List of cities in the Solomon Islands

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This is a list of cities in the Solomon Islands .

The following table shows the cities with more than 200 inhabitants, the results of the census of November 23, 1986, November 21, 1999 and November 23, 2009, and the province to which the city belongs. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburbs.

Cities in the Solomon Islands
rank city Residents province
1986 census 1999 census 2009 census
1. Honiara 30,413 49.107 64,609 Guadalcanal
2. Tandai k. A. k. A. 10,837 Guadalcanal
3. Auki 3,262 4.022 5.105 Malaita
4th Malango k. A. k. A. 4,636 Guadalcanal
5. Gizo k. A. 2,960 3,547 Western film
6th Noro k. A. 3,482 3,365 Western film
7th Munda k. A. k. A. 2,843 Western film
8th. Kirakira 2,600 979 2,074 Makira and Ulawa
9. Lata k. A. k. A. 1,982 Temotu
10. Tulagi 1,622 1,333 1,251 Central
11. Buala k. A. k. A. 971 Isabel
12. Taro Island k. A. 440 810 Choiseul
13. Tigoa k. A. k. A. 569 Rennell and Bellona

See also

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