Lucas Andreas Staudinger

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Lucas Andreas Staudinger (born January 27, 1770 in Ansbach ; † November 30, 1842 in Groß Flottbek near Hamburg ) was a German agriculture teacher. In 1797 he founded the first agricultural teaching and education institute in Germany on a leasehold in Groß Flottbek.


Staudinger - son of a farm laborer - grew up as a shepherd boy with his grandparents in Franconia. At the age of nineteen he got a job as a secretary for the Swabian poet Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart . Here he acquired a comprehensive literary education. After his death in 1791 he followed the Swiss agricultural educator Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg to Zurich. On the recommendation of the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock , whom Staudinger admired , he came to the Hamburg merchant Caspar Voght in 1792 , who was looking for an assistant to build a library for his new house. After a short break as a teacher in the house of the Altona doctor Johann August Unzer , Staudinger took over the administration of the Voght company in 1793.

Influenced by the educational ideas of the Swiss agricultural educator Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg, Staudinger tried to found an agricultural school and in 1796 published a paper entitled “Draft for an agricultural educational institute”. With financial support from Caspar Voght, he set up an agricultural teaching and educational institution on his leasehold in Groß Flottbek in 1797 , the first of its kind in Germany. Staudinger taught in agriculture, the pharmacist Johann Gottfried Schmeisser in chemistry, taking into account the peculiarities of agriculture, a Mr. Wolters in physics and the Austrian physician Johann Gottlieb Wolstein gave lectures on pets. The Scottish gardener James Booth gave lectures on fruit and vegetable growing. The apprenticeship period was set for three years. The only few pupils each lived on his farm as a boarding school. His most important student was Johann Heinrich von Thünen , who stayed in Groß-Flottbek from 1802 to 1804. After economic failures, the institution was closed in 1812.

In 1802 he was given the task of calculating taxes for farms and fields in the Pinneberg domain . In 1810 he became commander in chief of a coastal militia to protect against incursions by the British. With his sense of law and justice, he supported lenders in the " Ahlefeldt-Lauvrigschen debt matter ". Many years later he stood up for the rights of the residents of Billwerder , who had to give up land as a result of developments for railways and land routes.

Towards the end of his life he got into a dispute with the director of the Hamburg Botanical Garden, Johann Georg Christian Lehmann . It was about a written work on the subject of pest control " Eradication of Duwock ", which Lehmann had advertised . The work from 1830 was considered practically worthless by the technical director of the botanical garden, Johann Heinrich Ohlendorff and Staudinger. By chance, Staudinger was forced to take another stand in 1839 and indirectly accused Lehmann of having written the paper. Lehmann responded with a complaint.

Lucas Andreas Staudinger was married to Anna Catharina Schadendorff (1770–1846). The son Caspar Wilhelm Dietrich Staudinger (1811–1879) emerged from this marriage

In 1921 the community of Groß Flottbek remembered Staudinger with two emergency money notes . One was dedicated to the First Agricultural Winter School and carried the texts: "Söbenteinhundred söben un negentig hett Staudinger here sin School herset" and "Klookheit is ok Burn wat worth" '. The second emergency note was reminiscent of Staudinger's encounter with the poet Klopstock.


  • Draft for an agricultural education institute . Hamburg 1796
  • Friendly response to the assessment of the draft for an agricultural education institute . In: New Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg Provincial Reports . Year 1797, fourth issue, p. 386 ff.
  • Message from the agricultural college in Grossenflottbek . In: New Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg Provincial Reports . Year 1798, third issue, p. 194 ff.
  • About the concept of the sucking seeds . In: Friedrich Carl Gustav Gericke : Oekonomische Hefte or collection of news, experiences and observations for the Land- und Stadtwirth, Volume 30, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig 1808, p. 567 ff., Digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A10295819~SZ%3D581~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D
  • Literature reports: Collection of agricultural writings from Baron von Voght, Hamburg 1825 with Friedrich Perthes . In: GP Petersen (Ed.): Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Provinzialberichte : a journal for church and state for the year 1826, Busch, Altona o. J., p. 258 ff. (Review)
  • Gathered practical experience and observations in the field of agriculture as well as in the field of agricultural education . 2 booklets, Hamburg 1840 u. 1842
  • Professor Lehmann and Duwock (Equisetum palustre) or the second part of the commentary as a result of the Lehmann letter to the Hamburg Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Useful Trades. Meyer, Hamburg 1841, StuBHH
  • About the relocation of the Hamburg orphanage to the forest villages. In addition to a short report on the Altona orphanage, Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1842, digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DPw5eAAAAcAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA1~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D
  • About plowing with cows. A letter from Mr. Staudinger from Große Flotbeck to the Baron von Voght. In: Landwirthschaftliche Hefte , 6th issue, JF Hammerich, Altona 1822. P. 108–122.
  • 21. Agricultural remarks about the Billwärder Marschdistrict and the usual way of farming there. In: Negotiations and writings of the Hamburg Society for the Promotion of the Arts and Useful Trades , NF 1st vol., Negotiations from 1844, Nestler & Melle, Hamburg 1845, p. 102 ff.


  • Reinhard Schwarze: Lucas Andreas Staudinger - Groß Flottbeck's first man of letters . In: Our sheet Flottbek Othmarschen, special issue January 2013, 65th vol., Pp. 19-20, ( digitized (PDF) )
  • Reinhard Schwarze: Klopstock and Voght in the life of Lucas Andreas Staudinger . Tellow 2002. ISBN 3-9807805-2-X
  • Therese Frentz: Albrecht Daniel Thaer and Lucas Andreas Staudinger - founders of modern agricultural education. In: Series of publications by the support company Albrecht Daniel Thaer. H. 3, 1995, pp. 19-41
  • Reinhard Schwarze: Lucas Andreas Staudinger - Thuenen's teacher and friend. In: Hamburgische Geschichte- und Heimatblätter Vol. 13, H. 1, 1992, pp. 1–12, StuBHH
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Euler, Karl Staudinger: Lucas Andreas Staudinger, a Franconian in the north of Germany. In: Archiv für Kippenforschung , H. 83, Volume 47, 1981
  • Peter Vollrath: Agricultural advisory and educational system in Schleswig-Holstein in the period from 1750 to 1850. In: Society for Schleswig-Holstein History (Hrsg.): Sources and research on the history of Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 35.Wachholtz, Neumünster 1957
  • Hermann von Wenckstern : Three contemporaries of Thünens. Alexander von Lengerke - Lukas Andreas Staudinger - Caspar von Voght. In: Scientific journal of the University of Rostock, mathematical-natural science series. Jg. 4, 1954/55, pp. 323-348
  • Hermann Böhme: The first agricultural school in Germany. In: Behind plow and vice. Jg. 3, 1926/27, pp. 67-73 and 87-93
  • Carl Leisewitz:  Staudinger, Lucas Andreas . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 35, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1893, p. 513 f.
  • Hans Schröder : Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present , vol. 7, Hamburg, 1879, no. 3881, (including a detailed listing of publications)
  • JG Knauth: Personal note , in: August Emanuel Fürnrohr (ed.): Flora or botanical newspaper , New Series VII Jg., 2nd volume, XXXII. Vol. 2, Regensburg 1849, pp. 522-525. (Description of the dispute with Johann Georg Christian Lehmann .)
  • Hans Schröder : 300. Lucas Andreas Staudinger . In: New Nekrolog der Deutschen , 2. Part, 20. Jg. 1842, BF Voight, Weimar 1844, pp. 827-831, digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A10070882~SZ%3D193~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D
  • Wilhelm August Kramer: Lucas Andreas Staudinger: his life and work , Nestler & Melle, Hamburg 1845, digitized

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alois Seidl: 1. The trailblazers: Staudinger, Schönleutner, Albrecht
  2. ^ Wilhelm August Kramer: Lucas Andreas Staudinger: ... , p. 6
  3. ^ Duchy of Holstein. In: National-Zeitung der Teuschen , year 1797, September 28, 1797, pp. 831–832 digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3Dc35DAAAAcAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA831~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D
  4. Hans-Jörg Czech, Kerstin Petermann, Nicole Tiedemann-Bischop (eds.): Caspar Voght (1752–1839) - world citizens at the gates of Hamburg. Imhof, Petersberg 2014, p. 20
  5. The reason for the closure is presumed. Due to external circumstances such as the occupation of Hamburg by French troops, many Hamburgers had fled the city.
  6. ^ Wilhelm August Kramer: Lucas Andreas Staudinger: ... , p. 9
  7. ^ Wilhelm August Kramer: Lucas Andreas Staudinger: ... , p. 14
  8. ^ Wilhelm August Kramer: Lucas Andreas Staudinger: ... , p. 16

Web links

Wikisource: Flora or Botanical Newspaper  - Sources and full texts