List of nature reserves in the Alba County

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The list of nature reserves in Alba County includes the nature reserves of national importance in Alba County in Romania . These were established by law number 5 of March 6, 2000 and court order number 2.151 of November 30, 2004.

Nature reserve Locality, district IUCN category Type of biotope, species protection area Area
Hoanca Urzicarului Roșia Montană III Speleological reserve 1
Bulzul Gălzii Galda de Jos IV Geological reserve 3
Albacului Gorge Albac IV Geological reserve 35
Cibului gorge Almașu Mare IV Geological reserve 15th
Glodului Gorge Almașu Mare IV Geological reserve 20th
Ordâncușei gorge Gârda de Sus IV Geological reserve 10
Ampoița limestones Ampoița IV Plant protection and geological reserve 10 Limestones from Ampoița
Piatra Corbului limestones Tauți IV Geological reserve 0.10
Valea Mică limestones Valea Mica IV Geological reserve 1
Vârciorog waterfall Arieșeni IV Geological reserve and landscape protection 5
Caprei gorge Feneș IV Plant protection and geological reserve 15th
Geogelului gorge Ponor IV Geological reserve 5
Piatra Bălții Gorge Cheia IV Geological reserve 2
Plaiului Gorge Livezile IV Geological reserve 2
Pravului gorge Cheia IV Geological reserve 3
Siloșului gorge Colțeşti IV Geological reserve 3
Tecşeştilor gorge Întregalde IV Geological reserve and landscape protection 5
Ampoiței gorge Lunca Ampoiței IV Nature and landscape protection 15th
Găldiței and Turcului gorges Întregalde IV Nature and landscape protection 80
Gălzii Gorge Galda de Jos IV Nature and landscape protection 3
Gârdișoarei gorge Arieșeni IV Nature and landscape protection 15th
Întregalde gorge Modolești IV Nature and landscape protection 25th
Mănăstirii Gorge Stremț Râmeț IV Nature and landscape protection 150
Pociovaliştei gorge Runc IV Nature and landscape protection 25th
Poșăgii Gorge Poșaga de Jos IV Nature and landscape protection 10
Râmețului Gorge Valea Mănăstirii IV Nature and landscape protection 40 Râmețului Gorge
Runcului Gorge Ocoliș IV Nature and landscape protection 20th
Văii-Cetii Gorge Cetea IV Nature and landscape protection 10
Vălișoarei gorge Livezile IV Plant protection and geological reserve 20th Vălișoarei gorge
Detunata Goala Bucium IV Plant protection and geological reserve 24 Detunata Goala
Detunata Flocoasa Bucium IV Plant protection and geological reserve 5 Detunata Flocoasa
Ighiel lake Ighiu IV Nature and landscape protection 20th
Șurianul lake Cugir IV Nature and landscape protection 20th
Cotețul Dobreştilor spring Gârda de Sus IV Geological reserve 0.20
Mătişeşti source Mătişeşti III Nature and landscape protection 1
Tăuzului source Hodobana , Arieșeni III Geological reserve 1
Vidolm larch forest Vidolm IV Plant protection 44.20
Masa Jidovului Tau bistra III Geological reserve and landscape protection 0.20
Molhașurile Căpățânei Bistra IV Plant protection 5
Oul Arșiței Tonea III Geological reserve and landscape protection 0.20
Sloboda forest Aiud IV Plant protection 20th
Daffodil Meadow Negrileasa Bucium IV Plant protection 5
Daffodil meadow Tecşeşti Tecşeşti IV Plant protection 2
Piatra Boului Ampoița III Geological reserve 0.60 Piatra Boului
Piatra Grohotișului Ighiel IV Geological reserve 5
Piatra Poienii Ighiel IV Geological reserve 1
Piatra Bulbuci Feneș IV Geological and geomorphological reserve 3
Piatra Cetii Întregalde IV Geological reserve and landscape protection 75
Piatra Corbului (Roșia Montană) Roșia Montană III Nature and landscape protection 5
Piatra Despicată Roșia Montană III Geological reserve 0.20
Piatra Varului Meteș III Geological reserve 1 Piatra Varului
Bobii Bach Gârbova de Sus IV Paleontological reserve 1.50
Huda Papară Cave Sub Piatra IV Speleological reserve 4.50
Coiba Mare cave Casa de Piatra IV Speleological reserve 0.50 Coiba Mare cave
Scărișoara cave Gârda de Sus IV Speleological reserve 1 Scărișoara cave
Poarta Zmeilor Cave Sălciua IV Speleological reserve 0.80
Vârtop Ice Cave Casa de Piatra IV Speleological reserve 1 Vârtop Ice Cave
Râpa Roșie Sebeș III Geological reserve and plant protection 25th Râpa Roşie
Scărița-Belioara Poșaga de Sus IV Geological reserve and plant protection 47.70
Grunzii rock Tau bistra III Geological reserve 0.20
Băgău swamp Lopadea Noua IV Nature and landscape protection 7.40
Ponorului hunting grounds Ponor
IV Nature and landscape protection 5

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Protected Areas of National Importance in Romania , Law No. 5 of March 6, 2000
  2. Nature reserves in Romania ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 474 kB), court order number 2.151 of November 30, 2004 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /