List of works of art in public space in Vienna / Mariahilf

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This list of works of art in public space in Mariahilf contains the works of art in public space (public art) in the Mariahilf district in the “Wien Kulturgut” (digital cultural map of the city of Vienna ) .

Memorial plaques are given in the list of plaques and memorial stones in Vienna / Mariahilf .

Works of art

photo   Surname Type Location Artist Dating description
Crucifixion group Upload file Crucifixion group
ID: 43584
Small sacred monuments opposite Barnabitengasse 14
Kaspar Gerbl 1680 The baroque crucifixion group, today placed in a niche on the north-west facade of the Mariahilfer Church, which is closed off by a decorative grille and glazing, was located above the main portal of the criminal prison in Rauhensteingasse until the 18th century. The crucifix was created around 1680, the figures Maria and Johannes were created around 1710.
Crucifixion group
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Crucifixion group
ID: 43583 ObjectID
:  12310
Small sacred monuments Brückengasse 5
The crucifixion group set up in a niche consists of a stone crucifix from the second quarter of the 19th century and figures of Saints Mary and John, probably from the 18th century.
Four statues
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Four statues
ID: 43591 ObjectID
:  11865
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Esterhazy Park. Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz. Opposite Gumpendorfer Straße 63
1723 The four baroque stone figures come from the attic of the former Lazansky house on Stock im Eisen and were transferred to the current location in 1886.
In the still of the night
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In the still of the night
ID: 87310
Art in architecture wall-bound Esterhazypark, flak tower
Lawrence Weiner 1991 Painting of the upper part of the anti-aircraft tower with the comment: SHattered into pieces (in the peace of the night)
Bird bath "Three Figures"
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Bird bath "Three Figures"
ID: 42077
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Grabnergasse 11-13
Mario Petrucci 1962 Bronze sculpture of three figures, each holding a bowl, on a base
"Pure Form" stele
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Stele "Pure Form"
ID: 42203
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Gumpendorfer Straße, Corneliusstiege
Josef Seebacher Artificial stone stele with smalt mosaic
Sculpture “Sundial”, 4 boulders Upload file Sculpture "Sundial", 4 boulders
ID: 41051
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Gumpendorfer Straße 40-44 / Stiegengasse
Edelbert Koeb circa 1988 Stone slab with granite boulders
Richard Waldemar Memorial
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Richard Waldemar Monument
ID: 71038
Monuments opposite Hofmühlgasse 11
Karl Stemolak 1942 The monument to the actor Richard Waldemar consists of a portrait bust on a square base.
7 play sculptures "ponies"
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7 “Ponys” play sculptures
ID: 42076 ObjectID
:  930
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Mollardgasse 32 / Grabnergasse
Mario Petrucci 1957 Seven bronze figures at the kindergarten of the Einsteinhof . Each of the ponies has a name: Max, Lisl, Ali, Moritz, Felix, Rosl and Susi .
Naschmarkt chapel
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Naschmarkt chapel
ID: 43585
Small sacred monuments Naschmarkt. Opposite Linke Wienzeile 18th
The cubic chapel building with a front in the form of a round-arched columned pedicle was built around 1817 and was originally the porch of the Rosalienkapelle in Freihaus on the Wieden before it was moved to the Naschmarkt in 1916.
Luminous obelisk
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Illuminated Obelisk
ID: 43388
Object ID:  12311
Monuments Mariahilfergürtel between 39 and 34 / Mariahilfer Straße
Johann Nepomuk Scheiringer , Johann Scherpe 1906 A memorial plaque on the obelisk commemorates the creation of the green spaces on the belt between Nussdorfer Straße and Wiental in the years 1898–1906 under Mayor Karl Lueger .
Maria Immaculate
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Maria Immaculata
ID: 43586
Small sacred monuments Otto-Bauer-Gasse 17
18th century The statue of Maria Immaculata stands in a fountain basin with which it does not originally belong
Goose girl fountain
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Goose girl fountain
ID: 43588 ObjectID
:  9548
Fountain Rahlstiege, between Mariahilfer Straße and Rahlgasse
Anton Paul Wagner 1866 The fountain initially stood on the Alte Brandstatt near Stephansplatz, from 1879 in front of the Mariahilfer Church, where it had to give way to the Haydn monument in 1886, and has been on the current square since then.
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Gerngross Column
ID: 74432
Secular sculptures / art in buildings free-standing Rahlgasse 8
Franz West 2000 Concrete sculpture on foundation. An egg with the mirror-inverted lettering "Gerngross" is attached to the bucket, so that a "chick that is still inside can read the name correctly".
Chapel niche Upload file Chapel niche
ID: 43453
Small sacred monuments opposite right Wienzeile 15
The small Naschmarkt Museum , a branch of the Mariahilf District Museum , is now housed in the former chapel .
Wayside shrine Upload file Image stock
ID: 43452
Small sacred monuments Opposite right Wienzeile 39
The figure of the Madonna and Child from the 17th century was originally located on the stone bridge that spanned the Vienna River as an extension of Kärntner Straße. The flanking figures of Saints Joseph and Anthony date from the end of the 19th century.
Joseph Haydn
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Joseph Haydn
ID: 43590 ObjectID
:  9554
Monuments In front of the Mariahilfer Church, opposite Mariahilfer Strasse 50, between Mariahilfer Strasse 55 and 59,
Otto Hieser , Heinrich Natter 1887 Statue of Joseph Haydn in front of the Mariahilfer Church
Animal drinking fountain
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Animal drinking fountain
ID: 43589 ObjectID
:  12376
Fountain In front of the corner building Gumpendorfer Strasse 6 / Theobaldgasse 1
Josef Thorak , Adolf Stöckl 1916 The fountain was installed at the Vienna Secession in 1916 and moved to its current location in 1968.
St. John of Nepomuk Upload file St. John of Nepomuk
ID: 43587
Small sacred monuments Windmühlgasse 3
1723 The figure of the saint with a martyr's palm and crucifix on a stone base with a coat of arms relief is located in a niche on the facade of the Laimgrubenkirche .

Web links

Commons : Public art in Mariahilf  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  • Federal Monuments Office (editor): Dehio Vienna. II. To IX. and XX. District. Verlag Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-7031-0680-8 . (quoted: Dehio)

Individual evidence

  1. Einsteinhof residential complex. Wiener Wohnen , accessed on May 19, 2015 .
  2. Dehio p. 249
  3. The Naschmarkt (website accessed May 23, 2013)
  4. Felix Czeike (Ed.): Haydndenkmal. In:  Historisches Lexikon Wien . Volume 3, Kremayr & Scheriau, Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-218-00545-0 , p. 101 ( digitized version )., Prague Art Exhibition 1887. In:  Mondays-Revue from Böhmen. Weekly for politics, economics, art and literature / Monday newspaper (Monday revue) from Böhmen / Monday newspaper from Böhmen , supplement z. MR. a. B. No. 23, June 6, 1887, p. 3 (left column, penultimate paragraph) (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / mbb
  5. Dehio p. 242