Wolf-Dieter fool

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Wolf-Dieter Narr (born March  13, 1937 in Schwenningen am Neckar ; † October 12, 2019 in Berlin ) was a German political scientist .


From 1957 to 1962 Wolf-Dieter Narr studied in Würzburg, Tübingen and Erlangen. His doctorate and habilitation in 1969 took place in Konstanz. He was a fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and taught from 1971 to 2002 as professor for empirical theory of politics at the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI) at the Free University of Berlin . In 1985, Narr and Peter Grottian renounced a third of his professorship in order to make a professorship for women's studies possible.

His publications deal with human rights , globalization and democracy . In addition, he emphasized his basic convictions with political actions. Narr was a co-founder and co-speaker of the Committee on Fundamental Rights and Democracy and a member of the Attac Scientific Advisory Board .

Narr was a founding editor of Leviathan magazine , which first appeared in 1973.

Political activity

Wolf-Dieter Narr took part in the student congress against nuclear armament in January 1959 . In 1968 he co-founded the Federal Assistant Conference , a driving force behind the later university reform. In 1969 Narr resigned from the SPD in protest against the grand coalition . In 1971 he founded the Iran Committee with Heinrich Albertz and Helmut Gollwitzer, among others .

In the mid-1970s, a small group worked under his leadership at the Free University of Berlin on the subject of politics / internal security. Initially it was called AG Bürgerrechte, later a non-profit association with the name Institute for Civil Rights & Public Security e. V. founded. The institute or association publishes a periodical, the magazine Bürgerrechte & Polizei / CILIP , for which Wolf-Dieter Narr was co-editor.

In 1978 Narr was a member of the German Advisory Council at the 3rd Russell Tribunal on the human rights situation in the Federal Republic. Together with Uwe Wesel and Vladimir Dedijer , he was one of the main initiators of this tribunal, from whose supporter movement the Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy emerged two years later , whose spokesperson Narr temporarily held. He was also a co-organizer of the Foucault Tribunal on the State of Psychiatry , which took place in Berlin in 1998 and was named after Michel Foucault .

Most recently, Narr was involved in refugee policy. For example, he lived in the Bramsche refugee camp for two days. Since 2002 he has also published in the newspaper Graswurzelrevolution u. a. about the anarchists Pyotr Kropotkin , Johannes Agnoli and Albert Camus .

For over twenty years, Narr suffered from an illness that increasingly restricted his ability to move and voice. He died on October 12, 2019 at the age of 82 in Berlin. The funeral took place on October 22, 2019 in the St.-Annen-Kirchhof in Berlin-Dahlem .


  • 2001: Fritz Bauer Prize of the Humanist Union, together with other first signatories who on April 21, 1999 in the taz the “Appeal to all soldiers of the Bundeswehr who are involved in the war in Yugoslavia: Refuse your further participation in this war ! ”Had signed.



Fonts (selection)

  • CDU-SPD. Program and practice since 1945. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart [u. a.] 1966.
  • Theory terms and systems theory (= introduction to modern political theory. Volume 1). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart [a. a.] 1969.
  • Pluralistic society. Lower Saxony State Center for Political Education, 1969.
  • with Frieder Naschold : Theory of Democracy (= Introduction to Modern Political Theory. Volume 3). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart [a. a.] 1971.
  • with Uwe Wesel : state examination, science and pluralism. On the relationship between state and university. Comments and suggestions on the occasion of the School Senator's plans for the amendment of the Teacher Training Act. Press and Information Office of the Free University of Berlin, 1972
  • with Claus Offe (ed.): Welfare state and mass loyalty. Kiepenheuer and Witsch, Cologne 1975, ISBN 3-462-01059-X .
  • (Ed.): Politics and Economics. Autonomous action options of the political system. Conference of the German Association for Political Sciences in Hamburg, autumn 1973. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1975, ISBN 3-531-11295-3 .
  • with Hermann Scheer & Dieter Spöri : SPD, state party or reform party? Piper, Munich 1976, ISBN 3-492-00425-3 .
  • (Ed.): We citizens as a security risk. Professional ban and eavesdropping. Contributions to the constitution of our republic. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1977, ISBN 3-499-14181-7
  • with Wilhelm F. Schräder (Hrsg.): Models for the organization of communal and regional health planning in the Federal Republic of Germany. TU Berlin, 1977, ISBN 3-7983-0603-6 .
  • (Ed.): On the way to the one-party state. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1977, ISBN 3-531-11366-6 .
  • with Dietrich Thränhardt (Ed.): The Federal Republic of Germany. Origin, development, structure. Athenaeum, Königstein 1979, ISBN 3-445-01845-6 ; ibid. 1984, ISBN 3-7610-7250-3 .
  • with Andreas Buro & Klaus Vack : 100 theses on peace and human rights. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1984, ISBN 3-88906-012-9 .
  • with Klaus Vack: May 8, 1945 - May 8, 1985 - Menetekel or Chance? A contribution to orientation. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1985, ISBN 3-88906-014-5 .
  • with Heiner Busch, Albrecht Funk, Udo Kauß & Falco Werkentin : The Police in the Federal Republic. Campus, Frankfurt / New York 1985, ISBN 3-593-33413-5 .
  • Against the complete destruction of the university. A call to their renewal and revival. AStA FU Berlin (university department), 1987, ISBN 3-926522-01-1 ; 2. rework. Edition ibid. 2000, ISBN 3-926522-12-7 ( author's preliminary note on the second edition; PDF ).
  • with Klaus Vack (Ed.): Constitution. 61 texts. A reading book for the citizen. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1991, ISBN 3-88906-044-7 .
  • with Klaus Vack: Arguable pacifism! Peace policy and peace movement after the Gulf War. A contribution to orientation. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1991, ISBN 3-88906-041-2 .
  • Refugees, asylum seekers, the Federal Republic of Germany and us. Theses on an almost unsolvable problem that demands solutions every day. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1991, ISBN 3-88906-040-4 .
  • with Stephan Flade: The German past and us. A human rights perspective. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Sensbachtal 1992, ISBN 3-88906-046-3 .
  • with Alexander Schubert : World Economy. The misery of politics. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1994, ISBN 3-518-11892-7 .
  • Future of the welfare state - as the future of an illusion? AG-SPAK, Neu-Ulm 1999, ISBN 3-930830-10-8 .
  • with Joachim Stary (ed.): Lust and burden of scientific writing. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1999, ISBN 3-518-29037-1 .
  • with Roland Roth & Klaus Vack: A pacifist-human rights polemic. Against martial human rights. Example: Kosovo 1999 - NATO war against Yugoslavia. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-88906-085-4 .
  • with Roland Roth & Klaus Vack: Political corruption, corrupt politics using the example: “System Kohl”. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-88906-088-9 .
  • with Elke Steven: Journey to the end of democracy. Experience from the demonstration observations during the Castor transport in November 2003. Supplemented by the observations during the protests of the wagon castles in Hamburg in April 2004 - around May 1st, 2004 in Berlin. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-88906-109-5 .
  • Subsequent preventive detention or how the freedom and integrity of the citizens are preventively and preemptively secured to death. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-88906-110-9 .
  • with Heiner Busch and Elke Steven: The European Constitution of Neoliberalism. For a democratic European constitutional movement. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-88906-108-7 .
  • Scream when you can, even without an echo. The ongoing current scandal of psychiatric violence in the mask . In: ZWANG. Journal of the International Association Against Psychiatric Assault. No. 2, September 2004
  • with Elke Steven: Right to demonstrate. For the political and police handling of a "disruptive" basic right. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2005, ISBN 3-88906-117-6 .
  • Against anti-terrorism that is blind to human rights. Consequences of human dignity and freedom. To the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in matters of (air) security. Citizen information. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2006, ISBN 3-88906-122-2 .
  • From the duty to peace and the freedom to disobey. Information for all citizens with and without uniform. On the occasion of the decision of the Federal Administrative Court, 2nd Military Service Senate, of June 21, 2005. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2006, ISBN 3-88906-120-6 .
  • with Elke Steven: The great health promise - and its deception. Information to all citizens, professionally white or dressed everyday, via the electronic health card. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2006, ISBN 3-88906-123-0 .
  • with Elke Steven: Violent politics and the G8 summit. Demonstration observations from 2. – 8. June 2007 around Heiligendamm. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2007, ISBN 978-3-88906-125-6 .
  • with Peter Kammerer & Ekkehart Krippendorff : Franz von Assisi - contemporary for a different policy. Patmos, Düsseldorf 2008, ISBN 978-3-491-72520-1 .
  • with Dirk Vogelskamp: The murder in Dessau in the lap of the police - with judicial reenactments [or: why Oury Jalloh from Sierra Leone was burned in police custody on January 7, 2005. Presentation, analysis, consequences of unstoppable criminal proceedings after the 2nd stage]. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-88906-133-1 .
  • with Dirk Vogelskamp: The subsistence level as determined by the ruling property owners. Hartz IV, the Federal Constitutional Court and the established federal German policy. Information for all citizens. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-88906-132-4 .
  • How does the room echo come about? In: raumnachrichten.de. 2010.
  • with Dirk Vogelskamp: Nevertheless: human rights! Attempt to explain human rights to ourselves and others according to National Socialist inhumanity. Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy, Cologne 2012, ISBN 978-3-88906-137-9 .
  • No man's rule. An introduction to the difficulty of understanding domination. Edited by Uta von Winterfeld. VSA, Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-89965-600-8 .
  • Radical criticism and emancipatory practice. Selected writings commented by companions , Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster 2017, ISBN 978-3-89691-298-5 .


Conversations and interviews

  • “The anarchist conception takes the other person seriously.” A conversation with the political scientist Wolf-Dieter Narr. In: Bernd Drücke (Ed.): Anarchism Hoch 2. Social movement, utopia, reality, future. Karin Kramer Verlag, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-87956-375-3 , pp. 160-172
  • Eva Weikert: "The camp is the enclosed desolation". Interview, in: the daily newspaper , May 3, 2006, online

Laudations and obituaries

Web links


  1. ^ Members of the scientific advisory board. In: Attac. Retrieved July 13, 2018 .
  2. ^ CILIP Institute and Journal: About Us
  3. ^ Foucault Tribunal: The Foucault Tribunal on the state of psychiatry
  4. About Peter Kropotkin. In: Grassroots Revolution. 2003, No. 280, p. 16/17 and No. 281, p. 18/19
  5. ^ Wolf-Dieter Narr: Johannes Agnoli. The rare combination, but necessary for all emancipation: communist and anarchist in one person (and its program practice) . In: Grassroots Revolution. No. 281, summer 2003
  6. ^ The topicality of the anarchist struggle. Albert Camus died 50 years ago. It makes you want to deal with it: “I revolt, so we are.” Book cover text: Peter Kammerer, Ekkehart Krippendorff & Wolf-Dieter Narr: Franz von Assisi - contemporary for a different policy. Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf 2008
  7. Götz Aly : Wolf-Dieter Narr on his 80th birthday on berliner-zeitung.de, accessed on March 16, 2017
  8. ↑ Obituary notice . In: Der Tagesspiegel , October 2019. Retrieved on November 3, 2019.
  9. http://www.humanistische-union.de/?id=682
  10. Journal Antimilitarismus-Information : Refuse your further participation in this war! (PDF; 76 kB)