List of jazz musicians
Abbr. | instrument |
acc | accordion |
acl | Alto clarinet |
afl | Alto flute |
arr | arrangement |
as | Alto saxophone |
b | bass |
bar | Baritone saxophone |
bbs | Tuba (brass bass) |
bcl | Bass clarinet |
bjo | banjo |
bl | Band leader |
bo | Bongos |
bs | Bass saxophone |
cl | clarinet |
clo | cello |
comp | composer |
cond | conductor |
cor | cornet |
dr | Drums |
eh | English horn |
elec | electronics |
ep | Electric piano |
fg | bassoon |
fl | flute |
flh | Flugelhorn |
early | French horn |
gisy | Guitar synthesizer |
git | guitar |
gl | Carillon |
har | harmonica |
harp | harp |
kb | double bass |
keyb | Keyboard |
lyra | Lyre |
mando | mandolin |
mar | Marimba |
obo | oboe |
org | organ |
p | piano |
perc | percussion |
picb | Piccolo bass |
pictp | Piccolo trumpet |
reeds | Woodwind instruments |
sax | saxophone |
ss | Soprano saxophone |
syn | synthesizer |
tb | tuba |
th | Tenor horn |
tp | Trumpet |
cloudy | trombone |
ts | Tenor saxophone |
dd | Turntables |
vib | Vibraphone |
viola | viola |
from left | violin |
voc | singing |
See also
- List of jazz musicians by era and instrument
- List of female jazz and improvisation musicians
- List of jazz musicians in Germany , List of jazz musicians in Austria , List of jazz musicians in Switzerland
- Jazz musician (table)
- Category: Jazz Musicians , Category: Jazz Singer , Category: Jazz Pianist
- List of name variants of jazz musicians
- Jazz-Nekrolog 2000 ↔ Jazz-Nekrolog 2017
Web links
Commons : Jazz Musicians - Collection of images, videos and audio files