List of cultural monuments in Leutersdorf (Oberlausitz)

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Coat of arms of Leutersdorf

The list of cultural monuments in Leutersdorf includes the cultural monuments of the Saxon community of Leutersdorf that were recorded by the State Office for Monument Preservation of Saxony until December 2018 (excluding archaeological cultural monuments). The notes are to be observed.

This list is a subset of the list of cultural monuments in the district of Görlitz .


image designation location Dating description ID
Post mill (Hetzemühle)
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Post mill ( Hetzemühle ) Hetzwalder Ring 17 (near)
In operation since 1775 Without a wing, secured as a technical monument in 1929 and 1955, of importance in terms of technology and local history 09272109
Residential building Hetzwalder Ring 23
Marked with 1879 (door frame) Single-storey double room building, historically important 09272110
Residential building Hetzwalder Ring 37
Late 19th century Double room building, historically important 09274675


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Marking stones of the bohemian enclave Niederleutersdorf (enclave stones) (Map) Marked 1787 The enclave formed the Leutersdorf districts Niederleutersdorf, Neuwalde, Neuleutersdorf, Josephsdorf and Sorge. The mentioned places came to Saxony in 1849, in today's district of Sorge five stones (four granite stones, one basalt stone), in the district of Neuleutersdorf two Liechtenstein parcel stones and three boundary stones Leutersdorf / Neugersdorf (two granite stones, one basalt stone). A lost stone Leutersdorf / Neugersdorf / Altgersdorf. Regional historical value. 09304213
Residential building Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 1
At its core around 1800 One-storey, changed after the fire, but still defining the townscape, important in terms of building history 09272091
Catholic parish church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and churchyard (entity)
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Catholic parish church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and churchyard (entity) Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 2, 4 (Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 18)
1862 Totality of the Catholic parish church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and churchyard with the following individual monuments: Church (No. 2), tomb, cemetery and enclosure wall (see individual monuments 09272089), Catholic rectory (no.4) with memorial plaque for Aloys Scholze (see individual monuments 09272112) and diaconate ( Seifhennersdorfer Straße 18), today a residential building (see individual monument 09272111); A building ensemble created at the same time based on plans by CA Schramm, Zittau, of importance in terms of building history, art history, landscape design and local history 09303668
Church, tomb, funeral hall and enclosure wall (individual monuments to ID No. 09303668)
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Church, tomb, funeral hall and enclosure wall (individual monuments to ID No. 09303668) Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 2
1862 (church, mortuary and enclosure); after 1882 (tomb) Individual features of the entity Catholic parish church of the Assumption and churchyard; Single-nave neo-Gothic hall church based on plans by CA Schramm, Zittau, important in terms of building history, art history and landscape design 09272089
Catholic parsonage with memorial plaque for Aloys Scholze (individual monuments for ID No. 09303668) Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 4
1862 Individual features of the entity Catholic parish church of the Assumption and churchyard; Plastered building with brick ornamentation, of architectural and local significance 09272112
Residential building Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 5
Probably the 18th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272096
Residential building Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 6
In the core probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272090
Well Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 7
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Formerly part of a one-storey half-timbered house demolished in 1953, driven into the rock like a mountain cellar, of architectural and local significance 09271681
Prayer cross Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 10 (in front)
Early 19th century With elaborate plastic jewelry, cross with gold-plated crucifix, of regional historical importance 09272093
Residential building Aloys-Scholze-Strasse 12
Essentially the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272095
Residential building At the upper pond 3
2nd half of the 19th century, the core probably older One-storey with jamb, important in terms of building history 09272073
Residential building Am Oberen Teich 4
Early 19th century, older in essence One-storey, historically and socially important 09272074
Residential building At line 9
Probably mid-19th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272001
Residential house (surrounding area) with attached barn part At line 10
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272002
Railway station with reception building and goods shed north of it
Railway station with reception building and goods shed north of it Bahnhofstrasse 3
1868/1871 Mittelherwigsdorf – Varnsdorf – Eibau railway line ; The railway station has a simple central gable and is of importance in terms of building history and traffic history 09304214
Residential building Bergstrasse 3
Probably 18th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272102
Residential building Bergstrasse 8
Around 1830 One storey, former three-zone single house, historically important 09272101
Residential building Bergstrasse 21
Late 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272100
Residential building Bergstrasse 22
Probably at the end of the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272097
Residential building Bergstrasse 23
Essentially the 18th century Single-storey three-zone house, of architectural and social significance 09272099
Residential building Bergstrasse 25
Probably the 18th century One-storey with jamb, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272098
Residential building
Residential building Bergwerkstrasse 2
Marked 1874 One-storey with jamb, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272004
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a two-sided courtyard Bergwerkstrasse 5
Marked 1814 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272005
Residential building Dammweg 1
1st half of the 19th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272006
Residential building Dammweg 4
1895 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272007
Winklersches Bauerngut: House (surrounding area) Dammweg 6
Marked 1839 Upper floor half-timbered, historically important, one of the most beautiful half-timbered houses in the town, defining the townscape due to its free position 09272008
Residential building
Residential building Fabrikstrasse 1
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, presumably a former trading post, of architectural significance 09272072
Residential building
Residential building Fabrikstrasse 2
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272071
Residential building Fabrikstrasse 5
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272070
Rectory as a stable house (surrounding area)
Rectory as a stable house (surrounding area) Fliederweg 2
Probably 2nd half of the 18th century, possibly older in the core Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance 09272030
Residential building
Residential building Fliederweg 5
After 1860 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272031
Residential building Friedensstrasse 2
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272037
Residential building Friedensstrasse 4
Probably mid-19th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272038
Residential house (surrounding area), with extension Friedensstrasse 8
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, historically important, possibly a former “Färbehäusl” from the early days of industrialization 09272039
Residential building Friedensstrasse 10
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272040
Residential building Friedensstrasse 14
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272041
Residential building Friedensstrasse 22
1806 Upper floor half-timbered, former school building, of architectural and local significance 09272042
Residential building Friedensstrasse 29
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272043
Residential building Friedensstrasse 34
Late 1920s Timber house, single-storey type building by the company Christoph & Unmack (Niesky), of architectural significance 09272044
Residential building Friedensstrasse 35
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272046
Surrounding part of a residential building Friedensstrasse 36
Probably around 1810/1820 Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important 09272045
Residential building Friedensstrasse 39
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272047
House with attached barn Friedensstrasse 41
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, presumably an external house, of architectural and economic importance 09272048
Residential building Friedensstrasse 45
Probably around 1850 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, historically important, very nice example of a uniformly preserved house from the middle of the 19th century 09272052
Residential building Friedensstrasse 46
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272050
Residential building Friedensstrasse 48
After 1850 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272051
Residential building
Residential building Friedensstrasse 51
Probably at the end of the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272054
Residential building Friedensstrasse 52
Probably early 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272053
Residential building
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Residential building Friedensstrasse 55
Probably at the end of the 18th century One storey, historically important, former distillery with bar 09272055
Porch and door frame of a stable house (Könneritz Gut) Friedensstrasse 57
After 1800 Belonging to the manor Oberleutersdorf II / III, of architectural and craft-artistic importance 09272056
Grave complex of the Knöpfel family Friedhofsweg (on the New Cemetery)
Around 1900 Natural stone cuboid with a figure of Christ and Art Nouveau script, artistically significant 09272081
Residential building
Residential building Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Strasse 10
1848 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272060
Residential building
Residential building Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Strasse 20
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272029
Residential building Gärtnerweg 6
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272003
Residential building
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 3
Marked with 1819 (door frame) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272035
Residential building
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 12
Marked with 1787 (door frame) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272028
Residential building
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 14
Marked with 1827 (door frame) Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272027
Residential building
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 18
Probably early 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272026
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a four-sided courtyard, with adjoining archway Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 22
Probably around 1800 Representative building of a trading post, upper floor half-timbered, clad with wood, crooked hip roof with long roof pike, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the street 09272025
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 24
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272024
Residential building Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 28
1830 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272023
Residential building Grenzweg 2
Probably at the end of the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272105
Residential house (surrounding area) of a three-sided courtyard Karasekweg 1
Marked with 1868 (door frame) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272107
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a Winkelhof Karasekweg 2
Probably 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272106
Residential house (surrounding area) and garden with garden pavilion Kastanienweg 2
Probably mid-19th century Presumably a factory owner's house, double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272010
Residential house (surrounding area) with angled barn Kastanienweg 8
In the core 18th century (farmhouse); after 1900, 1926 (barn) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and economic importance 09272012
Residential house (surrounding area) of a two-sided courtyard Kastanienweg 10
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272011
Residential building Mittelstrasse 5
Probably around 1800, later changed One-storey with jamb, important in terms of building history 09272069
Residential building Mittelstrasse 7
Probably 2nd half of the 18th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272068
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a three-sided courtyard Oststrasse 35
Marked with 1777 (door frame) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09271997
Residential building Oststrasse 37
1st half of the 19th century, probably older Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09271996
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 4
Probably 1st half of the 19th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272075
Residential building
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Residential building Sachsenstrasse 11
Marked with 1823 (door frame) Former stable house, singular appearance: side wing on the upper floor with surrounding structure (the structural situation is blurred by slabbing), thus two surrounding structures are created on top of each other, probably the last surviving example of this structure that was still present several times in the southern Lusatian area in the 19th century, of importance in terms of building history and house history 09272079
Christ Church and Kirchhof Leutersdorf (entity)
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Christ Church and Kirchhof Leutersdorf (entity) Sachsenstrasse 23
Around 1870 The whole of the Christ Church and Leutersdorf Cemetery with the following individual monuments: Evangelical Lutheran Church, three grave complexes with enclosures, memorial for the fallen from 1870/71, memorial for those killed in World War I, as well as gate access and wrought iron enclosure to the street (see individual monuments 09272085); Church built in the arched style according to plans by CA Schramm, Zittau, important in terms of building history, art history and landscape design 09303669
Evangelical Lutheran Church, three grave complexes with enclosures, memorial for the fallen from 1870/71, memorial for those killed in the First World War as well as gate access and wrought iron enclosure to the street (individual memorials for ID No. 09303669)
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Evangelical Lutheran Church, three grave complexes with enclosures, memorial for the fallen from 1870/71, memorial for those killed in the First World War as well as gate access and wrought iron enclosure to the street (individual memorials for ID No. 09303669) Sachsenstrasse 23
1862–1865 (church); after 1918 (war memorial) Individual features of the entity Christ Church and Kirchhof Leutersdorf; Church built in the arched style according to plans by CA Schramm, Zittau, important in terms of building history, art history and landscape design 09272085
Villa with garden and enclosure Sachsenstrasse 24
After 1920 Solid construction with hipped roof, distinctive facade structure through plaster pilasters and serrated friezes, of importance in terms of building history and garden design 09272076
Residential building
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 25
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272086
Residential house (surrounding area) with attached workshop Sachsenstrasse 28
Probably around 1840/50 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272077
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 32
In the core probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272078
Residential building with side wing and porch (Mittelkretscham)
Residential building with side wing and porch (Mittelkretscham) Sachsenstrasse 40
Probably the 18th century, possibly older Upper floor half-timbered structure, of importance in terms of building history, local history and character of the townscape 09272082
Residential building
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 42
Marked 1840 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272083
Residential building
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 50
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272084
Residential building
Residential building Sachsenstrasse 60
Around 1900 Plastered building with a roofed central projection, of architectural significance 09272088
Residential building Sandweg 2
Probably at the end of the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272092
Residential house (surrounding area), with advance notice
Residential house (surrounding area), with advance notice Schulstrasse 4
Probably around 1820 Trading shop, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance 09272033
Leutersdorf primary school
Leutersdorf primary school Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 2
1883 Plastered building with a late historical facade, of architectural and local significance 09272016
Residential building Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 14
Probably around 1900, possibly later One-storey with jamb, important in terms of building history 09272103
Residential building Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 15
In the core probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272017
Residential building Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 17
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272018
Diaconate, today residential building (single monument for ID no.09303668) Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 18
1862 Individual monument belonging to the whole of the Catholic parish church of the Assumption and the churchyard; Plastered building with brick ornamentation, of architectural and local significance 09272111
Granite door frame at the old municipal office Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 19
Probably at the end of the 18th century Technically and artistically important 09272019
Residential building Seifhennersdorfer Strasse 29
Marked 1893 Clinker brick building with a gabled central projection, of architectural significance 09272104
Manor house of the manor Oberleutersdorf II
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Manor house of the manor Oberleutersdorf II Siedlungsweg 2
1828-1829 Stately, Baroque-style building based on the Schönbacher model with a mansard roof and risalit-like central wing (dwarf house), structured by profiled cornices and elaborate corner pillars with rich, three-dimensional architectural decorations, of architectural and local significance 09272036
Residential building Sorgeweg 8
Probably after 1750 One-storey, historically and socially important 09271995
Residential building Spitzkunnersdorfer Strasse 3
Probably after 1890 Single-storey double room with jamb and dwarf house, historically important 09272014
Residential building (half-timbered) Spitzkunnersdorfer Strasse 12
Probably after 1860 Half-timbered lavishly clad, jamb, important in terms of building history 09272013
Residential building Spitzkunnersdorfer Strasse 22
Probably shortly after 1900 One-storey with jamb, very late type of the half-timbered house, historically important 09272000
Residential building
Residential building Street of Youth 2
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272063
Residential building Street of Youth 3
Probably after 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272064
Residential building Street of Youth 10
Essentially the 18th century Double room, originally single-storey, later increased, upper floor half-timbered, example of the several times verifiable increase in storeys in Leutersdorf and the subsequent installation of wooden rooms, important in terms of building history and house history 09272065
Residential building Street of Youth 20
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272066
Residential house (surrounding area) with equipment Street of Youth 22
Essentially the 18th century Trading shop, double room, upper floor half-timbered, inside a Meißen tiled stove, of architectural and local significance 09272067
Residential building Street of Youth 23
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272021
Residential building Street of Youth 28
Probably the core of the early 18th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272022
Stable house (surrounding area) Teichweg 7
Probably at the end of the 18th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272009
Residential building Uferweg 5
Probably after 1860 One-storey with jamb, very late type of the half-timbered house, historically important 09272061
Residential building
Residential building Uferweg 7
Marked 1832 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, former guest house, historically important 09272062
Residential building
Residential building Uferweg 8
Probably 1st half of the 19th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09272059
Residential building Wiesengrund 3
Probably 18th century One-storey with jamb, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272094
Villa with garden
Villa with garden Zittauer Platz 1
Probably around 1900 Plastered building with a late historical facade, park-like garden, of architectural importance 09272015
Residential building To Heinrichshöhe 1a
Marked 1879, probably older Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09272049
Residential building Zur Heinrichshöhe 14
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272057
Residential building Zur Heinrichshöhe 16
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09272058


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Residential building Neuwalde 1
Probably still in the 18th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09272108


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Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a three-sided courtyard On slope 2
Probably around 1820/30 Upper floor half-timbered structure, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274212
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a three-sided courtyard On slope 3
Probably around 1820/1830 Upper floor half-timbered structure, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274211
Residential building Am Hofeberg 3
Probably around 1750, changed several times Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274247
Manor (No. 1) and south-eastern farm building with stables (No. 2) of the manor
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Manor (No. 1) and south-eastern farm building with stables (No. 2) of the manor Am Hofeteich 1, 2 (Niederoderwitzer Straße 6)
Probably since 1865 (manor house); 19th century (stable building) In addition, Niederoderwitzer Straße 6, mansion with a mezzanine floor, arched central projection, hipped roof, of architectural and local significance 09274246
Stable house (surrounding area) Am Kiesberg 1
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274197
Stable house (surrounding area)
Stable house (surrounding area) Am Kiesberg 10
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274196
Stable house (surrounding area) Am Kiesberg 11
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered structure, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274195
Residential building At Gasse 5
Probably in the core around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274203
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a Winkelhof At line 20
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274295
Residential building Brückenweg 1
Probably mid-18th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274278
Residential building Brückenweg 3
Probably around 1830/1840 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274233
Residential building Dorfstrasse 1
Probably at the end of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274244
Residential building Dorfstrasse 2
Probably around 1820 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274245
Residential building Dorfstrasse 3
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274242
Residential building Dorfstrasse 4
Around 1850 Upper floor half-timbered structure, historically important, important for the townscape 09274243
Residential building Dorfstrasse 7
Probably early 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274235
Residential building Dorfstrasse 9
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274236
Residential building Dorfstrasse 10
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274240
Residential building Dorfstrasse 11
Probably early 19th century One-storey with jamb, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274237
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a four-sided courtyard Dorfstrasse 12
Probably around 1830 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274241
Residential building Dorfstrasse 14
Probably at the end of the 18th century One storey, right half of the house in a rare half-timbered construction, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274239
Residential building Dorfstrasse 22
Probably in the core around 1800 Important for the townscape, surrounding structure with unique profiles, one of the best examples of the "incrustation process" at the end of the 19th century, of importance in terms of building history and the street scene 09274238
Residential building Dorfstrasse 26
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274234
Stable house (surrounding area) Dorfstrasse 28
Probably in the middle of the 19th century, older in the core, changed Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274232
Residential building Dorfstrasse 30
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274231
Residential building Dorfstrasse 31
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274220
Residential house (surrounding area) and free-standing "dye house" Dorfstrasse 34
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Dwelling house, half-timbered upper floor, half-timbered dye house, of architectural and economic significance 09274230
Residential building Dorfstrasse 36
Probably early 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274225
Residential building Dorfstrasse 40
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274222
Residential building Dorfstrasse 45
Probably around 1800 One storey, with a roof house, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274209
Residential building Dorfstrasse 46
Probably early 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274219
Residential building Dorfstrasse 49
Essentially early 19th century, later changed One storey, with a jumble, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274205
Residential building Dorfstrasse 50
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274214
Residential building Dorfstrasse 54
Probably around 1840/1850 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274213
Residential building Dorfstrasse 56
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274210
Residential building Dorfstrasse 57
Probably around 1800 One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274204
Residential house (surrounding area) and barn of a three-sided courtyard Dorfstrasse 58
Marked with 1844 (in grillage) Residential house, double room, upper floor half-timbered, barn half-timbered, important in terms of building history, economic history and shaping the townscape 09274208
Residential building Dorfstrasse 59
Probably 2nd half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274202
Residential building Dorfstrasse 66
Marked with 1862 (door frame), probably older Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274206
Residential building Dorfstrasse 88
Marked 1853 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274201
Stable house (surrounding area) Dorfstrasse 90
Probably first half of the 19th century, possibly older in the core Three-zone single house, upper floor half-timbered, historically important 09274200
Stable house (surrounding area) Dorfstrasse 92
Marked 1841 Upper floor half-timbered, historically important, part of a four-sided courtyard 09274199
Schmiedestübl: residential building (surrounding area) Hauptstrasse 3
Probably around 1720, possibly even older One storey, with jamb, probably the oldest house in the village, historically, house historically and socially and historically important 09274279
Residential building Hauptstrasse 10
Marked with 1829 Former school, twin room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of the history of the building and the townscape 09274280
School, later municipal office Hauptstrasse 13a
Marked 1909 Structurally and locally of importance 09274284
Residential building
Residential building Hauptstrasse 15
Probably around 1840 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274285
Inn (Alter Kretscham) Hauptstrasse 16
1720 Upper floor half-timbered, of importance in terms of building history, local history and character of the townscape, former Kretscham 09274281
Stable house (surrounding area) Hauptstrasse 22
Marked 1735 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and house history of importance, formerly the "Färberhäusl" belonged to it (first production facility of the later company JP Köhler) 09274282
Residential stable house (surrounding area) of a three-sided courtyard Hauptstrasse 26
Probably 2nd half of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274283
Residential house with garden and enclosure
Residential house with garden and enclosure Hauptstrasse 29
Marked 1934–1935 Former country house of the Ernst Martin Köhler company, in the traditional style of the 1930s, of architectural significance 09274288
Rectory with rectory garden
Rectory with rectory garden Hauptstrasse 30
Marked with 1696 (on inscription panel) Structurally and locally of importance 09274217
Nikolaikirche with churchyard and cemetery extension (totality)
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Nikolaikirche with churchyard and cemetery extension (totality) Hauptstrasse 30a, 13b
18th century Totality Nikolaikirche with churchyard and cemetery extension, with the following individual monuments: Evangelical Lutheran Church (No. 30a), five baroque tombs on the east side of the church, a tomb, enclosure wall with two gate pillars and a memorial for the fallen of the First and Second World Wars on the cemetery area opposite (No. 13b, see individual monuments 09274218) as well as the cemetery design through central avenue (garden monument); Of importance in terms of building history, art history and local history 09303670
Evangelical Lutheran Church (no.30a), five baroque tombs on the east side of the church, a grave complex, enclosure wall with two gate pillars and a memorial for the fallen of the First and Second World Wars on the opposite cemetery area (no.13b), Individual features for ID no.  09303670
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Evangelical Lutheran Church (no.30a), five baroque tombs on the east side of the church, a grave complex, enclosure wall with two gate pillars and a memorial for the fallen of the First and Second World Wars on the opposite cemetery area (no.13b), Individual features for ID no. 09303670 Hauptstrasse 30a, 13b
1712–1716 (church) Individual features of the aggregate Nikolaikirche with churchyard and cemetery expansion; Church plastered quarry stone building with three-sided east end, of architectural, art-historical and local significance 09274218
Residential house (surrounding area) and barn
Residential house (surrounding area) and barn Hauptstrasse 36, 38
Marked 1836 Significant in terms of building history and economic history 09274889
Granite door frame and corridor window with wrought iron bars of a former timber frame house
Granite door frame and corridor window with wrought iron bars of a former timber frame house Hauptstrasse 40
Probably 1st half of the 19th century, the house is older Today plastered, artisanal and artistic of importance 09274286
Residential building
Residential building Hauptstrasse 42
Probably mid-19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274287
Factory building with angled extension and office building for the Köhler weaving mill
Factory building with angled extension and office building for the Köhler weaving mill Hauptstrasse 43
Around 1880 (factory building); marked 1880 (office building); marked 1929 (office building) Plastered buildings with rich sculptural decoration, of architectural and local significance 09274292
barn Hauptstrasse 46
Probably from the 18th century Half-timbered structure, a rare example of this structural structure, of architectural significance 09274289
Residential building
Residential building Hauptstrasse 51
Marked 1840 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274293
Residential building
Residential building Hauptstrasse 56
Probably early 19th century One-storey, historically and socially important 09274290
Residential building
Residential building Hauptstrasse 58
1926 Typical plastered building with a mansard roof, historically important 09274291
Residential building Kirchberg 2
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274215
Residential building Kirchberg 3
Probably the core of 1680, later changed One storey, according to tradition, the first school in the area, of architectural and social significance 09274216
Residential building Lower line 2
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274271
Residential building Lower line 18
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274268
Residential house (imitation of the surrounding area) Lower line 32
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274269
Part of the manor Niederoderwitzer Strasse 6
19th century Structurally and locally of importance 09274246
Stable house (surrounding area) Niederoderwitzer Strasse 12
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered structure, historically important, important for the townscape and visual relationship 09274276
Stable house (surrounding area) Niederoderwitzer Strasse 15
Marked 1794, later changed Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274277
Residential building Niederschenke 2
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274229
Residential building Top line 4
Probably around 1800 One storey, with a roof house, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274272
Residential building Pappelweg 2
Marked 1797 Upper floor half-timbered, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the street 09274248
Residential building Pappelweg 3
Around 1840/1850 (according to tradition), the core probably older Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274249
Residential building Querstraße 1
Probably around 1830 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape 09274275
Stable house (surrounding area) Querstraße 2
Early 19th century Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274274
Bridge over the Spitzkunnersdorfer water and adjoining brook walls Oberstrom Sidewalk
19th century Bridge an arch, irregular quarry stone, granite, at the side path / village street, of architectural and local significance 09306383
Residential building Side path 1
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274221
Residential building Branch 4
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274223
Villa with garden and enclosure Sorgeweg 11
1929 Plastered construction typical of the time, important in terms of architectural history and garden design 09274270
Stable house (surrounding area) Street of the Republic 7
Probably around 1800 Three-zone single house, upper floor half-timbered, historically important 09274198
Residential building Street of the Republic 20
Around 1840/1850 Instructive example of the sensitive transition from wood to stone construction at the turn of the century, of importance in terms of building history and house history 09274267
Residential building Weberstrasse 1
In the core probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274250
Residential building Weberstrasse 2
Probably in the core around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the street, former municipal office 09274251
Stable house (surrounding area) Weberstrasse 3
Probably early 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274252
Residential building Weberstrasse 5
Probably around 1830 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274253
Residential building Weberstrasse 20
Around 1820 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274258
Residential building Weberstrasse 21
Marked with 1854 (in the door frame) Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local importance, parent house of the Weber company, first factory in the village 09274259
Factory owner's villa with a park-like garden Weberstrasse 22
1922 Belonging to the Weber company, important in terms of building history and local history 09274260
Residential building Weberstrasse 24
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274261
Residential building Weberstrasse 35
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274262
Residential building Wiesental 5
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274254
Residential building Wiesental 8
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274255
Residential building Wiesental 9
Probably around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274256
Residential building Wiesental 10
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of importance in terms of architectural history and the appearance of the street 09274257
Residential building Wiesental 17
1841 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of importance in terms of architectural history and the appearance of the street 09274264
Residential building To old school 2
Probably around 1800 Double room, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance, old Wiesental school 09274263
Residential building To old school 7
Probably around 1800 One-storey, historically and socially important 09274265
Residential building To old school 12
Probably around 1900 Plastered building on the eaves side, projecting middle part like a risalit with a dwelling, of architectural significance 09274266
Residential building To cave 4
Probably mid-19th century One-storey double room building, of architectural and socio-historical importance 09274228
Residential building To cave 9
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274227
Stable house (surrounding area) To cave 10
Probably 1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance 09274226

Deletions from the list of monuments (Spitzkunnersdorf)

image designation location Dating description ID
Residential building Dorfstrasse 62
Marked with 1827 (in the door frame) Double room building, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape; Removed from the list of monuments after 2014 09274207


  • This list is not suitable for deriving binding statements on the monument status of an object. As far as a legally binding determination of the listed property of an object is desired, the owner can apply to the responsible lower monument protection authority for a notice.
  • The official list of cultural monuments is never closed. It is permanently changed through clarifications, new additions or deletions. A transfer of such changes to this list is not guaranteed at the moment.
  • The monument quality of an object does not depend on its entry in this or the official list. Objects that are not listed can also be monuments.
  • Basically, the property of a monument extends to the substance and appearance as a whole, including the interior. Deviating applies if only parts are expressly protected (e.g. the facade).


  • List of listed monuments of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, as of April 15, 2014
  • Monument map of Saxony , accessed on December 11, 2018

Individual evidence

  1. Görlitz district geoportal. In: District Office Görlitz, accessed on December 14, 2018 .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Leutersdorf  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files