List of cities in Vladimir Oblast

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This is a list of cities and settlements of urban type in the Russian Vladimir Oblast .

The table below shows the cities and urban settlements of the Oblast, their Russian names, the administrative units to which they belong ( Rajon or urban district ), their population as of October 14, 2010, their coats of arms and geographical coordinates. There are 23 cities (including one “closed” / SATO) and 9 urban-type settlements in the oblast .

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap
City * / City settlement Russian Administrative unit Residents coat of arms location
Alexandrov * Александров Alexandrov 61,551 Aleksandrov COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 56 ° 24 '  N , 38 ° 43'  E
Balakirevo Балакирево Alexandrov 10,076   56 ° 30 '  N , 38 ° 51'  E
Gorokhovets * Гороховец Gorokhovets 14,016 Gorokhovets COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 56 ° 12 '  N , 42 ° 42'  E
Gorodishchi Городищи Petushki 5,628   55 ° 52 '  N , 39 ° 5'  E
Gus-Chrustalny * Гусь-Хрустальный Urban district 60,784 Coat of Arms of Gus-Khrustalny (Vladimir oblast) .png 55 ° 37 '  N , 40 ° 39'  E
Gussewski Гусевский Gussewski 3.134   55 ° 40 '  N , 40 ° 34'  E
Yuryev-Polski * Юрьев-Польский Yuryev-Polski 19,595 Yuryev-Polskiy COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 56 ° 30 '  N , 39 ° 41'  E
Kameshkovo * Камешково Kameshkovo 13,103 Coat of Arms of Kameshkovo (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 21 '  N , 41 ° 0'  E
Karabanovo * Карабаново Alexandrov 14,868   56 ° 19 '  N , 38 ° 42'  E
Cherry match * Киржач Cherry match 29,965 Kirzhach COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 56 ° 9 '  N , 38 ° 52'  E
Kolchugino * Кольчугино Kolchugino 45,776 Coat of Arms of Kolchugino (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 18 '  N , 39 ° 23'  E
Kosterjowo * Костерево Petushki 9,073 Coat of Arms of Kosteryovo.jpg 55 ° 56 '  N , 39 ° 37'  E
Kovrov * Ковров Urban district 145.214 Coat of Arms of Kovrov (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 21 '  N , 41 ° 19'  E
Krasnaya Gorbatka Красная Горбатка Krasnaya Gorbatka 8,885   55 ° 52 '  N , 41 ° 46'  E
Kurlowo * Курлово Gus-Khrustalny 6,764   55 ° 27 '  N , 40 ° 37'  E
Lakinsk * Лакинск Sobinka 15,715 Coat of Arms of Lakinsk (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 1 '  N , 39 ° 57'  E
Melechowo Мелехово Kovrov 7,039   56 ° 17 '  N , 41 ° 18'  E
Melenki * Меленки Melenki 15.206 Melenki COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 55 ° 20 '  N , 41 ° 38'  E
Mstjora Мстера Vyazniki 4,859   56 ° 22 '  N , 41 ° 55'  E
Murom * Муром Urban district 116.075 Murom COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 55 ° 34 '  N , 42 ° 1'  E
Nikologory Никологоры Vyazniki 5,486   56 ° 8 '  N , 41 ° 59'  E
Petushki * Петушки Petushki 15,148 Coat of Arms of Petushki (Vladimir oblast) .png 55 ° 56 '  N , 39 ° 28'  E
Pokrov * Покров Petushki 17,756 Pokrov COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 55 ° 55 '  N , 39 ° 11'  E
Raduschny * Радужный City District ( SATO ) 18,211 Coat of Arms of Raduzhny (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 0 '  N , 40 ° 20'  E
Sobinka * Собинка Sobinka 19,482   55 ° 59 '  N , 40 ° 1'  E
Stavrovo Ставрово Sobinka 7,800   56 ° 8 '  N , 40 ° 1'  E
Strunino * Струнино Alexandrov 14,369   56 ° 23 '  N , 38 ° 35'  E
Sudogda * Судогда Sudogda 11,848 Sudogda COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 55 ° 57 '  N , 40 ° 52'  E
Suzdal * Суздаль Suzdal 10,535 Coat of Arms of Suzdal (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 26 '  N , 40 ° 26'  E
Vyazniki * Вязники Vyazniki 41,248 Vyazniki COA (Vladimir Governorate) (1781) .png 56 ° 14 '  N , 42 ° 10'  E
Vladimir * Владимир Urban district 345,373 Coat of Arms of Vladimir (Vladimir oblast) .png 56 ° 8 '  N , 40 ° 25'  E
Volginsky Вольгинский Volginsky 6,089   55 ° 57 '  N , 39 ° 15'  E


  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)