plans were later modified to form the basis for execution.


In view of the massive war damage in Berlin's city center , holding an event for new building was of great importance. The exhibition planned by the West Berlin Senate in close cooperation with the Association of German Architects and the Federal Building Ministry addressed invitations to well-known architects from all over the world with the request to develop specific proposals for a new city quarter for Berliners. These were implemented on site after a jury assessment and led to the new Hansaviertel. The exhibition of the finished buildings, which was open to the public, took place between July 6 and September 29, 1957. Federal President Theodor Heuss opened the building exhibition and the then Governing Mayor Otto Suhr gave the keynote address at Bellevue Palace . For the opening ceremony of Interbau, the composer Max Baumann wrote Perspektiven I op. 55 for large orchestra.

Location map

Site plan with legend

Site plan of the southern Hansaviertel, the area of ​​the International Building Exhibition 1957:

Site plan Interbau.jpgKaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche Grips-Theater Schwedenhaus (Berlin) Akademie der Künste (Berlin)
About this picture
Oscar-Niemeyer-Haus in the Hansaviertel, called Spitzbein
Junggesellenhaus Klopstockstraße 2, called Bienenhaus , with restaurant Giraffe

Participating architects (selection)

For a complete list of architects and realized buildings → see also: Berlin-Hansaviertel .

Participating artists

The following artists were also involved:

Eight garden designers also contributed to the success of the exhibition.


The buildings that were built or were to be built after 1957 were divided into groups from A to G and included, among other things, high-rise apartment buildings (A, B), apartment buildings and single-family houses (C, D, E), churches, cultural and commercial buildings (F) and Interbau -Objects outside the Hansa district (G). The result:


  • Interbau Berlin 1957. Official catalog of the International Building Exhibition Berlin 1957. Published by the International Building Exhibition Berlin GmbH. Berlin-Charlottenburg 1957.
  • Winfried Nerdinger : Architecture Guide Germany. Birkhäuser, Basel 1996, ISBN 3-7643-5287-6 .
  • Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper , Franziska Schmidt: The Hansaviertel. International post-war modernism in Berlin . Verlag Bauwesen, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-345-00639-1 .
  • Frank-Manuel Peter : The Berlin Hansaviertel and the Interbau 1957. Sutton, Erfurt 2007, ISBN 3-86680-151-3 .
  • Sandra Wagner-Conzelmann: Interbau 1957 in Berlin, city of today - city of tomorrow. Urban planning and social criticism of the 1950s , Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-86568-231-4 .
  • Sandra Wagner-Conzelmann (ed.): The Hansaviertel in Berlin and the potential of modernity. Conversation with science and contemporary witnesses , conference proceedings Akademie der Künste in Berlin, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-88331-120-3 .
  • Sally Below, Moritz Henning, Heike Oevermann: The Berlin Building Exhibitions - Guide to the Future? Regioverlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 3-929273-72-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c depictions of the IBA 1957 in the Berlin Chronik of 1957. Online version, ed. from the Berlin State Archives; Retrieved November 24, 2014.