List of Presidents of Venezuela

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This page is an overview of the Presidents of Venezuela .

Carlos Soublette , President from 1837 to 1839 and from 1843 to 1847 ( Martín Tovar y Tovar , 1874)
president Term of office
José Antonio Páez 1830-1835
Andrés Narvarte Pimentel 1835
José María Vargas Ponce 1835
Santiago Mariño Carige 1835
José María Carreño Blanco 1835
José María Vargas 1835-1836
Andrés Narvarte Pimentel 1836-1837
José María Carreño Blanco 1837
Carlos soublette 1837-1839
José Antonio Páez 1839-1843
Santos Michelena 1843
Carlos soublette 1843-1847
Diego Bautista Urbaneja 1847
José Tadeo Monagas 1847-1851
José Gregorio Monagas 1851-1855
José Tadeo Monagas 1855-1858
Pedro Gual 1858
Julián Castro Contreras 1858-1859
Pedro Gual 1859
Manuel Felipe de Tovar 1859-1861
Pedro Gual 1861
José Antonio Páez 1861-1863
Juan Crisóstomo Falcón 1863-1868
Manuel Ezequiel Bruzual 1868
Guillermo Tell Villegas 1868
José Ruperto Monagas 1868-1870
Guillermo Tell Villegas 1870
Antonio Guzman Blanco 1870-1877
Francisco de Paula Linares Alcántara 1877-1878
José Gregorio Varela Linares 1878
Antonio Guzman Blanco 1879-1884
Joaquín Crespo Torres 1884-1886
Antonio Guzman Blanco 1886-1888
Hermógenes López 1888
Juan Pablo Rojas Paúl 1888-1890
Raimundo Andueza Palacio 1890-1892
Guillermo Tell Villegas 1892
Joaquín Crespo 1892-1898
Ignacio Andrade 1898-1899
Cipriano Castro 1899-1908
Juan Vicente Gomez 1908-1914
Victorino Marquez bustillos 1914-1915
Juan Vicente Gomez 1915-1929
Juan Bautista Pérez 1929-1931
Juan Vicente Gomez 1931-1935
Eleazar López Contreras 1935-1941
Isaías Medina Angarita 1941-1945
Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello 1945-1948
Rómulo Angel del Monte Carmelo Gallegos 1948
Carlos Delgado Chalbaud 1948-1950
Germán Suárez Flamerich 1950-1952
Marcos Pérez Jiménez 1952-1958
Wolfgang Larrazábal 1958
Edgar Sanabria 1958-1959
Rómulo Betancourt 1959-1964
Raúl Leoni Otero 1964-1969
Rafael Caldera 1969-1974
Carlos Andrés Pérez 1974-1979
Luís Herrera Campíns 1979-1984
Jaime Lusinchi 1984-1989
Carlos Andrés Pérez 1989-1993
( Octavio Lepage ) 1993
Ramón José Velásquez 1993-1994
Rafael Caldera 1994-1999
Hugo Chavez 1999-2002
( Pedro Carmona Estanga ) 2002
( Diosdado Cabello ) 2002
Hugo Chavez 2002-2013
Nicolas Maduro since 2013 (controversial)
Juan Guaidó since 2019 (controversial)

See also


  1. On May 21, 1993, Carlos Andres Pérez was deposed by Congress after he was accused of corruption by the Justice Minister. The President of Parliament Octavio Lepage took office until Ramón J. Velásquez was elected President by Congress on June 4, 1993.
  2. a b On April 11, 2002, a coup attempted to install Pedro Carmona Estanga as president. In the morning hours of April 13, the attempted coup was repulsed with the help of military officials loyal to Chavez and mass gatherings of the population, and Chavez took over office again. In the meantime, Vice President Diosdado Cabello had acted as interim president.
  3. Maduro sworn in as interim president. In: ARD, March 9, 2013, archived from the original on March 12, 2013 ; accessed on July 27, 2019 (original website no longer available).
  4. a b A large number of the international community do not recognize the election of Maduro in 2018, but instead support the President of the National Assembly Guaidó as interim president.