List of left-wing socialist newspapers and magazines in West Germany

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The list on the left socialist newspapers and magazines in West Germany includes the links socialism associated periodicals from the West German countries , which before reunification (even later and in a few cases) published.

According to their immanent logic, left socialist formations are located beyond social democratic and communist movements, but historically they are mostly positioned between the two main currents or on their fringes. Mostly left socialism was a separation from the social democratic milieu, but dissident left communism is its mirror image detachment from the communist world movement. For this reason, periodicals with a Trotskyist and Titoist character were added to the list.

Period Surname people Frequency of publication Edition
1947-1955 New start Editor :
Alfred Weiland
Willy Huhn
Monthly until 1950,
then irregularly
about 500
since 1948 Labor Policy (Arpo) Editor:
Policy Group Authors (selection):
Theodor Bergmann
Heinrich Brandler
four to six issues per year
(as of 2018)
1949-1954 Pros and cons Editor:
Otto Schlömer
Authors (selection):
Willy Huhn
Henry Jacoby
Leo Kofler
Ernest Mandel
sometimes bi-weekly
1951-1952 Free grandstand Party newspaper of the Independent Workers' Party of Germany weekly 10,000 distributed for free
1950-1959 Spark Editor:
Erna Blomeyer
Fritz Opel
Fritz Lamm
per month 1,500
1954-1966 Socialist Politics (SoPo) Authors (selection):
Wolfgang Abendroth
Willy Boepple
Erich Gerlach
Georg Jungclas
Ernest Mandel
Jakob Moneta
Peter von Oertzen
Theo Pirker
Jürgen Seifert
1955-1969 The Other Newspaper (AZ) Editor-in-chief:
Gerhard Gleißberg
Rudolf Gottschalk
weekly between 18,000 and 80,000
1955-1969 WISO Editor:
Viktor Agartz
1960-1970 new review Editor:
Wolfgang Abendroth
Hans-Jürgen Krahl
Herbert Lederer
Klaus Meschkat
Oskar Negt
Bernd Rabehl
Helmut Schauer
Klaus Vack
Frank Wolff
Karl Dietrich Wolff
usually every two months
1961-1969 socialist notebooks Editor:
Albert Berg
on behalf of the board of the Association of Independent Socialists
per month
1967-1979 Berlin extra service Editor:
Walter Barthel
Martin Buchholz
Carl L. Guggomos
Hannes Schwenger
two times a week 4,000 subscribers (1969)
1968-1979 what to do from May 1970 official organ of the International Marxists Group (GIM) monthly (until 1974)
fortnightly (May 1974 to March 1976, May 1979 to 1986)
weekly (March 1976 to May 1979)
2,200 (1982)
9,000 (1974)
1969-1997 Left Editor:
Socialist Office
Authors (selection):
Elmar grandfather
Micha Brumlik
Andreas Buro
Detlev Claussen
Frank Deppe
Dan Diner
Joachim Hirsch
Arno Klönne
Wolf-Dieter Narr
from July / August 1994 every two months
about 8,000 (1969)
over 12,000 (1974)
under 6,000 (1984)
1972-1977 The long march Editor:
CR Lamsche
Authors (selection):
Wolf Biermann
Heinz Brandt
Peter Brückner
Rudi Dutschke
Erich Fried
Wolf-Dieter Narr
Theo Pirker
Otto Schily
Günter Wallraff
Peter-Paul Zahl
irregular 4,000
since 1972 Express - newspaper for socialist company and trade union work Editor:
Socialist Office (until 1997)
Authors (selection):
Rainer Erd
Heiner Halberstadt
Walther Müller-Jentsch
Eberhard Schmidt
Edgar Weick
ten times a year 4,000 subscribers (1969)
since 1972 socialism Editor:
Heinz Bierbaum
Joachim Bischoff
Klaus Bullan
Frank Deppe
Otto Koenig
Sybille Stamm
Michael Wendl
per month 2,500
1978-1982 The new Editor:
Walter Barthel
Carl Guggomos
Authors (selection):
Martin Buchholz
Horst Tomayer
from the beginning of 1982 weekly
since 1986 SoZ - Socialist Newspaper until 2000 party newspaper of the United Socialist Party bi-weekly
from the beginning of 2001 monthly

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Jünke (Ed.), Left Socialism in Germany. Beyond social democracy and communism? Hamburg 2010, Conceptual, historical and current information on the introduction , p. 10.
  2. ^ The Extra-Dienst emerged from the Berliner Extra-Blatt , a weekly newspaper that appeared in 1967 in 14 issues.
  3. A magazine of the same name had already appeared in the 1950s with the subtitle “Zeitschrift der Jungsozialisten Hessen-Süd”, and for a few years also with the subtitle “Journal of the Socialist German Student Union” for part of its edition (“C edition”). See: Tilman Fichter , SDS and SPD. Partiality beyond the party . Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1988, ISBN 978-3-531-11882-6 , p. 132 ff.
  4. A follow-up publication with 17 editions appeared by 1980, it was entitled New Long March .